Elle Gardner / Comments

  • @ AkaraSoma
    As a writer I know I take this little piece of me and I put it out there, it is scary (even with fun stuff like this) as you never know how people are going to respond. Then you get these encouraging notes asking for more and it fuels the creativity.

    When you asked me to continue on, it pushed me to delve deeper not only into the story but into myself and that this a gift that you gave to me. I always hope that people enjoy my work, but I rarely think that there might be a larger scope to things.

    I am happy that I have given you a place to escape to, that is always good when you are facing such emotionally draining things. I wish you all the best with your full check up, and strength to handle whatever is brought you way.

    There will be at least one more installment in the next week or so, but if there is a request for a short side story I'd be happy to write it for you, if you bounce the scenario my way.

    Best wishes, Elle
    August 22nd, 2013 at 02:18pm
  • I am honestly so glad you listened to my idea about making "that Special Touch" into a few installments. They are helping me a lot right now. My doctor found a lump in one breast and I'm going back next week for a full checkup, and your stories have helped me not worry and focus on my workout again Unsure So thanks for using my idea <3 Very Happy
    August 22nd, 2013 at 06:45am