I'm really bad at keeping eye contact.

Wow.I'm horrible for even remembering this site's name.I feel bad that I just sort of pick up my things and leave without saying a word, or even posting anything. You could say it's because I never write stories, think up cool things, or draw.I don't think of myself as artistic anymore, but rather lethargic and lazy. I might just give up on college and go straight into my back up career as a body...
February 21st, 2010 at 10:18pm

I can see the spider webs now.

Hmmm... it's been what, more than a year since my last journal entry? I'm not really counting, I forgot the password to this account, and the username. But it's obvious i've found it again, hm?In the past year or so, i do feel I've matured greatly, I'm no longer spewing out little emo-bitch rants about my friends being assholes. I've simply stated to them, I only think of them as acquaintances....
March 8th, 2009 at 09:23pm

If you don't like me anymore, then get the fcuk out!

Disclaimer: Before you call me an insensitive bitch, and tell me I'm being unfair. I already know. I just need to vent my jealous anger. (Also, I purposely spelt fuck wrong).Alright, the reason behind this entry, and I'll censor names to protect the innocent (if they ever read this), is because my friend, whom I consider my sister of ten years, doesn't really care for me as much. (I feel it's...
February 27th, 2008 at 12:51am

After highschool, when's the next time I'll need to say numerator in my life?

I officially have a set idea for my short story which is due Thursday morning to my english teacher's hand. At least I have mostly everything I need to write it.... now I just need to get off my ass and actually get around to writing it.Though, I don't really have to worry, I still have, what is it now? Three days?I can pull it off in that amount of time, I work best under extreme circumstances,...
February 25th, 2008 at 10:55pm

Not that cool once you add potassium.

Today during first period, I found out tomorrow we get to finally write our own short stories, obviously, I was relieved by this. I've had the buring urge growing in the pit of my stomach to write for one three weeks now, but I want some glory out of it, if you know what I mean.I handed in a first person point of view to my teacher (the assignment was to take an antoganist from the story "On the...
February 21st, 2008 at 03:54am