Hey my name is Annie Keane and this is my Mibba profile. So here's some info about little me!!!!!!!!!!!! 11 layers of ME :) Full Name: Annie Keane Birthday: 1994 (Not saying the date ) Current location: Dublin Eye Colour: Blue Hair Colour: Chocolate Brown Righty or lefty: Righty Zodiac Sign: Libra Layer Two: On the Inside Your Strengths: Horse-riding, Writing, Drawing, Karate, Acting or Drama Your Fears: Wasps, Bees, Needles, Knives Ambition In Life: To become an Actress or a Drama Teacher Layer Three: Yesterday, Today and Tommrre First Thoughts Waking Up: Changes all the time :D Your Bedtime: Also changes all the time :P Most Missed Memory: My Daddy RIP miss you and will love you forever Layer Four: Pick Your Choice Pepsi or Coke: Neither hate both 7up all the way :) McDonalds or Burger King: McDolalds Single or Group Dates: Depends on the guy lol :) Adidas or Nike: Adidas Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate as I hate Vanilla :P Tea or Coffee: Neither hate both Layer Five: Do You: Smoke: Nope Have a Current Crush: Maybe Want to get Married: Hopefully one day need to find the right guy first though lol :] Believe in Yourself: Depends on the sisuation Layer Six: In the Past Month: Drank alcohol: No don't drink Gone to the Mall: Not recently unfortally Eaten Sushi: Never had it although I do want to try it :P Dyed your Hair: Don't feel the need to as happy the way I am :} Layer Seven: Have you Ever: Got Beaten up: Strangely yes people can be nasty to eachother sometimes Changed the Way You are to Fit In: Nope happy and content just the way I am thank you very much :} Layer Eight: Getting old :O Age you hope to get married at: Whenever I find my prince charming :) Layer Nine: My Perfect Mate :) Best Eye Colour: Chocolate Brown Best Hair: Black Long Or Short: Doesn't matter Layer Ten: What are you doing? 1 minute ago: This lol 1 hour ago: Competing at a horse show 1 year ago: Can't remember Layer Eleven: Finish the sentence:) I Love: Drama, Horses, Film, My horse Shadow, Friends and Family I Feel: Relaxed I Hate: School work, Studying and Evil People I Hide: Not Telling lol I Miss: My Daddy :( RIP I Need: Food!!!!!!!!!!!!! Personal Profile :P Favorite TV Show: CSI Miami Favorite Books: The Outsiders, The Twilight Saga, Any Horse Books Favorite Actors: Taylor Lautner