Jesus its been a while

Wow. I just realized that its been a helluva long time since I've been on here. I think I might re-write some of the things on here, as well as put more up here. Its nice to come back on here and actually want to write. I feel like I could use my now learned skills as a writer to make some really great stuff. I just hope that you guys really like it. I'm even taking submissions on what to write. I...
March 13th, 2013 at 04:56am

Bad Mood

What the hell?!Ok, so here's this thing. Its called a Zune and I just so happen to listen to it a lot and I like to listen to my music a little loud, not too loud though cause of my new headphones that you push into your ear..but I can hear stuff as well, but not if I'm not paying attention.That is the point of my problem I have now.Here's what had happened:I was just sitting here, writing on my...
February 4th, 2009 at 10:14pm

Panic Attack Over My Future

Seriously! I am having mini-panic attacks cause of this little decision.Ok, so here's my problem. I love acting but I also love writing, singing and dancing. I'm a regular ole artistic type, huh?I was plannin' going back to college and doing what I love but I can't decide what to do!! See I would be in college now but all this crap that just had to come up in my life. First my father acting a...
February 3rd, 2009 at 02:22am

Feb 01, 09' Crazy Dream

Ok, so I was in La La Land... Ha I have my own land.... Hey that reminds me, I know some people who used to call me La La! Anyways!The first part of my dream includes Slipknot, again. Hey I'm not complaining but they had some company, Avenged Sevenfold but it was mainly The Rev and Syn.... and Slipknot.Okay, so the beginning is a little fuzzy so I'm not even gonna attempt to tell you what it was...
February 1st, 2009 at 11:14pm

I have some weird dreams....

Ok, first thing you outta know about my dreams is that they're very vivid and lots of color so ... be warned cause crazy shit happens....I was aboard Enterprise (As in Star Trek: Enterprise) and I had this cool looking catsuit on with my combat boots and I was just chillin on the bridge when this alarm goes off saying "Intruder Alert!" So me and Reed, the Lieutenant, went to get them and I found...
January 30th, 2009 at 01:58am

Help with some of my stories? Anyone?

Ok so I've recently put up some new stories...and I might need some help with ideas cause my mind is like a dam with a leak in it....whoa that sounded dirty....The stories that I need help with are as follows: All The Small Things, The Only Difference Between Good Girls And Us, Is The Music We Listen Too, so yea... I could use a little help :]Oh and if anyone has any ideas for one shots, I'd be...
October 1st, 2008 at 07:03am

My apologies and information on a story

Yeah, I've been gone a while, it was because of a falling out I had with my roomies...but I'm back and have mucho mucho more stories to post!!!!!!About the story Fiction Has Become Reality? Orignally it had Jared Leto and 30STM but due to a recent dream, I've decided that its gonna be about MCR... that and I haven't written a MCR story yet so.. there..But there is a story in the works with Jared...
August 9th, 2008 at 06:34am

Ok this is news about my stories...

So offically Love Is Far Away, Don't You Think is on hiatus cause i have writers block on it...and I'm starting a new story called Fiction Has Become Reality... read itSo now comes one of my secrets.. a secret indulgence if you will...And please don't laugh at this cause I think this will make a very good story idea.I'm going to write a story about Power Rangers... yes I said it.So for those of...
April 20th, 2008 at 06:31am