Here we go Again

It's happening again.It's showing on our faces.Time's coming down to the wire.Every time a break begins to come around we all get ancey. Everyone starts getting super tired and its hard to focus in class. You start to have that countdown going in your head. It always happens. Right before Winter Break during Finals, right before Spring Break during school, and especially right before Summer during...
March 13th, 2008 at 05:40am

Just Thinking...

Why is it that whenever a band is put on Mtv their music changes, or their fans become crap sometimes?Not every band but a lot of them.For instance:Panic! At the Disco was amazing in late 2005 when I found out about them. They were awesome and when i mentioned them everyone would be all "WHO'S THAT? THEY HAVE A WEIRDASS BAND NAME!" But right after they appeared on Mtv in 2007 they had a ton of...
February 18th, 2008 at 02:16am