The Lost and Rediscovered Love of Reading

I have to admit, when I was little, I didn't really care to read books. Actually, I hated it. Hated how teachers would make me read boring books with boring plots and then write a report about what I learned. Nothing made me procrastinate more than the dread of reading a book I wasn't interested in. However, when I got into 7th grade, I was the new kid. Everyone already had their cliques of...
October 25th, 2017 at 08:27am

I'M BACK! Well.... Kinda.

Hello Readers!Don't really know if anyone will read this but...who cares? (That's rhetorical). Ahem, anyway. It has been oh I don't know, 4 YEARS since I've been on?! Well maybe only 2... I can't even remember, it's been that long! So, I'm thinking of probably getting back into writing. I've just had some little things of inspiration randomly jump out to me. I've actually missed it quite a lot,...
October 20th, 2017 at 08:29am

Stories: Refreshing and Getting Back Into It

I have noticed that I want to finish/continue writing my stories. I don't really know what triggered it. Boredom? Maybe. I don't know.I know there won't really be anyone to read this. Blogging isn't usually something I do. I figured I would just spill some thoughts though.1) I may get rid of my "Secrets Under The Big Top" story. Not really sure where I was going with it. It was originally based on...
September 6th, 2013 at 06:15am