cosmic pixel / Comments

  • @ Sorceress:.
    Oh, well tumblr isn't really a writing site even though people use it as one. I don't feel comfortable posting my stories on tumblr because people on there are super harsh and judgmental. Yeah Mibba is basically dead, I don't even know why I still bother coming on here. I usually wait awhile to see if I'm still into it so I know whether I'm really into it and I'll be able to stick with it or not.
    May 13th, 2013 at 11:52pm
  • @ bitch head

    Yeah, I think it's called tumblr xD Mibba's kind of dying out too so you can't really expect to get much response. I mean; I started writing about popular shit but I still wasn't getting much feedback even then. Dude you really should :) I'd read it. You don't post most the stories you talk about writing xD
    May 13th, 2013 at 11:41pm
  • @ Sorceress:.
    Okay I'll go read it c: Yeah, true. I wish there was like a huuuge writing site that everyone that writes could go on and people that liked all kinds of stuff could go and read so that people that write about more "obscure" stuff (like you and me with our old people and video games) could actually get readers, and people that wanted to read about weird stuff could find it! Wah. I still wanna write that Jimmy story I told you about.
    May 13th, 2013 at 11:28pm
  • @ bitch head

    I finally posted the first chapter for my story :D Aw but the classic rock musicians are the best; plus, you know, british... you can't help that you were born in the wrong decade. It's all our parents' faults. ;)
    May 11th, 2013 at 05:59am
  • Yes you're exactly right!!! Well thank you<3 And there's nothing wrong with that, I mostly write about random british musicians that are like 50 or older now ; _ ;
    May 11th, 2013 at 05:43am
  • @ bitch head

    Oh not people hun, just the boys. ;) I think it's actually scientifically proven that we're the smarter gender. I don't think your stories are dorky though I like them :3 I'm writing about fucking video game characters, that's really sad xD
    May 11th, 2013 at 12:46am
  • @ Sorceress:.
    People are so dumb -_____- Girls are awesome and if you can't see that, you suck. Lol all my stories are dorky too! I'll read your shit!!
    May 11th, 2013 at 12:37am
  • @ bitch head

    lmao how do you like the completely hypocritical rules of society, eh? What an ass. People tell me I'm sexist but it doesn't go without reason. And yeah, it is good. they're going to be completely dorky and stupid but nobody reads my shit anyway ♥
    May 11th, 2013 at 12:03am
  • I got banned for calling a guy a misogynist but he got away with calling me a bunch of names and shit. Siiiiigh. Oh we'll that's good :D
    May 10th, 2013 at 11:04pm
  • @ bitch head
    Banned temporarily, eh? Quite the rebel I see. ♥ I'm doing well; just trying to get some lame ass stories going now that I'm on Mibba again.
    May 10th, 2013 at 07:08pm
  • Hey :) I got banned temporarily actually :p I'm pretty good, how are you?
    May 10th, 2013 at 06:11pm
  • I was born in 1996 on September 7, South Park is in it's 17th going on 18th season I believe, so it's like a year older than me. :)

    I like the direct charities; like local food pantries and pregnancy crisis centers. I work with nuns who go on missions to Nicaragua and their charity is direct; so donating sheets and clothes and medical supplies is going to go straight to the people who need it. There was also another mission for Haiti my family used to help locally until the couple that did it got cancers and could not do it anymore. Anywhere where I have to put a check in an envelope and send it into a big company makes me nervous because I know out of every $1 I donate the charity is going to take 50 cents to send junk mail to people who aren't interested.

    Reality TV in itself is a sad case; how mundane are our lives that we have to entertain ourselves with pregnant teenagers, drug addicted celebrities, and partying guidos? I can't bash all of it because I like to watch American Pickers and Warehouse Wars and all that good History Channel stuff when it's on, but I don't feel totally dumbed down after watching it.
    May 9th, 2013 at 03:54pm
  • @Sorceress:. LOL really? How old are you then? Just out of being what year were you born and whats your birthday? I was born in 1994 :P


    Yes it is hard to believe people are good when they are just doing it for show.

    Being Anonymous for charity is good...depends on the charity tho...I don't trust most charities because I believe most of the money doesn't go to the people it should go to.

    Me either, its not right to make a reality TV Show out of people's misery getting over their addictions.
    May 9th, 2013 at 05:04am
  • @ AhtmahKhalsa

    Oh yes. I think that's about a year older than me :3

    Well yeah, especially if his career ends up being worth nothing later. Which is more than likely to happen since you know how society is. Once you have morals you're not worth much anymore. I know I'd try and make as much money as I could when I could. it's just the smart thing to do.

    Yup; probably. I like to believe that people are good, but it's hard to when you know a lot of it are doing it for the sake of looking good. I try to do charity anonymously if I can help it; I don't want to be credited for anything I do for anyone. I'm afraid it'd turn me into a fame whore or something, and I would give because it made me look good and not because it's the right thing to do. I never want to be like that. And Dr. Drew is a strange character. I don't have respect for him simply because of Celebrity Rehab. I don't find amusement in a show that televises people in misery getting over their addictions, selling it as drama reality TV.
    May 9th, 2013 at 04:51am
  • @Sorceress:. Agreed

    LOL yes you said say it before but it doesn't matter its fine :P

    Hahaha Season 1? Man thats old...thats cool tho.

    Yeah I think he has to stay cus of the Contract...all the power to him tho...he is worth millions and if he can make more millions off of their dirty asses then good for him.

    Charlie charlie charlie :/ Well you know how he is....I think its for show mostly...and yes I do remember that incident where he gave money to Lindsay and she never thanked him for it...Lindsay is self-destruct programmed the fuck out of....Dr. Drew is a Mind Control Programmer...if he is so great then why have so many people committed suicide that have been treated by him? Its not a coincidence....that guy is a prick...everytime I see his face I wanna punch him.
    May 9th, 2013 at 04:33am
  • @ AhtmahKhalsa

    That's the important thing with literally anything negative you encounter in life. Addictions, relationships, friendships, groups, what matters in the end is that you got out of it and you're trying to do better. That's how I see anything that happens in my life, anyway. It keeps me positive and keeps me going.

    Thanks :) There's good and bad people in every group (I've said that already today haven't I?), so it's normal to have a fucked up bunch in a family, I guess.

    And yeah, it was one of the first episodes. I think it was called "Death". I have season 1 on DVD because I'm a dork.

    He might have to stay for a while because of contracts. Contracts are nasty, if you try to break them they can sue you for everything and anything that you're worth and then some. I'd try to make a little extra off of the show if I could too, just in case my career goes kaput after that.

    Lol I'm confused that he's trying to look like a good person now. Not sure if it's for show or what. I know he paid off a debt for Lindsay Lohan (who never even thanked him for it) I thought that was kind of cool... even though, y'know, Lindsay Lohan xD
    May 9th, 2013 at 04:17am
  • @Sorceress:. Thats good.

    Thanks I'm glad I got out of it too....I'm sorry you got into it young...but the important thing is you don't do it anymore.

    Yep it does ruin lives...and yes most don't know they are addicted....with Porn its a Drug too....Scientists say that whenever someone has an Orgasm and Cums while watching Porn Mainly the Endorphins in your Brain and body get the same Highs and Lows of people who Do Cocaine or any type of Drug Really and I'm sure it does although I've never done Drugs and like I said never will. I had extreme highs and lows everytime I masturbated even if I wasn't watching porn and it depresses the fuck out of you especially when you are an addict. Another reason I will never watch porn again is because of that too....Masturbation in General isn't bad....better then having underage sex probably I'm sure and you're at no risk getting someone pregnant but when porn gets involved with you masturbating you need to stop the porn and the masturbating. I still do Masturbate every now and then don't get me wrong cus I am a guy and I do get horny every now and then its only human but I don't watch porn while doing it....even then...I still get depressed when I do it so I'm trying to get rid of even masturbating period....exercising only makes me more fucking horny when I am already feeling that way so it doesn't help....its up to me to get rid of bad habits and I will.

    Sorry to hear about your family...glad you have some good family members tho.

    LOL I understand and its cool.

    LOL wow really? I never seen or heard that from South Park and I have watched the show before...thats a good and true message.

    Yeah Angus is cool and yes he was very unhappy with being on that show as I am sure he still is....he actually is still on the show but is leaving like I said...Idk when tho.

    And thats good you are staying away from Two & a Half Men...Charlie Sheen was bad but Ashton Kutcher is no better. Charlie's just what I consider another Drugged up Coke head from the 1980s who spoke out against 9/11 but made himself look like an idiot doing it then yeah he was or still is friends with people in the Porn Industry so he can personally go kiss my ass and die in a hole no offense.
    May 9th, 2013 at 03:56am
  • @ AhtmahKhalsa
    Oh they will, she's coming out of it really well. She doesn't lie nearly as much as she used to, and she's just in a better place now. ♥ I hope I can take those classes too, especially since I'll be walking to school every day in a while.
    Wow I'm sorry to hear that. It started young for me too, unfortunately :( I'm glad you were able to come out of it though; there's a lot of people (people that I've known personally, unfortunately) who never do. It really does ruin lives and like normal drugs does it on such a psychological and spiritual level. The sad part is a lot of people who are 'addicted' don't really realize it.
    I have a lot of messed up people in my family. Most of my uncles on my mother's side are child molesters, who molested all of my aunts including mom. My mom's dad defended the boys when it was brought to court and so far none of them have gotten in trouble at all for any of it. it is fucking bullshit and makes me so angry. And then my dad's side you have the pot smokers, the drinkers, some of them are creepers, most of them are on welfare because they don't want to work and they multiply like rabbits simply so that they can get more government checks. Fortunately all the bad people live either in FL or somewhere else far away, two relatives on my dad's side live nearby and they're good peoples. ♥
    Everyone thinks it's conspiracy theory and they're welcome to think that. I honestly wish I could still be 100% oblivious because the idea terrifies me so much but it is what it is.
    What I like about South Park is that sometimes they have good messages in the episodes. Like there was one where all of the parents went out of t own to protest a TV company for a show they didn't like and Grim Reaper came for the boys; and while they locked themselves in Kenny's room waiting to die they were like, "Parents get mad at the media for raising their children when in reality the parents are the ones that should be raising the kids. Not the media. The parents shouldn't rely on TV to be a babysitter" or something to that effect. I get something out of South Park when I watch it sometimes. But even some of that humor gets a little gross. I always kinda knew Angus T. Jones wasn't a bad person. He always seemed a little unhappy doing Two and a Half Men. And yeah, anyone that's fanatical about anything is going to look crazy. :) I don't know if he's left the show yet. I know my dad watches it but I haven't seen any episodes as of late. Kind of trying to stay away from stuff like that if I can help it.
    May 9th, 2013 at 03:05am
  • @Sorceress:. I see...well I can understand that. Hope things with you and your friend get better soon.

    True...and I am very sorry for what has happened to one deserves to go thru that...glad you are still alive tho. Thanks :) And Cool I hope you can...and that sounds like a good class...I hope you are able to take it.

    LOL its ok many people don't know about the Sikhs...thankfully tho True Sikhs like me and my dad and others are still around...wikipedia Sikh and most of the Truth will be there of course unless it mentions the American Sikhs or 3HO Unless it exposes them.

    I Agree...and its not a bad thing to say really cus its the Truth...I too wish Yogi Bhajan never existed...glad the mother fucker is dead tho.

    LOL alright...and its be 100% honest here I used to be a Porn Addict for 5 years...never liked doing what I did tho and always felt ashamed and knew better but never got anyone else into the shit I was into...not once. I've been clean and recovered from porn for almost 2 years now...I got clean in July of 2011...And I didn't go to any rehab either...I just found the strength in myself to stop and say enough was enough and I did. I was against porn even when I was an Addict and always told my friends to never watch the shit. Thankfully tho that is the only addiction I ever had and will ever have again. I unfortunately got into porn all because of one fucked up dad was redoing his crack addict brother in law's and crack addict sister's house in Rancho Cucamonga California back in 2005....I went along with him on the trip while we stayed with his nephew/my cousin....and Rancho is actually the place I lived for a year of my life after I was born in Norwalk California before my mom and dad moved us out here to New mom and dad were both born and raised in Southern California. I was Raised here in New Mexico but have visited Southern California many times and know it well. Anyhow when I was at the house when he was doing the work once in 2005 like I was there uncle Tommy in his stupidity left a Soft Core Porn Magazine outside....I had never seen naked women before in my life and like any young and misguided kid although my dad always told me to never look at it I saw the magazine there and picked it up and looked at cousin Isaac who was 6 at the time looked at it with me...then he get this as messed up as it sounds at 6 took the porn magazine away from me and started masturbating to it. After that he got did I but my Addiction started at 13 instead of 11 which was my age in 2005. Isaac was an asshole and evil and a psychopath since I first met him in 2005...before the porn time after my parents took him to the beach with me and we had no place to change we had to change cloths in the back of my dad's campershell...he looked at my junk as I was changing even tho I told him to stop and tried to punch him. That was the same year too....anyhow...after that when my dad was fixing up his sister's house like I said in Rancho before we found that Porn Magazine he attacked me with an Axe once and tried to kill me but I stopped him. How at 6 could he know how to fucking Masturbate? He didn't....he only knew cus his older brother and sister taught him....his mom's an Alcoholic...Sister is a clean bitch who doesn't do shit and is the biggest enabler around...and older brother who drinks and does drugs and was once in the Military and went to Boot Camps countless times getting his mind washed with Propaganda.

    Only two years after this incident....Isaac brutally raped one of his/my cousin when she was 3...her older brother who is my cousin Also Anthony beat the shit out of him and almost killed him....the family never pressed charges on Isaac. And this is my dad's side of the family we never hang around cus they are full of Pedophiles, Rapists, Gangsters, Alcoholics and Drug Addicts who always cover for themselves and never stop anything nor do anything about it. My dad came from a family of 17...14 of which are still alive. I only get along with a few cousins I am trying to save from the insanity of the family. And it is because of my father's evil mother this all came to be and he agrees 100% and is on my side. His mother molested all of her boys including my father when he was just a baby....made one of her sons Danny my Uncle go mentally insane because of her sexually abusing him....and he is one of the coolest uncles I have....he has been used and abused by mental institutions and made a slave to them all because of that evil bitch and I cannot stand it....I truly hope someday he is free from them and her. Years and years of Cover Ups this women has done...and after my mom died and I found more shit out about the family I confronted them and exposed them to the fullest extend that I could. I was shunned from the family because of this but I don't give a fuck...they have no right to judge me cus I am the only one who really gives a flying fuck along with my dad about the younger kids in that family actually having a future and a life free of sexual abuse, drugs, alcohol and violence. And I will fight for them till the day I fucking die.

    Hahaha xD Ok yeah its better if you message me about the illuminati/NWO stuff...and cool...I am also glad to meet someone with the same views. And LOL ok glad you don't think I'm crazy :P

    Thats good...yeah South Park is ok...sometimes they can get nasty and bad tho but not as bad as Family Guy or American Dad or like you said Two & A Half Men. And in case you don't know this...Angus T. Jones who played the kid on that show spoke out against them and said he was leaving and that it was ''Trash'' and it is Trash....I have never liked the Show and never will...then Angus started speaking out and sharing his views on the illuminati and all and the Media Bashed him for it...don't get me wrong he did look a bit nuts cus he is a Christian and was being Fanatical about it but the kid's got brains...he isn't stupid....although they forced him to apologize for his comments and coming out against Two And a Half Men I think he will be leaving soon enough.

    Sounds cool...I'll check that all out on Youtube like you said.
    May 9th, 2013 at 02:30am
  • @ AhtmahKhalsa

    Ahaha I have a good memory most of the time. But we're kind of on-off friends because I keep getting mad at her for stuff she's trying not to do, so I've missed her birthday before simply because we weren't talking. I'm trying to help her out because I know she wants to be better, she's just in a rut from who she used to be.

    There's a lot of people who have ended their lives because of shit that's happened to them. Hell I was bullied too but not as bad as you; and I still tried to kill myself several times. Good on you for sticking it out ♥ I want to take some marital arts classes eventually; someone's having a class for women based around keeping yourself safe from rapists; like what to do if you're attacked and such, and I'm going to those every weekend I can.

    I can't say I've heard of Sikh, so it really must have been destroyed. That's pretty corrupt bullshit right there though. I honestly hate this world for what it is and the people in it sometime, I know it's a bad thing to say and I really should not say anything about it but I really wish some of these evil people never existed, like this Yogi Bahajan guy.

    Don't apologize there's nothing to apologize for, lmao :D And I agree about porn. I'm not going to say so far to say that I've never willingly looked at it but my eyes have been opened in a lot of ways since this past January, about so many things and I have realized that it truly is harmful to people that see it and the world around us. I can honestly say I find it disgusting now and I really wish the filters on my computer worked a little better.

    I'm actually going to skip over replying to everything about the illuminati and NWO and message you because I do believe in it (I do not think you're crazy lmao, I'm actually relieved to meet someone who does for once) and I have information if you will.

    I watch South Park instead, it's more funny than Family Guy anyway. I don't really find Family Guy to be amusing. It's kind of like Two and a Half Men, they might be funny if they didn't try so damn hard to make a penis joke or euphamism every 60 seconds.

    Cyber Goth I don't really know how to describe it; it's like gothic electronica that sounds like punk and has futuristic sounding themes? Anyway I brought it up because theres this band I listen to called Dope Stars, Inc. that I think you might like :) They're Italian I believe, and they're not very popular but they're very good. I have their Gigahearts album but I'm sure you could find it on youtube to check out for free. :)
    May 9th, 2013 at 01:26am