Cosabella / Comments

  • luckystars

    luckystars (100)

    United States
    See, your story about Alex's commentary confuses the hell out of me. Were there not a lot of people around when you met him? Cause, "terrified" and "nervous" were definitely his expressions of choice this weekend. Kid made me want to hug him on no less then 4 seperate occasions. AND my sarcasem went flying right over his head. I think he was a) nervous by how uncontrolled the 30 fans in the very tiny hot topic were b) not expecting me to basically not be a totally earnest fangirl and hang on his every single word.

    Now onto the chapter -
    I didn't intend to write it that fast but then I realized I had 5 hours on a bus to kill and the other story I was working on just wasn't flowing the way I wanted it too. I'm glad you don't like Josh. You aren't really supposed to. And he is the Anti-Alex, though that's not the only reason she's been casually seeing him. It's just a big incentive.
    This prologue was really just to establish a timeline and where everyone is.

    Glad you liked it. :)
    June 29th, 2009 at 05:07pm
  • Lonewolf

    Lonewolf (100)

    United States
    no problem, and I found it on livejournal. Want the big picture? I would be happy to give you it :)
    it was no problem, I loved it.
    Thanks for the character input! :D
    Makes it so much easier to understand haha.
    I like your articel format, it's highly intresting.
    Your long comment is no problem ahah.
    June 29th, 2009 at 08:00am
  • sheens

    sheens (100)

    Your little experimental thing is a breath of fresh air.
    no problem, enjoyed the last chap!
    June 29th, 2009 at 07:19am
  • luckystars

    luckystars (100)

    United States
    Chapter 8:
    Yea, the funny thing is - it [b]really wasn't[/b] stalker Bree. She literally didn't want to run into him - but her friend lives in Baltimore. It's not exactly a small city; the odds were pretty stacked she wouldn't see him. But, with a title like Happenstance...oops. lol
    And Alex - it really boils down to him not trusting that he could eventually love someone enough to not "hurt them". So he figured if he made her hate him, then he wouldn't have to deal with the hard part. Unfortunately, life doesn't work that way and he basically hurt her worse this way.
    Hugging them and then slapping might be the best course of action. They're both blinded by these feelings they have -- but terrified of their own past track records with relationships.
    As for Warped Tour - they're going to be such adorable balls of stress. lol
    Breeda has to approach it as work. Alex is in a band and gets to have fun. Neither one of them at [b]this[/b] point really wants anything to do with the other. Breeda at least gets some prep time to center herself over the fact that she's basically going to be in the same vicinity as him for around two months. And as big as Warped Tour is? It's not THAT big. And if you asked the person Sami is based off of for her description of Warped Tour: "It's like a really gossipy high school. Everyone knows everyone elses business within 10 minutes of it happening."
    Basically, it's both the worst and perfect setting for them to sort things out in. They're forced to confront each other on a probable daily basis - even if they don't really want to (but very much [b]need[/b] to).
    I meant the epilogue to be more of a transition between "Happenstance" and "Serendipity" sooo, hopefully that came through.

    So glad you enjoyed it.
    June 24th, 2009 at 04:40pm
  • luckystars

    luckystars (100)

    United States
    Thank you again. :)

    Bree is definitely a little bit of a layer cake. She's not even a 'self-medicating' type - she's just been told for so long that, "Anxiety attack = medication" that she doesn't know what else to do or how else to cope with it. She actually suffers more for it because she doesn't like to medicate unless necessary. As she mentioned, the two or three times a day when it'll start to come on at a lesser level before going into a full blown panic attack. The flinching is a much deeper 'issue'. Again, all stuff that will be revealed in time.

    I agree with you about Alex - though I wouldn't go so far as to say he's fallen for her yet. He's starting to (and vice versa) but they're both being really standoffish with any real feelings because of the situation. They feel it's 'safer' that way.

    As for the ATL/changing things up. I personally know basically nothing about them. I've been youtubing videos/reading interviews for the last three weeks in prep for this story so that I was at least semi-accurate towards at least their 'public-personas'. I figure a more 'private' side of Alex can be fudged, since none of us acutually KNOW him. Also one of my good friends lives in Baltimore so she's been a bit of a help with ATL-history/Baltimore locales type stuff (for later in the story).

    As for a sequel / time lapse -- that's the ONLY thing I'm up in the air about. More the 'format' then the 'plot' The original end to this story feels very final to me. But not the end of Breeda and Alex's story. However, the selfish part of me is like "Yea, well, barely anyone's reading this one as it're more apt to get people to read if they see the same title popping up constantly."; though there would be a time jump of at least a month/month and a half (if not a little more) and I don't know if that'd throw off the formatting of the story by going from day, after day after day subsequently into a major time jump. I have to think about it. lol
    Ironically, I'll be in Baltimore this weekend, so maybe I'll get inspired.
    June 22nd, 2009 at 10:42pm
  • luckystars

    luckystars (100)

    United States
    The first sentence of your review is actually exactly why I started writing this story. I only very recently got into ATL - Breeda's description of having seen them open for FOB and having been more concerned with not dying is a fairly accurate assessment to my first encounter with the band. Before that I just had never really even sought them out (I think the underwear photoshoot gave me this idea that they'd be lyrically immature) - then I read a story my friend wrote and I became intrigued. I started looking around for other ATL stories and after throwing up in my mouth a little I decided I was going to write one. The rest as they say is history...

    Thank you so much for the kind words about my story. I'm so glad you like it - it hasn't gotten much of a reaction and I wasn't sure why, so to hear someone (that I don't know) is reading it and likes it makes me all warm and fuzzy.

    Alex and Bree both have their redeeming qualities, as well as their faults, in this story because I'm writing them as realistically as I possibly can.
    Breeda's a lot more complex, with a deeper history then has been revealed, which is what has led her to using self-deprication and her "wall" to protect herself. And your right, she did know that Alex had a girlfriend - and she acknowledges that. She actually more then acknowledges that as will be seen in the next chapter. She feels guilty, she's actually sort of beating herself up about it.
    While Alex, is just simply not in love with his gf anymore...but doesn't want to be "that guy" - he's trying to somehow come out of this smelling like a rose, even while he knows that he won't. So he figures, as long as she lets me get away with it...basically he's trying to get HER to break up with HIM. I'm purposefully writing Alex's gf as a non-entity. It doesn't really matter how she IS, it matters how the other two participants in this "triangle" (of sorts) view her. Bree needs to see her as the wretched, witch. Alex needs to see her as a clingy leech that he's become near apathetic to. That's actually why she has no name (she's NOT Lisa. I don't write the real gfs into stories if I can help it). The "empathy" for Bree will (hopefully) come into play as more of her story is revealed; Alex still doesn't even know a very major detail that I've alluded to with her.
    Basically, you're not supposed to hate or love either one completely. They've got faults.

    The flashbacks might only come into play for those two chapters - they were a way to tell two days at once, since all of Sunday was unnecessary to be seen. Though at the same time if it helps me tell the story it might come back. I'm winging parts of this and parts of it are set in stone (like the plot - the formatting I'm a little shaky on).

    I'll be updating soon definitely - I'm working out some details in my other stories and this is giving me something to publish while I do that. The only thing I'm really 'stuck' on with this story is wether or not to end it in the next 2-3 chapters and then format in a sequel...or to continue it along in the same "story". I have to see how it feels. 'Cause right now it feels like a conclusion to me...but that may change over the next few pages. I know exactly what's going to happen in the entire story, I just haven't decided if I'm splitting it over a few shorter ones or if it's going to be one large story.

    Again, thanks so much for reading. And shameless plug - if you've got friends who read ATL fics, let them know about this one. :)

    June 22nd, 2009 at 04:42pm
  • brightbluelights

    brightbluelights (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the story comment! :) I'm glad you like the story so far.
    June 19th, 2009 at 04:06pm
  • a day to remember.

    a day to remember. (100)

    United States
    It's no problem! Anytime. =)
    May 18th, 2008 at 07:44pm
  • a day to remember.

    a day to remember. (100)

    United States
    Your oneshot is [b]amazing.[/b] I was not expecting it to end like that. GREAT JOB! =)
    May 17th, 2008 at 12:07am
  • this is lilyspeaking

    this is lilyspeaking (100)

    (: Your one-shot is freaking amazing.
    May 14th, 2008 at 09:36pm
  • BeautyBreakdown

    BeautyBreakdown (100)

    United States
    yea the accents are sexay
    May 12th, 2008 at 11:26pm
  • nbjksbdgfuiojbed vga

    nbjksbdgfuiojbed vga (100)

    United States
    i love ur story its so good
    May 12th, 2008 at 12:46am
  • BeautyBreakdown

    BeautyBreakdown (100)

    United States
    your welcome. yea i rather be in england cause is so beautful and the brits. boys are hot
    May 11th, 2008 at 07:14pm
  • SaRahX1123

    SaRahX1123 (100)

    United States
    haha thanks,.and i think u should either write that one shot into a story, or write a story like that, cuz i liked so scandelous.hehehe
    May 11th, 2008 at 04:15pm
  • SaRahX1123

    SaRahX1123 (100)

    United States
    haha LOVED ur burning up one shot=]
    May 11th, 2008 at 06:44am
  • BeautyBreakdown

    BeautyBreakdown (100)

    United States
    love the one shot you should make it into a story
    May 9th, 2008 at 12:02am