sherbetsi / Comments

  • NO! Really???

    Don't tell me! I have it Tivo'ed! If it's what I'm thinking, then I am about to SCREAM!
    June 20th, 2010 at 10:50pm
  • Thanks! The last original i did on here crashed and burned terribly, it was horrible. I think this one's going to go well though because 1) i'm not posting as much and 2) it's kind of my older young adult genre if that makes sense.

    I usually end up just skipping until i find my favourite ones XD

    Sounds like you had fun!
    I wish my night hadn't felt so wasted, but what're you gonna do right?

    I've got exams this week, only two of them though and i've already finished the english one, it's just math now.

    Not really, because it's exam week i've got most of the week of which is really nice, but other than that not much.
    January 26th, 2010 at 09:22pm
  • Yup, i've got one planned from start to finish for the sole purpose of mibba.
    Since i put up that journal though, i'm debating on whether or not i SHOULD make it a fanfic. people really seem to love my fanfics.

    I love getting new music because then there's actually something i want to listen to lol.
    Otherwise i'm like ''ugggghh i've heard all of this before!''

    That sucks! We just got a new monitor for our desktop, it's huge!

    Uneventful. I didn't do much.
    My best friend came over and we drank and played wii all night, but that's about it.
    January 5th, 2010 at 11:24pm
  • Well now you do lol. I facebook alot lately.
    I've been debating lately on whether or not i should do another story for mibba.

    Hahaha! Your poor dad!

    Yea really. I never thought about it that way. ''Live while you can!'' then they live to be a hundred and they're screwed for the last 70 years because they spent the first 30 partying too hard.

    Haha X]

    Ohh, that makes sense. I love the words that you teach me =P

    I'll be able to drive sometime in march once my lessons are finished.
    That's sweet.

    I've got a purple ipod nano too! I got mine for my 16th birthday from my dad and it was probably one of the best gifts i ever got. I use it at least once every day.

    Haha, way to cut yoursel fof fbefore you ended up writing me a book there.
    December 29th, 2009 at 05:09pm
  • Ho-ly, sounds like you've got it back!
    Sorry i haven't replied in so long, i've been totally neglecting everything mibba for the past little while, but then i realized how much i missed you guys and couldn't stay away lol.

    My mom's theory is that i've got the rest of my life to live it crazily and even though boys are important right now...blah blah blah blah...i'm not going to die an old maid. Haha! I tend to tune out the middle part because of my raging hormones telling me to find someone who's throat i can put my tuongue down XD

    Aww! That's sweet!
    But i meant it more in the sense that, knitting is precise, you know what you're going to get once you start, with gambling there's no certainty.

    Warpath? Never heard that one before =P
    Since it's after christmas now though, i got driving lessons and headphones and money and new pyjammas and a huge lot of candy.
    What about you? How was your christmas?
    December 28th, 2009 at 07:07pm
  • Haha!
    You must be getting old!
    Sounds like you're growing up or something Sian. Quick! Better do something reckless! XP

    Yea, and it doesn't help that for the past like 3 years i've been totally dead as far as dating goes. It's like i'm starting over or something.

    Yea really. Well, that's why they say love is a gamble, not knitting XP
    November 30th, 2009 at 02:20am
  • Aw, it's nice that you and him work so well, and that there's no sneaking around or anything.
    It sounds like you guys are good together.

    Well recently i've been trying to decide whether or not he's using me. He's quite confusing to be honest. Sometimes it seems like he's totally into me and he's sweet and stuff and then other times it seems like he feels that taking me out if like a chore or something.
    I wont see him until the 19th though, so i plan on asking him all the tough questions then.

    Yuck, i don't have them until the end of janurary.
    November 26th, 2009 at 11:23pm
  • Wow, and how did that happen/go?

    I'm totally invincible XD

    Not really, all the couples i know coupled a long time ago so by now i'm quite used to being the odd one out.
    My fingers are crossed that i wont stay odd for long though haha.
    November 19th, 2009 at 10:13pm
  • Lol XD

    Oh how lovely. But at least it wasn't like some life threatening disease (like that pumpkin fever, that's bad news XD)

    Hahahaha! As long as you had fun ;]

    It doesn't look as though i'm going to get sick, i've been around my mom and sister and now my uncle who were all sick but i'm still fine.
    Go me haha.

    We didn't end up going because it turns out he'd made plans to go out with his best friend. But i saw him on sunday and went over to his for a bit =]
    November 13th, 2009 at 09:14pm
  • Woo! You did it! XD Short and sweet! =P

    Dunh dunh dunh, sounds like you might be catching the pumpkin fever ;)
    ''Some'' as in you've got a few guys on the line? My my my Sian, sounds like you're quite popular ;) ;)
    Graphic? Oh, do share XP

    Ho-ly! You're getting battered all around. I'm glad you're better though.
    Recently, both my mo and sister had the flu so now i'm on watch for any signs because i'm the only one who hasn't been sick. I rarely get sick though.

    We're most likely going out tonight! =D
    November 7th, 2009 at 08:09pm
  • The life is wonderful at the moment. I feel loved, i feel healthy, i feel productive, i feel [i]wanted[/i] ;)
    Haha XP

    There's been alot that you've missed, but i don't want to start with the extremely long comment rape again, so i'll give you the cheat sheet version.
    The guy who lives next door to my grandma (Shane) is 18, has a truck, and i've had a girly crush on him since my nan said ''there's a teenage boy next door''. Recently we started going out (not boyfriend and girlfriend but we go out on saturday nights) and i really like him and he's told me that he likes me too.
    Wow, i'm getting good at cheat-sheeting things XP

    What about you? See if you can match my shortness XD
    November 2nd, 2009 at 10:48pm
  • I swear i was totally just thinking about where you were!

    I'm good, amazing actually. I don't know if i ever mentioned the guy who lives next door to my grandparents' house, but we went out last night and it was amazing.

    What about you?
    September 27th, 2009 at 06:10pm
  • I in no way object to shorter comments due to our currently boring lives XD

    Yea, i was totally freaking when i saw the braids. And as for Tom, he got cornrows and took out all his blonde =\
    He doesn't look as off as Bill does but still, it's change, and i do not like change lol.

    Oh my, i take it it's not going to be him then?

    Wow, i would have cleared out too. It's bad enough when i'm on the phone with my cousin and her boyfriend is there and she's kissing him or something and i'm like ''dude, i can hear you!''

    That's great! Congrats! After next year i'll be like that, all the compulsory finished.
    Extended summer FTW! We don't get ours until june >.>

    Haha stalker? No lol.
    His name's Doug and he's one of the guys from my circle, but he's like the one of them that i don't know really well and we started talking one day and it turns out we've got alot in common and he's really funny and whatnot. He's got blonde hair and blue eyes, flashes me at cooper's birthday party and when his braces come off soon i don't know how i'm going to keep it in my pants haha XP
    He plays guitar and isn't in any of my classes. And that about sums it up.
    May 12th, 2009 at 12:35am
  • Yes, i'm a total lazy ass and pretty much gave up. A thousand pardons, i totally miss talking to you too but it just got too long and it took me like an hour to read and reply to the whole thing and my brain melted a little lol XD

    As for his hair, i totally do not approve. I'm so hoping that when they're not working on their album anymore and they're doing shows he'll put it back. The mane was just so him, i miss it lol.

    Ah! Two days! I've been legal since February, not that i'm getting any lol.

    Haha, so much for being a lesbian eh? It's the pumpkin fetish flaring up XP

    Good luck love! My exams aren't for another month, right before the end of school.

    Lucky! We get alot of time off school now, we had only half a day on thursday and we have monday off and then next monday off too. It's not a full week,but it's time off all the same.

    I really haven't been up to much, my life is boring in retrospect lol. I did find a new guy though, we're not dating and i don't even know if he likes me but he's the first guy that i've really liked since i was 14. It's intense.
    What about you?
    May 10th, 2009 at 04:17am
  • thanks :D
    i'm glad you like it!
    March 11th, 2009 at 03:51am
  • March break is next week, all week, i'm so stoked.
    Ooh! A solo! You should get someone to video tape it and then show me XD
    Like i said, i'll try my best to do a reply to your essay soon!
    March 11th, 2009 at 12:44am
  • Thanks love =]
    Honestly i've been trying but every time i try to get down to it and reply to that essay you left me the site craps out or something else needs to be done or it's time to get off the computer or i've got homework that needs doing. Hopefully i'll be better for replies over the march break. =\
    March 10th, 2009 at 08:38pm
  • Aww, thank you for the comment. I could probably update soon, since I have all the rest of the chapters saved in microsoft. I've actually been really busy working on the sequel :) I'll add another chapter for you within the next couple of days :)
    March 7th, 2009 at 11:44pm
  • Thanks love! =D ♥
    (I would have replied earlier but Mibba's been being stupid lately and I can't do anything really other than post)
    March 3rd, 2009 at 12:31am
  • I swear on my life i was going to send you a reply when i got home from the show tonight, i've been so busy that i haven't been able to respond to the essay you sent me XP
    But there will be one tonight, i promise!
    February 20th, 2009 at 11:02pm