Riddles and Fiddle Stick (Sorry if this is depressing, About a family member)

It pains me to know that slowly, but surely I'm forgetting you. You, who was once such an essential part of my life. Now you are simply a distant memory, a far off dream of a childhood spent tucked inside your safe house. The scent of you evades me, I can no longer recall that smoky smell that used to waft off of you in big gulps that I drank up with voracity. I can just barely remember your frail...
September 8th, 2008 at 06:01am

An All Nighter? Major Essay

So I have a massive essay due tomorrow and that means I will most likely be up all night writing. Most sane people would get back to writing afore mentioned essay but I'm taking a break. I'm listening to Bright Eyes to help me ooze creative juices out my eyeballs! I actually am getting really tired though which sucks. BUTT!I'm sitting here listening to Bright Eyes and being soothed by Conor's...
August 18th, 2008 at 06:38am

A Slight Dilemma

I'm come across the fact that I only have a couple hundred dollars in savings. Which, does in fact, suck but also presents a problem, though I doubt I'll have much trouble sticking to my new strict regime. No more spending money. Not on candy, not on itunes, not on music, not on games, not on chai lattes, NO MORE SPENDING! I'm currenting 21 days away from my permit which means 6 months and 21 days...
July 7th, 2008 at 08:40pm

Sorry I haven't written

I know that I've been putting stuff off. I've actually been extremely busy. I promise I'm writing the 3rd chapter as I type. I had previously written then Mibba deleted my whole thing so. DO NOT TELL ME 'thats why i always write it in word first'. Usually I write them on word, in that particular instance I didn't because I was on my macbook and didn't feel like pulling up Pages. Sorry I wrote a...
June 28th, 2008 at 01:11am

A Coming Of Age

This is sort of an essay/writing prompt but I like what I wrote so here ya' go.In childhood, our adult life seems far away. We dreamt of happy, care free times and love, some dreamt of fame and glory but we all had one thing we were sure of, things would be fine. Is it possible to retain that small innocence as we grow? I’m not completely sure though I certainly believe we loose at least some of...
June 4th, 2008 at 12:24pm