Tracey / Comments

  • LOL
    do you plan to be an artist, like take drawing and stuff like that for a career?
    cause your really good at it; and I'm sure my art teacher would be impressed with your art work :]
    May 5th, 2009 at 03:38am
  • :tehe: your welcome :]
    your work is very impressive.
    I drew like two good things that I really like :]
    I mainly doodle, but it usually leads to something :[
    I wish did some major stuff
    May 5th, 2009 at 03:17am
  • Hi! Hi!
    I was lookin' at some photos you did on the Art forum, and I must say your a real good artist.
    May 3rd, 2009 at 05:34pm
  • CONGRATS to you too! that's so awsome!!!!!!
    April 21st, 2009 at 03:54am
  • woah, i love the tattoos! sorry about school though. every thing will work out!
    and sorry this took so long, i have been really busy. guess what. i got into that rt program for the summer!
    April 16th, 2009 at 08:51pm
  • I think my skin is actually becoming absorbant, I can shower and the ink won't come off sometimes. XD
    But that sounds like a good investment. A few times I've tea-dyed paper for projects in big casserole dishes.
    April 14th, 2009 at 11:55pm
  • That sounds like a smart idea. I usually write stuff on my hands and such...and even then I don't remember. >.>
    Well, that's lame. Which is the cookie sheet for though, paper or food?
    April 14th, 2009 at 11:42pm
  • Oh, wow. That sounds pretty crazy. Sort of like she's histrionic, but that's probably just me being all fascinated with mental disorders again. I can totally see other people I know doing that sort of thing. I hate when people just act like everything revolves around them. Of course, that might also just be me because I've gotten told often that I'm mature for your age. I just really don't get along well with immaturity.
    Ah, it's fine. Don't worry about it, we all have to vent sometimes.
    :grr: Like about how awkward it is to type with false nails. Cute, but such a pain in the ass.
    Aww, danke. I get to find out in about half a month if I'm in or not, so I've just gotta wait it out now. Dunno how I'm gonna do touchups on the painting with these nails, though. Shoulda thought of that first, I guess. :XD Which reminds me, I am *definitely* going to the show, dad got the tickets yesterday. Just twelve days and I'll be mere feet from the boys. *dies*
    Yeah, I might go a little nutty. I think I want to double major though, in writing and art. So, not necessarily art kids ALL day long, but still a lot.
    April 12th, 2009 at 10:10pm
  • Well that's good. And cupcakes always win as a bribe anyway. :hand: You can't beat freshly baked pastries. What kind of pets do y'have?
    Ah, well that makes sense. I'm nowhere near close to my parents. I don't tell them much of anything. And I fight with my mother practically everyday. I'm a total daddy's girl though, I'm so much like him it's sort of stupid, not to mention I look JUST like him. Aw, what happened to your sister, if you don't mine me asking.
    :XD I thought I was the only one who did that! I always forget to shower until my ma is like, "Your hair looks greasy, when did you shower last?" And I'm like, "Uhh, two days ago?" So yeah. Happens to me all the time. When I'm really into my writing, I have a tendency to forget the eating and using the can. Because I don't want to move.
    Mm, show me the portrait, ja?
    I met my friend Megan who was complaining nonstop that hers were utter shit in comparison to everyone else's. She has a habit of putting herself down like that, when her work really isn't half bad. I put in a graphics project and a photo (which i'll have to show you, I'll save them from my flashdrive in class) and two sketches, one from my art sketchbook last year for class and the other was that shaded one I posted. Anyway, we had to do this DREADFUL survey on the arts when we got there. :cheese: I mean, it was AWFUL. There were two choices for each section (drama, singing, instrumental, visual arts, writing, and dance) and you had to pick one to answer. And they were these horrible opinion ones too, like I remember one of them was like, "The year is 1775. You are picking the music for the Prince's dinner party. What type of music do you choose and what instruments?" and "A revised version of "West Side Story" has just been put into production on Broadway. For the first time ever, the audience can hear the opening Hispanic characters speaking in their native Spanish. How does this relate to today's society?" I was TOTES like WTF? It was horrible. The last question was a looooooooong open-ended one on the best arts experience you've been involved in or were in the audience for. I wrote very honestly and descriptively about my third Linkin Park show because I just about died that day. Best day ever.
    :cheese: And then the interviews. My writing one was first, at 3:30. It was one English teacher in the room. I gave her my portfolio and she asked me questions about when I started writing, what I wrote a lot of, how I work my characterizations, etc. It was really easy, only I forgot to say what my English teacher told me to. She told me to tell the judge that as a writing major in college, in her six years of teaching she'd never had a student as talented as I was. >< So damn.
    My art one (at 4:20) was really easy but at the same time really nerve-wracking. It was my art teacher from last year. I ended up showing him two pieces he's already seen that we worked on in class. Plus the photo which he liked (everyone liked it), plus the graphics project (which also was quite liked), plus the painting. He told me I had to touch up on a few areas, and actually gave me tips on how to do it. So yeah, I'm gonna go over and work the jawline again. Only thing to work on, really. He was asking me about what I want to do when I graduate and all and recommended some art schools in NY for me. XD Only problem with my art teacher is that even though I love him, he goes on and on on long-winded babbling. Coolest dude ever though. He was in the room when I was sketching the drawing from the projector (since I spent 3 periods working on it) and remembered that he was in a band.
    All in all, I'd say it went pretty well. The writing judge never gave me back my portfolio, so I don't know if it's good or not. It was utter death carrying everything. 4 out of 5 of my art examples were EPICALLY HUGE and had to be carried in this massive bag that I had to leave in my art room all day. Guh. I find out on the 30th if I get in or not.
    April 8th, 2009 at 04:44am
  • :cute: Danke. I touched up on it and the only comment my teacher gave me was that maybe I should feather over his eyebrow, because in the photo it looks a bit...not exactly blotchy, but sort of has more skin showing. x_x My one artsy friend...she has a horrible habit of critiquing art in a bad way, in that the first thing she does is pull out and criticize all the flaws she can find. So that's what she did, before saying at the last minute that I did a good job and the eyes are her favorite part.
    Ah, well that's gotta be crazy. And are her parents, like, fine with that? Or does she live on her own? I think that's sort of rude of your parents, to suggest that you're on drugs. Absentmindedness doesn't constitute drug use. What two projects now?
    Eek, my interviews are tomorrow! My art teacher printed one of my graphics projects big and mounted it on a backboard so it looks really nice, and she printed three photos I wanted to pick from as my other entry. I ended up holding up the two best ones (a pinecone macro and a dandelion macro) to my English class right after her class and had them tell me which they liked better. Everyone chose the dandelion. So I'm entering that one because it's one of my favorites too, even though I adore the pinecone.
    April 6th, 2009 at 09:32pm
  • :cute: Painting. Is. Done.
    In essence. I'm showing it to my teacher on Monday and I'll take it back home to fix a few little spots (like the right side of his jaw/neck by his hairline, needs to be filled in darker), but then on Tuesday it's going in my portfolio.
    April 5th, 2009 at 03:38am
  • :arms: Well I'm glad that made you happy.
    What happened today to make your day suck major ass?
    April 4th, 2009 at 12:44am
  • *runs around like a madwoman*
    :crazy: When I told my art teacher I only got in for writing, which we thought was odd because my art recommendations were even higher, she talked to the director of art/music -- turns out she didn't know I gave in two applications. I get to apply for art too.
    April 3rd, 2009 at 11:20pm
  • =D Danke!
    :tehe: I actually screamed and jumped in the middle of the sidewalk on a major street when I read the text from mom.
    :crazy: Now I gotta put together a portfolio of 5 of my best pieces AND have a change of clothes to look ~professional.
    April 1st, 2009 at 01:37am
  • *runs around screaming*
    I get to audition a writing portfolio of 5 pieces.
    :cheese: I have one week to set it all up. And I have to miss karate! ><
    I'm sorta sad that I didn't get in for art, but it's all good. I've wanted to be a writer forever.
    April 1st, 2009 at 12:12am
  • :con: I'm known to [b]snort[/b] Pixi Stix, actually. One of those ginormous ones, we got them for $.75 at the candy store (which is now closed for good, *tear*) and I snorted about half of it. XD I was so outta my mind that night. Heroin for the sxe kids like me.
    *beams* I'm going to just about die if I do get the chance to meet those boys. Which I better or I'll throw a damned fit. I absolutely will show you.
    March 30th, 2009 at 05:24am
  • Blech, I hate coffee. :file: I'll have to make myself a thermos of tea.
    *cheesy grin* Remember that 'no poetic device' font/writing thing I showed you way back when? Well for the fanbook for the concert, I'm using that style to do the cover. It's gonna say 'Cinema Bizarre: Letters from the Fans' on it. I'm probably gonna PS it and color it nice.
    March 30th, 2009 at 04:11am
  • Heh, I just finished the project. Wax-marked, ash-stained, and burned-edged fersher. Tea-stained the papers in a pan with different darknesses for different years. :con: Watered down paint splatters as red wine. I'm pretty damn proud of it.
    :cheese: Your teacher sounds so freaking cool. Seriously, I want a teacher like that.
    :hand: Don't worry, srsly. Even if you did graduate. He knows you'll be giving him something great. I say take your time and make it perfect.
    *headdesk* I have two days to finish two projects for graphics, and even if I skip Driver's Ed both days, I don't know if I'll finish in time. I'm gonna splode if I don't. We have 5 projects to choose to do for our final grade for the marking period. I don't finish one and I'm stuck with an 85, I think, because I did an extra credit project. But still, ugh.
    March 30th, 2009 at 03:08am
  • Stupid submit button.

    Anyway. I have to do three journal entries for this story we read, as the character. And he is my [i]favorite[/i] type of character, the mood-fluctuating, depressive guy. I'm going to have a ball writing his pain. Unfortunately, since my teacher [i]knows[/i] that I can write and enjoy writing, she expects more than anyone else for mine. Whoever else picked this project has to do 3/4 page for each, but she wants about 2 pages for mine, I think. Apiece.
    March 27th, 2009 at 04:20am
  • Ah, yeah, I wouldn't be able to stick to 130 either, really. It's too much of an un-fair number. I don't like it. Multiples of 50 are best. Wow, I just misspelled 'best' twice: pest and bast.
    Gah, I'm dying to know though. I gave my English teacher a copy of Petals which I believe is, in fact, my best work yet. Apparently prose is my forte.
    YES! THAT'S IT! God, it sucks. I'm generally inspired by, y'know, good writing. I've gotta find something good, then. It's just killing me because it's being hell on me. And my project too. >< I have writer's block for my project.
    March 27th, 2009 at 04:15am