ina / Comments

  • i made what by myself?
    i never make homepages, i'm horrible at it. my friend finds them and puts them up and everything for me. she does it all because i'm just that pathetic at it, haha.
    January 5th, 2009 at 01:15pm
  • yeah i do prefer cats actually,
    but i still love dogs :]

    ahahahah how did it get all electrifying in the first place anyway?
    January 5th, 2009 at 09:19am
  • Awww, thanks =]
    Happy new year to you too!
    January 5th, 2009 at 02:20am
  • lol yeah, my younger brother named her Sandra...and it stuck lol.

    i'm sure i could have, i guess it's just personal opinion haha. and what you said is true. a page and a half is long for some people, but completely short for me when i write like 6 or 7 per chapter. haha, i was going back through wreckage, cause i'm editing it, and i realized that chapter 43 (where her mom explains what she is) was probably my second shortest chapter, followed by the ending of that story. i think they made 2/3 pages?? lol

    i knew it would be confusing. ok, in the interview, gerard said the name of his favorite animal (i won't say what just yet though :p) and i sad that it could be used for a name, but it was kind of a stretch, but it could sound like another name. i probably just confused you even more hahah.

    aweeeeeeeeeeee, that sucks. but yeah, let me know when you get it. i wanna know what you think about it!!

    i told you!!!!! that bothered me the entire movie. and yes, you're right. i was unhappy with the entire cast. they weren't anything that i had pictured. and i was upset by what they took out, but overall, compared with the book, i gave the movie a B. it was better adapted than harry potter...don't get me started with them hahahah.

    yeah!! here's looking to a bright new year!!!!!

    January 4th, 2009 at 07:33pm
  • LMAO!!! Thanks Ahahahaah, dissing is my thing... y'know lol. xD
    Omgee, if she DID have an account then i would like....comment rape her over and over again cussing her loads!! not really sure....but i guess you could coz there only wolves so im guessing so....yeah =]
    Emmet is very buff indeed! =D Very smexy, but i do love Jasper
    January 4th, 2009 at 04:47pm
  • I KNOW! Its so sad, she just like....EWWIE shes trying to be seductive but its REALLY not working and she looks like she needs to do a big poo or somthing!!
    Lmao!! That would be cool, just go thought every single comment about dissing someone lol.

    Well....i think the only way to actually kill a vampire is to seperate there limbs because they are already they cant like...shoot it or anything....
    Omgee....i thought that Jasper was the fitest! He's sooooo fit! Yum lmao ;)
    January 3rd, 2009 at 07:07pm
  • lol. mine just came with the female voice. i'm sure i could change it, but i haven't bothered with reading through the entire instructions guide hahaha.

    i looooooooooooove it. they have really good songs on there. i've listened to it 4 times on my iTunes and i just put it in my car last night. you should get it of you can!!

    secretive huh?? hmmm, i can't decide. yeah, i know what the baby's gonna be, i have the name picked out already. i'm such a dork hahah. but i'm gonna put a name imput for gerard cause i saw an interview with his favorite animal and it could [i]kinda[/i] be a name. it would be a little stretch but it sounds like something else. lol, was that confusing enough?? :p

    pssssssh i guess lol. she was like, "you could've easily made that 100 chapters" and i'm like, "no way in hell am i doing that." i actually prefer long chapters, sorry if i make people suffer through them haha. but the "filler" turned out to be a page and a half, that's the shortest i've ever made something. i'm not even sure if it was a filler, how do you tell, no action happens or something??

    sweeney todd's amazing. i bought the cd off iTunes!! before i got the dvd haha. i love it. i've seen parts of edward scissorhands. OH MY GOD, have you seen twilight yet?? i swear to god that jasper looks EXACTLY like edward scissorhands minus the scissors!! the hair, the face, everything!! it kinda made me mad lol.

    that's a good resolution!! i hope you had a happy new year, and i did as well!!

    January 3rd, 2009 at 06:35am
  • ahhh i always wanted one :[
    i had one, i called him frankie :]
    and my mom had to give it away to my aunt in bandung,
    the one that i barely see,
    i was depressed :'[

    (oooh emo clod O.O)

    hahahahaha thats funny!
    you get electrocuted every time you type
    January 3rd, 2009 at 05:58am
  • hahahahahaha i think everything is starbucks is good. most of the things :D
    good luck on the interview!
    btw is it true yang tanggal 5 itu gak jadi?
    January 2nd, 2009 at 08:12am
  • Aw, seriously?
    Shucks :/

    Never watched it :P
    Uh, just random packages of chocolate and some Peeps :]
    December 30th, 2008 at 04:37am
  • hahah really?? you actually lost it??? aweeeeeeee. i've actually used it twice with my family, and we all got a big kick out of it. my younger brother named it "sandra" and it just stuck. my sister was like, all my friend's name theirs. i thought it was kinda creepy myself, but whatever. it makes them happy lol.

    yeah, it's good, but i need to listen to it more first. i have their second cd in my car, so of course i'm comparing it to that one, which i shouldn't do because i hear that one all the time :p

    well, do you really wanna know the gender?? i'm debating when the time comes to decide if kae wants to know or for it to be a secret until the birth occurs...if that happens haha ;)

    but the detour happened because i needed stuff to happen in between what i had originally wrote. but i'm getting back to it. i think the next update might be really short because it's more like a "filler". i probably should've put it with the last chapter, but i wasn't thinking :( i'm sure you guys could put up with a short chapter. according to my friend, i write "harry potter" length chapters anyways lol.

    aweeeeeeee. i actually had to buy the dark knight myself because i didn't get it christmas day. and my sister bought me the cd and sweeney todd the same day. she didn't know what else to get me lol.

    i'm sorry your christmas doesn't involve santa :( here's hoping next year will!!!

    December 29th, 2008 at 10:20pm
  • LMAO! Yeah, someone told me that ages ago...i cant remember who though...but when they did, i like...laughed so hard i was crying! xD
    Yeah, when she smile it just looks like she going to eat someone or somthing, very creepy.
    Very muchly! Its hillariouse! :D :D :D Finding a load of stupid people to cuss Ahahaha.

    o.o Ouchy, that would of have to hurt! Poor guy.
    December 29th, 2008 at 08:31pm
  • agh, you'll be fine :]
    they ask a lot of questions about your heroes, and why you want the scholarship,
    you better get a good hero or inspiration so you can impress the dudes

    ahhh im spending new years in bandung with my family :/
    its so effing boring and i haven't been writing anything
    its so sad.
    December 29th, 2008 at 02:10pm
  • i did :]
    i just changed the layout n'that. like five times.
    and thank you!
    December 29th, 2008 at 01:42pm
  • ciee inaaa,
    popular in mibba,
    and also the scholarship thingyy :]

    congratulations way :D
    December 29th, 2008 at 03:28am
  • Ewwie.

    I know! I just really, really wanna stab her in her sleep >_>
    Ahahahahaha!!! Yeah, we're looking for more people to diss! xD

    Yeah. I watched it and now i have to watch it again with some friends...
    December 28th, 2008 at 06:30pm
  • aweeeeeeeeeee, no tree?? :( that's sad. but i'm glad you still got presents!!!
    my "big" gift was a gps because i'm directionally challenged hahahahah. it's really cool though. i'm sure it'll help me a lot.

    i also got the new aar cd, dark knight, sweeney todd, prince caspian!! plus other stuff. i have to wait until january 15th to get my tall black ugg boots, cause my dad had ordered the wrong length. but overall, it was super fun!!

    lol, that's good. i just hope that she won't get annoying with her complaining all the time. but i think that i'm finally gonna be able to use the stuff i had originally wrote waaaaaaaaaaaay back in like the summer haha. about time, i didn't really like this "detour" hahahaha.

    yeaaaaaaaaaaaah, it's completely funny. and it's completely random too. we were just bored trying to do midterms and then she just decides to film us haha. did you watch the one underneath it with gerard?? that's funny too, even if it's like four years old or whatever :p

    December 28th, 2008 at 02:07pm
  • I've never seen the furry ones D:
    Only the sleek ones.

    What's the DVD?
    I got my favorite perfume and candy :]
    December 28th, 2008 at 12:50pm
  • 'S all good :]
    Happens to me like every day.

    Aren't they cute?
    I adore them :D

    I forgot what's squishy and criminal as well.
    Sorry :]

    Oh, I did, thank you very much :D
    Did you?
    What did you get?
    December 28th, 2008 at 07:12am
  • hahahahaha i did xD

    sorry it's kinda late, i was in singapore. liburan kmn na? oh yeaaaahh i heard you got the scholarship, congratulation!
    December 28th, 2008 at 07:09am