LovelyCharming / Comments

  • @ CharmingDarling
    THANK YOU! I seriously thought I was the only one who thought that way. This season has been mind blowing, no doubt about that. But the turns everyone has been taking, is NOT the way it should be going. I agree about Gemma, she shouldn't even still be here. Which I seriously thought Abel would have told Jax what he heard, because they were throwing clues out there every now and then on Twitter that I saw on FaceBook about them saying "watch out for able" etc. I'm not sure about juice, because Sutter said that he's not one of the characters everyone is expecting to die. Well I mean everyone was expecting him to die at the hands of Jax. But he said another character dies. Chibs, is so loyal. So he's going to do what jax wants. And it's not fair ad he knows it's wrong as well as Tig. Jax has gone off the deep end, especially this past episode. Killing Jury. Things are fucked, but I'm like you, there's no point in stopping now because we've gotten this far and there's only five more episodes left.
    November 3rd, 2014 at 05:04am
  • Season 7 has been so completely fucked!! I feel like half the characters aren't themselves anymore, especially Chibs and Tig. I've kind of just had it with Sutter, but I can't stop watching now, just because I've already come this far. I really hate what's been done to my favorites, and the fact that Gemma's still here after all the shit that's happened because of her. I'm positive Juice will die, and I have this bad feeling that Nero and at least one of Jax's boys will die too. I hope not, but let's face it, Sutter is all about a shock factor.
    October 15th, 2014 at 01:15am
  • @ CharmingDarling
    I completely agree with you. I was in tears throughout that entire scene. I understand the series coming to an end and you want to kill off some main characters, but I mean I don't think there really was a reason to kill Tara off. Whether you want to make Jax go off the deep end or not. And like you said, the brutality of it was pretty horrible. He basically made it look like Tara couldn't fight or just completely let it happen. When in reality she would have put up a damn good fight. She's taken quite a few punches in previous seasons and STILL bounced back from them, but she just ironically couldn't fight back this time? And I agree she's been fighting this entire season, so I don't understand the meaning of it. I will admit there have been times where I've gotten frustrated with Tara because of the way she would do some things, but then when I realize why she did it that way I'm just like "oh okay yeah that makes sense." I mean she went to fucking jail for christ sakes and refused to give up Jax when the Marshall was hounding her! So for her to just go out that way was just flat out wrong.

    I must say, you are not the only one raging...STILL.
    January 5th, 2014 at 09:07am
  • My emotions are completely wrecked. I'm so upset about Tara, like equally as upset as when Opie was killed. I'm so mad that Gemma couldn't check one single fucking fact before she just flew into a rage and murdered the mother of her fucking grandchildren! And it was so brutal on top of that. To me, her death was completely unnecessary. Sutter said basically he killed her off to make Jax go off the deep end. That's it, that's the whole reason she'd dead. And he didn't even let her fight back! He made her a rag doll, just letting Gemma drag her around and dunk her head in the conveniently already filled sink and it was just so cruel to have her die that way, after all she'd done for her boys this season. She didn't even struggle, which is the complete opposite of how she's been since 6x01.

    So to answer your question, yep, I'm pretty much RAGING
    December 12th, 2013 at 02:35am
  • I like Tara when she's a badass. I clapped and cheered when she basically punched Gemma in the face for lying about what happened when she wrecked the car almost killing Thomas and Abel. I still think she was the one who called the police on Tara on the Finale. She's just too greedy. Makes me wanna slap her. But I definitely agree with you, Clay is just a bum. Never deserved to be President.@ CharmingDarling
    May 29th, 2013 at 05:04am
  • I actually really love Tara! Gemma isn't really my favorite after the way she acted in season five, but my least favorite character has always been Clay, from the day I watched the first episode.
    May 29th, 2013 at 04:46am
  • I love Chibs! Especially his accent. I would say my least favorite would have to be either Clay or Tara. Well I think Tara, considering all she seems to do now is complain -_-@ CharmingDarling
    May 29th, 2013 at 04:39am
  • My favorite character is probably either Chibs or Juice. They're both just brilliant!
    May 29th, 2013 at 04:37am
  • I like that. That's very creative :) I usually do that as well. I like mixing and matching. I think that's the best thing to do. But Juliette does fit well with Jax and Gemma. Out of S.O.A who would you say is your favorite character? :) @ CharmingDarling
    May 29th, 2013 at 04:36am
  • Usually, I find myself mixing and matching names of people I know. For instance, I have a friend called Delaney and a cousin with the last name Soren. But I don't use the same first and last name obviously. Juliette is the exception though; I just picked the name because I liked it and because it fit in well with the names Jax and Gemma :)
    May 29th, 2013 at 04:30am
  • That is amazing! haha I am still working on writing a lot better. Hence why I came here. :P I have a profile on this site called That site helps me bring out my writing skills. Lol but I see what you mean. By thinking of one part, and then things just begin to form around that. It's very clever. How do you come up with the names for the stories or chapters? I think that would be one of my weaknesses xD It is crazy, but it's a clever way of bringing out more writing :)@ CharmingDarling
    May 29th, 2013 at 04:23am
  • Pretty much!
    Most of the time my stories start out as this one particular scene in my head and then I build the entire story around that one little tidbit. Like with TPTR, there's this one very small conversation that Delaney will have with Daryl that I created first in my head and then I built the rest of the story just around that conversation and then it just becomes this whole other thing. Actually, my story Seize Control started out by this one idea I had that doesn't even take place until Fate Misunderstood. But I couldn't start the story at that point so I had to create this whole story of things that happen before to Juliette that lead up to that one starting idea I had.
    Crazy really haha
    May 29th, 2013 at 04:18am
  • It's definitely not a good thing. I hate it. I can have a good thing going, and then BAM writer's block! haha
    Oh that's definitely good! I can't wait!
    Where do you come up with these ideas?
    Just watch the shows and they float into your mind? :)@ CharmingDarling
    May 29th, 2013 at 03:57am
  • Oh yes there's definitely more to come!
    I know how writer's block can be; I've had it myself a few times and it's definitely no fun.
    May 28th, 2013 at 05:36pm
  • Of course! And I just finished reading "The Place That Remains"
    I hope there is more to come for that one as well :) I'm currently trying to figure which story to write. :p My mind goes blank and I get writers block -_-@ CharmingDarling
    May 28th, 2013 at 10:44am
  • Thanks so much!
    I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
    May 27th, 2013 at 05:42pm