What would you do in this situation?

So you have this crush on someone for the longest time. It's always been a "on the outside looking in" type of crush, Then you end up getting closer to him but only when hes not around his friends. When its just the two of you, hes down to earth, funny, and carefree. And it is at those moments in time that the both of you connect.But then your best friend and him seem to hit it off regardless of...
November 2nd, 2009 at 09:08pm

What do you like in a guy or girl....both phycial and personality

So while me and my friends were enjoying a piece of pizza we got on the subject of typesboth physical and internal for guys.My one friend leah is all about the physcial. Sounds shallow i know but, shes truly a gorgeous person and can get away with it. Anyway her personal response was:Physical: Personality:1. good build 1. confidence2. skater hair 2. witty3. nice smile 3. cares about his image (a...
November 11th, 2008 at 11:26pm

Guys crying-what's your personal opinion?

So my friends and I were hanging out the other day and we were talking about crying.I personally hate it. Its an open sign of weakness and I for one don't want people seeingthat, no matter how well I know them. People have their own problems to worry or even cry over, they don't need to be bothered with mine.That may seem cold but I just don't want people to see me in that kind of state.So then my...
November 9th, 2008 at 06:48am


Compassion.Something the world is after. Something that is sought out by most but reachable for little.You see, compassion is another verb for love. This is how I see it at least.When I start to lose sight of love and its ability to affect those around me I take a step back and look around me.I focus on my family.I see my Aunts; bubbling with love and so ready to give it.I see my uncles; quiet but...
November 7th, 2008 at 09:22pm

So damn perfect

I was watching some random movie the other day and these couple of lines stuck out to me the most:Random guy: "Why do you hate me so much? "Random girl: "Because your so damn perfect."And after turning off the movie, (because frankly it got really pretty pointless from there) I kept thinking about that scene. All I kept thinking about was; the random guy's response to the random girl's accusation....
July 27th, 2008 at 08:09am