Quirky / Comments

  • OhNo..It'sJes!

    OhNo..It'sJes! (100)

    United States
    Heyy thanks for the photo comment, sorry it took me so long to reply, i just havent been on in a while. how are you?
    July 7th, 2010 at 06:54am
  • ShallWeDance?

    ShallWeDance? (100)

    United States
    Ugh, my hands are cold. I hate when that happens...

    I wish my mom figured it out that I need computers to do homework and projects for school. But she doesn't grasp the concept. Her words exactly: "Why can't you go to the library?" Okay...the library here sucks. They have these massive computers that don't even work half the time and the books that are so old that you can barely read the print. Sigh.

    I just called my dad, he's demanding to read one of my stories. Which is weird. But it seems that I am going to visit him sometime this month. So that will be interesting.

    Salads are yummy when you add apples and kiwi to them. I had a peperoni sandwich today with toasted bread.C=

    That's cool. I have to make my dad a birthday card soon.

    This is why I hate writing long stories, you have to specify on everything. I'm seriously tempted to only make Forbidden to Fly only 10 chapters.
    July 7th, 2010 at 12:57am
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    It's funny how usually the people who tend to write long comments are the ones who have the better grammar. *stalks your Comments page*
    July 6th, 2010 at 11:12pm
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    Thanks. :) Not as complex and grand as yours, but it's something. Hah.
    July 6th, 2010 at 11:11pm
  • ZeroEnthusiasm

    ZeroEnthusiasm (100)

    United States
    Yeah, that's how small schools are(: And I love them because of that. Big schools suck because everyone just fights non-stop for some reason. Wow, that sucks. My school was going to cut choir and all that, but they never did.

    Haha thanks ^^ It's a true story though. I did it my freshman year, went back my sophomore year and won again. So my framed picture will have been in there for 2 years now(: hahaha yes I understand the difference, and your 5th grade teacher must of been a tard.

    Well the fact that your dad just has a flamethrower laying around is scary, but him chasing me with it just makes it worse.

    Strawberries are tasty, but my hair? Ehh, probably not. Annnd you sound like you're competing in a manly man competition(: It's where a group guys don't take a shower or anything, and whoever is the last one to take one wins(:

    haha Get a GPS? annnd Yeah, fruit stands are like one of the leading causes of child abductions in Mexico I think, so don't go there? But in the US they'd probably just sell you bad fruit and give you wrong directions.

    Aww that's really sad. All the times that I've been with my friends and they've done something to me, I've usually ended up hurt. >.<

    I actually still have DVDs of that show(: I will be sure to mail them to you so that you can watch them :D But I think my mom got me them when I was just about done with blue's clues because I think the guy in it is that Joe dude...and he's just gay.

    hahah that's great(: Annnd I asked her and it's awesome :D I told her about how I used the name Moe_Lester69 all the time on websites(:
    July 6th, 2010 at 10:34pm
  • ShallWeDance?

    ShallWeDance? (100)

    United States
    My mom doesn't even know how to use a computer, so she doesn't see the reason why I should get a replacement.

    Your dad seems way cooler than my mom.

    Dude, I had a salad today and I'm seriously regretting it. It wasn't yummy in the least bit. The first two bites were okay, then it got old rather quickly. I should have just ate cereal. Cereal is like amazing.

    Yeah, I'm not bad, but I'm not great at drawing. A lot of people like my drawings, but lately I just stare at a blank piece of paper. I haven't had much inspiration.

    There's an idea.

    Yeah, the next chapter is going to be about the mortal town. I haven't decided what era the story is set in. Any ideas?
    July 6th, 2010 at 01:20am
  • the apex predator;;

    the apex predator;; (150)

    United States
    No, it's definitely sexy. XD You're quite welcome.
    July 6th, 2010 at 12:57am
  • the apex predator;;

    the apex predator;; (150)

    United States
    Fuck. Your layout is freaking sexy as hell. <3
    July 5th, 2010 at 08:54pm
  • ShallWeDance?

    ShallWeDance? (100)

    United States
    Yeah, but if I break this computer...I'm doomed. I probably won't get a new one until I either get a job or when I go to college.

    I seriously hate soymilk. It makes me sick every time I drink it. If I went Vegan, I'd probably eat Almond Milk. That stuff is yummy.

    Yeah, I rather if my mom didn't read any of my work or see any of my drawings. Then she'll probably be like "Jasper, why don't you draw anything from the Bible." So major sigh, right there.I like being original and coming up with my own ideas of what to draw, but she doesn't understand that.

    True, but I don't really care, as long as I'm added to the authors and get full credit for the chapters I wrote by myself, I'm okay. If it ever gets published, I might change my mind...

    Heh, yeah I guess so. That's why I put up Forbidden to Fly. I had be debating if I should put it up or not since I hadn't gotten more than one chapter. But I'm glad you like it.Maybe I'll continue.I have about half of it figured out.
    July 5th, 2010 at 08:30pm
  • ShallWeDance?

    ShallWeDance? (100)

    United States
    There might be a chance that all my pictures all like that too. my computer is like a 2001 so of course its going to be dull.

    Yeah, after I read that I made brownies. Yummy. I could probably never be Vegan. Maybe Vegetarian, but not Vegan.

    I love comments. Yeah I get kinda embarrassed when I let someone read my stories in person, but I feel fine when its online, though. Yeah, I write a lot actually, I just don't finish anything so I don't post it. In Angels born of Hell and Fire I helped a lot, its just that it my friend wrote most of it. Its her brainchild. Then in Fuzzy Blue Socks its a shared project, since its a role play.

    I know what you mean. I have so many unfinished novels.

    You know...Nikolai was originally Japanese and was named Kaname. I had just changed it to Nikolai like today...But this is a line from the 11th paragraph that explains that: "He was suppose to be at school, where he attended the night session that their school offered."

    Dude, I'm watching Aladdin. It seriously makes me laugh every time I watch it.
    July 5th, 2010 at 02:18am
  • ShallWeDance?

    ShallWeDance? (100)

    United States
    Stargazing: Yeah...I had written this in my freshman year, so it isn't very good. I more of implied than stated that it was nighttime. I left it off like that mostly because I thought it would be a cool ending. I really just wanted it if she was turned or did actually die to be a mystery. I wanted to leave it up to the reader's imagination.
    And thank you. =]

    Sand Castles: I'm glad you liked it.
    July 4th, 2010 at 09:56pm
  • ShallWeDance?

    ShallWeDance? (100)

    United States
    You're welcome. I hope you like them. I just finished Stargazing's layout. It was beginning to take forever so I just decided to steal my sister's computer. I'm glad I did. Everything looks completely different on her computer than mine. Everything is so much brighter. O.O

    Vegan? That's cool.

    That is a long time.you should get more readers, mostly because they deserve it. I really like your stories.

    Yeah. I have this habit of dragging everything out longer than necessary. So when I drag it out I loose interest quite quickly. Thus no more flow. Then I started writing short stories and fell in love. Short stories and I...we're tighter than a fat kid in spandex. When I have an idea for a story and I don't feel like writing a bunch, Short Story is my fall back. It's my cheat. =]
    July 4th, 2010 at 09:25pm
  • ZeroEnthusiasm

    ZeroEnthusiasm (100)

    United States
    haha neither is the school I go to now, but the one I went to before this school was a lot bigger, and of course had a lot more money than other schools. I hated it though. Small schools are so much better(:

    Yeah. That's true. I just never was able to show them up at what they knew. Instead I showed them up at other things. Like...my freshman Algebra teacher now has a framed picture of me in his room because I beat him in a game of chutes and ladders as a challenge. :D

    ...I'm seriously driving to your neighborhood, breaking my glasses, and then I'm going to try and back up in your driveway. Something I also can't do because of my vision. So it's pretty much full proof something bad will go down.

    hahah I wouldn't even call that a racist joke(: That was just full on Klan talk. Yeah, I guess you're right. It is overrated, but when you live in a house with people that don't enjoy smelling your stink they tend to get angry at you. I don't know why though. I stink of strawberries and air freshener. :D

    That's what maps are for. And creepy people that are always positioned on the side of the road selling fruit are also great ways to get directions.

    Well it happens quite a lot. I got knocked out with a can of pepsi once and my friend just stood there laughing while I was unconscious. I know because one of them recorded it...

    haha that's awesome! :D I always sing the "So long..." song whenever I'm about to leave my friend's house or somewhere(:

    hahah she did(: It was preeeetty amazing. :)
    July 2nd, 2010 at 11:25pm
  • ShallWeDance?

    ShallWeDance? (100)

    United States
    I'm jealous...but I'm not jealous enough to not eat. I like food too much. =]

    I'm glad you had fun.

    Dude...The most I've had on a story that I wrote by myself was like 25...

    You're welcome. If you wrote the ending...Why don't you just quickly sum up in between in a chapter and then post the ending...That's what I would do. Mostly because I'm lazy like that and don't like to write everything out. It takes way too much effort.

    Okay, I was going to read more of yours, but then I fell asleep.
    July 1st, 2010 at 10:34pm
  • ShallWeDance?

    ShallWeDance? (100)

    United States
    Build-a-Bear? Dudeman, I've always wanted to make one, but my mom always stopped me from wasting my money.

    My eyesight is rather crappy, You did get the message across that those were your secret thoughts, which is good.=]

    Leave? =O Where are you leaving to?
    Really?! =D Yay! I need more readers. I was going to read some of yours, actually...

    Thank you for the picture comment, by the way [=
    July 1st, 2010 at 05:49am
  • ZeroEnthusiasm

    ZeroEnthusiasm (100)

    United States
    Yup Yup! It's amazing ^^

    Smart asses are a lot funnier and more entertaining than a dumbass. So I'm sure she didn't like you. Teachers always hate funny and smart people.

    Nope, I didn't fail. It's just I moved from a really high education school, to a more ghetto retarded school. And they read Homer's Odyssey their freshman year. So they had to read To Kill A Mockingbird, and that was what I read my freshman year. So, basically I got 2 years of reading a lame ass book. Harrison Ford/Indiana Jones = Gay.

    True, I didn't know how bad battery acid was until I sat on a fork lift and when my dad told me to get off because the battery was leaking, Pretty much from my ass to the back of my shin my jeans were like destroyed. :/ I'm lucky it didn't get on me.

    I'm pretty sure I have to keep them.The doctor told me I was a liability and that he had no clue how I was able to pass the eye exam to get my permit. He pretty much called my eyes failures.

    hahah That's awesome(: Sometimes I just wish I was black...so I have an excuse for not wanting to do anything and being lazy. (RACIST JOKE!) But not showering is pretty cool, until people actually start smelling you and get offended. I remember the good ol' days before I hit puberty and could not take a shower and smell decent. Now as soon as I miss one day I smell like an armpit. :/

    Ohh that sucks. That's why you need a license! :D And nah, I was doing alright and then some random pole got jabbed into my side, and I fell on my back. It made me realize how much I hate skating, and also how much I hate my friend. Because while I was on the ground dying because I thought I destroyed my ribs, my friend stood there laughing...

    Yeah, slippery soap was pretty amazing. I liked Steve and Mailbox pretty much the most. But then again...I just loved the entire show Blue's Clues :D

    Haha Yeah, that was alright. It made me laugh(:
    June 30th, 2010 at 08:35pm
  • ShallWeDance?

    ShallWeDance? (100)

    United States
    Here's some things that I found out while reading your profile:
    1. You're an interesting person.
    2. I never noticed how cute owls are.
    3. That the extremely small text make my eyes water and my brain hurt.
    All in all,I would like to thank you for entertaining me. =]
    June 30th, 2010 at 05:05am
  • ZeroEnthusiasm

    ZeroEnthusiasm (100)

    United States
    Yea, gumballs suck compared to skittles. I never have even heard of fizzing skittles, but I will be sure to check them out.(: I did however put one big bag of skittles in one half of the machine and the other half I put sourheads :D Another one of my favorite candies.

    Yea, orangutan was preeetty tough. Haha I would of said something. If I ever spelled something right, and the teacher told me I was wrong I'd have to punch her in the neck.

    I know what you mean, but I actually don't think it should be as big as it is. I just hate things that make no sense. And to me the story of God and Jesus and all the stuff that happens in it makes no sense. It's like everyone that was in the bible had magical powers.

    I hated it so much too, yet I had to read it 2 years in a row. :( Yeah, when I do read It's not sci-fi or fantasy. It's most of the time more actiony? But not in the gay Indiana Jones type actiony. Like...Crazy white dude's family gets killed so he goes on a killing spree...actiony. If that makes sense.

    I remembered that from biology ^^ And yea, I guess it's a little tingle. Just for a second though. Then the rest of the time it's pretty much killing you.

    Ehh, I actually got made fun of by the eye doctor. :/ He asked me how I was going through life when I had the vision of a bat? And seeing how his joke was lame and he was trying to make fun of me, I stared at him and didn't smile or laugh at his joke. He was very depressed at that moment I think. But anyways...I'm getting glasses! O.O Some cool wire frame rectangular ones(:

    haha You can just hire somebody to just clean your filth?

    Yea, that actually sounds a lot more peaceful. I'd rather just know that I can sit comfortably in my room, but it all gets ruined when one of my retarded friends runs down my basement steps and takes me on there adventures. Like the other day, I had to watch my friend attempt to skate for the first time. It was funny until he made me try it. O.o

    hahah :D I really did enjoy it quite a lot. Thanks for making her send it soon(: YES! The pictures are on my wall. I like them a lot(: They remind me of the good ol' days.

    Yup, she did.(: I went into that phone conversation expecting her to say pretty much nothing, but she talked more than I thought. I was proud of her too(:
    June 29th, 2010 at 05:28am
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    Kyle's coming over, but I plan on calling you later. :)
    June 28th, 2010 at 10:44pm
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    Okay. Just finished. Now I'm going to reply.
    June 28th, 2010 at 09:36pm