ColorlessReflection / Comments

  • (100)

    United States
    Yeah I didn't really enjoy the season 5 and 6 because I'm such a Brooke fan and it seemed things were just terrible for her but lately things are falling into place, well with all the characters really.
    January 16th, 2009 at 03:32pm
  • World War III

    World War III (100)

    United States
    Oh. So you don't put on plays or anything??? Cause that sucks a bit. I might be joining this...flag...twirly thing at my school lmao gosh I can not picture myself twirling a flag pole that's bigger than me. =S

    lol what do you mean you were'nt blessed with the art gene? Well, not to brag but I can draw some of the best stick men you ever seen!
    =D lol

    OMG! LMAO That's hilarious ^-^ Yes I have seen the first one and part of the second one (Bet on it was enough for me) but for some reason I keep wanting Troy and Gabriella to die...Idk why I think maybe i'm just a weirdo, I mean it's ok for Bella and Edward to fall in love in highschool because he's a vampire but I think HSM would be better if they died and not becuase I hate them (which I do) lol

    haha yes he does. I got him some 'Bling' for his Birthday two years ago, and for christmas he got an mp3 player. He seriously doesn't act like a grandpa...

    Aww I know I can't wait. =( I'm probably going to drive my family crazy from watching it so much. =) I'm not very far in Midnight sun, I htink like chapter five??? I don't want to read it anymore cause it feels weird writing something totally different in my story...well it does take place a year before Bella though.

    Oh wow! lolz talk about a speed reader! It took me like a week to read New Moon! >_< lolz that's amazing dood. x] grandma keeps stalling. If i had any money and a form of transpertation I'd go get it myself...wait no becuase it wasn't in my Wal*Mart
    =( I just have bad luck I guess. =/

    LOL I've never heard of The Luxe, what's it about??? It's hard for me to get into books but once I do I can't put them down...though I am a slow reader still lol. I was so excited when I found out Bella was listening to Linkin Park, I love them! xD
    January 15th, 2009 at 01:36am
  • (100)

    United States
    My favorite is season 2
    January 14th, 2009 at 04:25pm
  • World War III

    World War III (100)

    United States
    Hakuna Matata dood, it's cool. I've always wanted to join the Drama club at my school but I move way too much. Do you get stage fright? I was always worried about that. =S

    Vanessa Hudgens!? Are you serious?! LMAO I always wanted her to get killed in HSM but...not like THAT. If she was in the movie, I'd be constantly laughing x] She is not the Vampire Type. lol

    HAHA I wish my grandpa was that cool. He just thinks he's 'Gangsta', He even wants a grill!! Like the one that goes in your mouth. -_-" sometimes my family can be sooo embarasing. I'll swithch you? LMAO XD

    LOL!! I could so picture that x] haha. I'm not 'hazardous' at sports, I just suck lmao.

    Definitley. Now, I find it hard to continue my story but i've got so many people reading it. >_< I should not have read Midnight Sun. Grr.

    Aww that's so adorable. I love Edward. ^-^ (Not like most of the teenage female population, you know what I mean right?) lolz and Bella. They're so perfect for each other =] and I love how in Midnight Sun, you get to see how the rest of the family was reacting towards it all.

    Could you really read it all in one day? O_O wow lol let me know how far you get tomorrow yeah? XD I think if I dont' get Eclipse soon I'm going to re-read Twilight and New Moon =(

    BOOKS!!?? OMG! I LOVE books!! (haha I sound like such a nerd lols) Um...Okay I love ALL of Janet Evanovich's book, she cracks me up! But my favorite by her would have to be Metro Girl. Gallow's Riders by Mark Roberts is actually wonderful for a western book (especially seeing as I absolutely HATE westerns and I read that book in like two days), The Keys to the Kingdom series is good too. I have to stop lol. What are some of your other favorites?
    January 13th, 2009 at 01:18am
  • Sheautiful

    Sheautiful (100)

    um....probably eclipse. fo sho!!! real steamy and good!!!


    emmet is rely hot. so is james and carlise and jacob..(with shorter hair)

    January 10th, 2009 at 02:38am
  • Farrow

    Farrow (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm choosing to read [i]The Catcher In the Rye[/i]. Only the lower sets at my school get to read it, so I had to go out and buy it myself. We're doing Jane Eyre at the minute, and I'm having to start planning my Essay to go towards my GCSE's. I'm petrifyed, haha.

    Oh my god, [i]Lock and Key[/i] is fantastic! I loved every second of it, the characters are amazing. I cannot wait for another Dessen book, I'm running out of reading material, haha.

    How To Deal was....not what I was expecting. It was good, don't get me wrong, I guess it was just way too different to what I imagined. Scarlotte, for me, was totally wrong, and the acting wasn't all too brilliant. Kind of a shame really, though it was worth watching.

    Any suggestiond for books, I need something to read? Haha.
    January 9th, 2009 at 04:29pm
  • World War III

    World War III (100)

    United States
    Yeah lol as long as he's got nice hair, that was the only thing i liked about him!...well besides those eyes ^^

    The guy that they were going to replace him with looked iraquian [sp?] to me =S but OMG!! I am SO SO SO SOOOO Glad that they're not replacing him!!!

    they guy that might play Aro is hawt though =] and I didn't even see Prince I kinda wish I did =( lol

    LOLz well my grandma is 49...I guess that's not too old because my friends mom is 45...

    You're not so good with sports I'm guessing? LOL I suck too, so I wouldn't laugh at you =] So you've seen Graceland? but you've never been there? That's sad =( So close yet so far away...

    Oh, lol why do you want to wait for it to come out? Your will power is amazing lol I'm not very patient. I was supposed to get it for Christmas but I didn't, but we're having another Christmas party becuase My aunts and uncles weren't here for the real one so I might get it then but I can't wait. =] lol so I was exagerating slightly. lol

    I haven't read that far but that sounds so sweet ^^ It's nice to see that Edward is just as crazy about Bella as she was him =] and the whole time in Twilight she had no idea but aww I suppose my favorite scene was when Edward imagining himself smaking Mike into the wall during Biology, I thought it was so cute cause I was all "Aww he's jealous" =] (I'm past that part though) lol What was your favorite scene?


    lolz i'm sorry I'm just so happy about that, cause I pictured Taylor's face in New Moon
    January 8th, 2009 at 10:12pm
  • World War III

    World War III (100)

    United States
    Oh geez I never thought of Edward having to grow his hair back O_O lolz I have a question that kind of goes with can Edward have kids? I mean, isn't he technically dead so...I'm so confused as to how his heart can't beat but his mini me's can still swim

    I think Taylor is buff =] well...not as buff as I'd pictured Jacob in New Moon but I think it would be rather easy to overlook lol

    My grandmother drags me to the premieres. I mean it isn't so bad since I get to see the movie's a little embarassing, though I would never tell her that O_O

    LOL are you serious?! I can't even say "For Shizzle" around my friends mom cause she says that she's beginning to say it lol. Does your dad say 'OMG'
    That would be awesome =D

    Sometimes I'll tell my mom something like "Your feet stink" and she'll say "Your mom"

    lolz she's weird.

    HAHA what were you guy's thinking when you decided to go to Graceland? =D lolz You could go play baseball and be just as american lol...aww man now I wanna go =( I'll have to drag my friends too =]

    Do you mean after New Moon comes out? Or all the movies? I'm just hoping to read Eclipse before that movie comes out...scary though =S

    When you were reading Midnight Sun did you go 'Aww' more frequently than normal? I'm like saying that in every chapter v_v
    January 7th, 2009 at 05:19am
  • Farrow

    Farrow (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I've got the Catcher In The Rye sitting, waiting for me to read, but I'm really tempted to read This Lullaby again. I was discussing it with a friend yesterday, and it just really made me want to read it again.

    On a Dessen note, Oh my god, really? Has she posted anything about it on her website? I'll go check in a second to see...
    Thanks uber-muchly for telling me, I wouldn't have found out for ages.

    In my English class today, we were having a discussion, and we're doing Gothic Romance, and my teacher brought up Twilight--she hadn't read it or seen the movie, but asked if any of us had. I screamed. Like, so embarrassing, but both me and my best friend who sits across the room just let out this dorkish wail...then the ranting began. The entire lesson was then taken over by myself and my friend, explaining all four books--in detail with quotes--just for someone to yell at us at the end, "That sounds shit."


    I was slightly embarrassed.
    January 6th, 2009 at 05:22pm
  • World War III

    World War III (100)

    United States
    HA! She just kinda smiled, looking from me to the book! lol she's too nice to actually tell me she doesn't like it lolz

    Yes, well I'm glad you find it amusing...but it was for Twilight so, I toughed it out lolz. I did it for Jasper =D lol I swear I would pass out if I ever met Jackson Rathbone ^-^ how embarassing!

    I actually like his haircut! I doesn't go with his nose all that good...and does this mean he'll have to wear a wig??? That's weird lol but I think it's alright...I miss his sex hair though =(

    I really hate the press, they do like to exagerate quite a bit. I really don't want them to replace any of the characters though, I mean Taylor might not be 'Buff enough' to play Jacob but I mean, if they can make hobbits and giants they can make him bigger!...right? =/

    lolz I think I can picture them well enough haha. They sound cool. I mean, I picture hooker boots to be tall and shiny O_O and they don't sound like that lolz

    OMG yes! My grandma goes to the premiere to EVERY Harry Potter movie! It's wicked embarassing yo >_< lolz you dont' have a family member with a weird obsession???

    Yeah I can only hope lol where's Graceland??? lol I'm sorry I don't think I've heard of it though...course I am 'special' too so...

    Aww dood you already finished them all?! Well I got to chapter six in Midnight Sun! =D lolz I don't think it would be so bad to re-read the series =] lol
    January 6th, 2009 at 04:27am
  • Sheautiful

    Sheautiful (100)

    lol well yah~!!! lol

    i think i will wear my team jacob shit to school tomorrow. ~ XD :p
    January 5th, 2009 at 05:32am
  • World War III

    World War III (100)

    United States
    LOL your friend's not a reader then? haha I got my friend twilight for christmas...wasn't until later did I realize she doesn't read =S lol. So does that make me a dork for keeping the cardboard? lmao it's still in my suitcase...I never actually unpacked it haha

    lol you shouldnt be. I had to tag along with other people most the time, and once I even went with this crazy stalker chick (Long story) lol but when it comes out, you can watch it over, and over, and over again! =]

    OMG Yeah! I saw those pics, and Robert can't go out and party >_< I mean, I could understand if he was going to shoot a scene totally wasted then yeah that wouldn't be acceptable but geez!...ya know, my aunt told me that she smoked pot when we went to see the movie. Actually she was like "She's a stoner." Though I didn't really think anything of it, cause my aunts weird lol That's Freaky.


    Dang. I'm sorry. =]

    HAHA hooker boots? What do they look like?

    My grandmas's obsession with Harry Potter is embarassing really. It's all my fault too becuase I'm the one that told her she should read the book -_-"

    $22??? How big was it? lol I'd never even use a paper weight lol did it at least say twilight?

    Dude that's cool. I would ask for some Twilight stuff for my birthday but I'm trying to get my grandparents to send me to England for my 16th Birthday becuase on the 16th or 19th of June, McFly are having a concert in...well somwhere over there. I googled it too, it's not so far from London ^^

    LOL I can't get over that 9ft scarf XD maybe it's one of those things you wrap around your head? lolz just a sugestion though I don't think it was all that helpful =]

    I'm only on Chapter 4 because I really don't want to read it. I keep wanting to go back to Twilight and I still haven't gotten Eclipse yet =(
    January 5th, 2009 at 12:12am
  • Sheautiful

    Sheautiful (100)

    ooo! u like paramore. me too!!

    and twilight. :D
    January 4th, 2009 at 07:28am
  • Farrow

    Farrow (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    A Belated Happy Birthday then, it was my dads too.

    Okay, your New Years makes my wining sound pathetic. I guess, compared to the sounds of yours, mine wasn't too bad. I was supposed to go to this party with some friends, but it being my dad's birthday, he said he wanted his family with him since he wasn't going out himself. So I had to stay at home drinking cider and watching the fireworks in London. Boring, but I suppose not [i]bad.[/i]

    Sorry to hear your birthday/New Years was crappy.

    I just finished Breaking Dawn, like ten minutes ago. Kind of an anti-climax, I think. When they were all stood in the feild, all the covens and the Volturi, I was so waiting for the fight, I got so excited. But then everything was all lovey-dovey and okay again. I know it's pretty horrible, but I expected at least one of the main characters to die.
    I did cry when Bella was saying goodbye to Renesmee and Jacob though, and Edwards reaction, though subtle, was heart breaking. But like I said, anti-climax.
    All in all, I found it was a damned good book, I'm glad it changed my perception of Jacob--I'm pretty in love with him now, haha (though Edward will always be my favourite). Also I like that it went into more depth with the other Cullen siblings, mainly Rosalie.

    Now that I've finished the saga, I may finally get around to readin [i]That Summer[/i], haha.
    January 3rd, 2009 at 01:12am
  • Farrow

    Farrow (100)

    Great Britain (UK)

    They're re-casting Jacob? D:
    Why? *is sad*

    And my new year sucked, how about yours?
    January 2nd, 2009 at 07:15pm
  • Farrow

    Farrow (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I didn't know that either, but I guess I'm not surprised, most people, famous or not, spoke pot anyway.

    They'll have to either make him grow it our or he'll have to have a wig or something...Edwards hair is kind of important in his role, I guess.
    December 31st, 2008 at 02:35pm
  • World War III

    World War III (100)

    United States
    That comment was insanely long lol I'm sorry ^-^
    December 31st, 2008 at 05:29am
  • World War III

    World War III (100)

    United States
    Haha I know what you mean. My eyes start to burn after looking at my computer screen for like a continuous hour =S My friend was telling me about the box set, and how she wanted it for christmas...I'm not so sure that she got it though. I saved the cardboard that came with my bracelet because it had Carlisle and Esme on it =] I'm such a little nerd haha.

    No way! I wonder if they stopped playing it in theatre's here...I havent been in a while, because my grandparents refuse to even drive me bye the theatre, in fear that I'll want to see it a fifth I can't wait untill it comes out at the cheap, two dollar movie lol. I hope FYE was right. I haven't seen one in Indiana [I got my bracelet from the FYE in El Paso, cause I visited my mom for Christmas down there lol]

    They absolutely can not hire a different guy to play Edward! I mean, I don't think Robert is all that attractive, but if they change it now...I don't even want to think of what would happen! For sure the ratings would go down. People don't really enjoy having the main character's switched out...though the Bond movies did alright I suppose...but it would still be an enormous disapointment. Robert is now how I see Edward, and seeing some other guy parading around with Bella just seems...wrong...

    I am so glad. But I'm sorry for you =S how can you survive without a good shopping mall?! I would explode >_<

    I got mine at the Hot Topic in El Paso, though they were out or a LOT of stuff. It was crazy lol. "I like Boys who sparkle"? lmao I am most definitely going to tell my friend that =D she's weird so she'd probably get it...god that doesn't sound right lol

    I remember of the movies came out, they had this little order thing inside where you could order Hermione's and Harry's wands. There was also clothing and such at Hot Topic (My grandmother who is also majorly obsessed with HP bought me the sweater, I still to this day can not picture her walking into Hot Topic...) and they had a lot of little toys and such at Toys R Us.

    Yowzas that's scary dude! The only thing I know that I'm allergic to is Dial soap, and I only break out in these red, rash like patches that burned =S My mom likes to buy Avon, so I used to steal a bunch of her perfumes. I had this perfume called "IMARI Seduction" But when I came to live with my grandma, I suddenly 'lost' it, which I find suspicious seeing as she didn't like the smell of it...hmm...

    Actually, I hadn't seen that perfume! Have you smelled it? I've seen some type of New York perfume in...Sears? I think...I'm not sure, but it was in an apple shaped container but, it was green. =(

    HAHA! No way lol so I guess we've both had our bad experiences with clothing huh? lol I swear, adults should just give us gift cards or something rather than attempting to pick out clothing. I swear, I shall never tell anyone what size I am again lol
    December 31st, 2008 at 05:28am
  • Farrow

    Farrow (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I think we might get it, I'll have a look around in Asda(it's run by Wal-Mart over here). But I can't find any pictures on the internet. Is he full on bald, or is it just short? I can't imagine him and my friends keep imagining him with a really weird lumpy head, haha.
    December 31st, 2008 at 01:08am
  • Farrow

    Farrow (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I hope he has everything sorted out, it would be a major downer to not have a sequel. Did you hear that he apparently shaved all his hair off?
    December 30th, 2008 at 06:52pm