sherbetsi / Comments

  • Ms.Marauder

    Ms.Marauder (100)

    United States
    GASP! Swear on the sacred holiness that is Harry Potter? I don't know if my sould could handle that...
    February 16th, 2009 at 12:26am
  • JessaKay

    JessaKay (100)

    United States
    Yea, well we haven't had an tornadoes since so thats good. i really hate when we have crappy weather. Like don't get me wrong, I LOVE the rain :] i just hate the clouds and wind and sleet and all that stuff, especially when i'm trying to accomplish something online.

    You don't know who Anne Rice is?! Omg she wrote Interview With a Vampire, Quenn of The Damned, The Vampire Lestat.... all of those!! No one else in my family reads the stuff i do either, i just go on Amazon and if you look at a certain book it will tell you 'if you're interested in this you might also like this' and gives you a list of other books.

    Here i'll give you a list of some stuff i'm interested in reading. I just found like 25 new titles xD

    Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris
    Deadly Little Secrets, The Blue is for nightmares Series, and Bleed all by Laurie Faria Stolarz
    Wake by Lisa McMann
    Uninvited by Amanda Marrone
    Evermore by Alyson Noel
    Need by Carrie Jones

    those are a few of the ones i've recently added to my list but have yet to read. I've read the excerpts and the first few pages of each online and they all sound amazing! Hopefully maybe that gives you a little more stuff to look into.

    I read farely fast as well, if i'm uninterupted that is. Usually i have to read before i go to bed if i want to get more than a few pages at a time done. and even then i only get in an hour or two so i don't get half as much read as i'd like to lol

    Hmm i didn't know they were making a new Mibba. Mine hasn't really been bothering me, my internet is slow at times but other than that its fine.
    February 14th, 2009 at 10:17pm
  • JessaKay

    JessaKay (100)

    United States
    Me too, I can read just about anything Vampire or Witch xD I want to read the Anne Rice books sometime, I bet they’ll be good. My mom is trying to get me to read her Maggie Shayne books; very adult vampire fiction lol

    L.J Smith writes The Vampire Diaries. They are amazing and I’m currently waiting for the 3rd and 4th book to arrive in the mail. They’re grouped and published in two’s.
    Also, The House of Night by P.C Cast is really good, and it sucks you in, pardon the pun lol They’re based in a town 2 and a half hours from where I live so it’s somewhat easy for me to relate with, despite the Vampire part xD I was so hooked on them that I read the second one in like 7 hours.

    Yea, there’s like a whole bunch of towns with ‘New’ names. I can’t think of all of them now, but I know there’s New York, New Hampshire, New England…and then even some of the town names are the same as European cities. I think its pretty cool.

    I don’t know what has been up with Mibba lately, it wouldn’t let Shelby comment either =/ Stupid website. First its lacking on the notifications and now half the time you can’t even comment -shakes head- they really need to work out all the kinks on here.
    February 3rd, 2009 at 12:12am
  • JessaKay

    JessaKay (100)

    United States
    Yea, true. Hmm, I actually liked the Leo and Claire version better, but I am quite the odd one aren't I? xD I liked the twists they put on it, like with the guns instead of swords, lol it was much more violent to me to have Juliet shot herself the head than to plunge a dager into her chest. And i think one of the things that turned me on to it the most was that it was moden and they still spoke so elegantly. lol

    Same here, im in the middle of 8 series right now xD
    -The Vampire Diaries
    -The House of Night

    just to name a few of my favorites lol They're good if you enjoy Vampires and Witches. And The Vampire Diarie was writtein '91 and you can tell Stephenie Meyer read that bfore writing Twilight; there are a few similarities i picked up on.

    I saw that when i googled the nam 'Belfast' and thought of you when I saw it in Northern Ireland :] But yea, we have a lot of European bassed town names from when the Colonies were formed, so mainly alog the east coast.

    Aright, looking forward to see what you think about it.
    January 29th, 2009 at 11:31pm
  • JessaKay

    JessaKay (100)

    United States
    Oh yea, i've seen both versions, and the BBC version is more by the book ut i think the Keira Knightly version is a lot easier to watch, if that makes sense. I think that refilming the classics with more modern actors is a good way to get our generation to pay better attenion. If a teacher were to show a more modern film in english class then i feel more kids will do better on exams petaining to such film. I love Pride and Prejudice and if I wree to be tested on it i'd have no problem acing the test :] i also like Wuthering Heights, but that can be a hard one to read, not in its context but jt the story line, its annoying at times. I think thats one theshould refilm.

    I love any kind of series. I dont like stand alones because its just not enough for me. i always want as much information as possible aboutthe characters, that is if i like them and the story xD

    Mine is set in Germany. Munich to be exact, and then in the present time its in Belfast, Maine. i got back forth between past and present time but not in such way that its difficult to understand.

    The bookmarking system seems to be working out quite well for you :] Just to let you know ll be posting again around 6:30pm CST so that'd be a little past midnight for you.
    January 29th, 2009 at 09:12pm
  • gidjet363

    gidjet363 (100)

    I really am horrible, just disown me as a friend, i wouldn't even blame you for it =[
    I'm going to reply now though, but I think i'm going to put it in a message, i tend to have more luck replying to those and that way there's no limit.
    January 29th, 2009 at 08:58pm
  • JessaKay

    JessaKay (100)

    United States
    Wow thats alot of TV xD I hardly ever watch TV anymore. But i do love House as well, he's such an old bag xD i wached Pride and Prejudice last night :] I adore that movie. It's so good!!

    Yes a novel :D actually I'm hoping to make it a Trilogy. The Anna Lewin Trilogy to be exact. and the first book, which i'm slowly working on, will be called Jealousy, Secrets and Unforgotten Vengeance thanks to Shelby :]
    I believe that was the time of The Renaissance. But the first book will probably be the only one that flashes back to that period, for explanations and whatnot.

    Well thank you :] I'm glad you like it thus far. Yea, Shelby harps on me to continue writing regularly xD Thats good that you've found a way to bookmark. What exactly is it?
    January 24th, 2009 at 09:07pm
  • JessaKay

    JessaKay (100)

    United States
    Well i hope you are feeling better soon.

    Haha how crazy, im actually writing a novel i hope to publish like that. Its set in the now and in the 1700s. Cool stuff.
    and i've been drawing too, i was actually drawing last night :]
    and i've updated Who said like a lot if you wanna read it
    January 23rd, 2009 at 10:05pm
  • JessaKay

    JessaKay (100)

    United States
    Awe, hun why have you been in the hospital?
    Whatever it is i hope you get better soon, and im sure the sleep will help emmencely [sp?] even if you don't wanna sleep that early xD
    I haven't been upto much, just chilling and writing like usual.
    January 22nd, 2009 at 09:29pm
  • gidjet363

    gidjet363 (100)

    BUT i have got a new little plot twist on the road of my life.
    It turns out that cooper is totally in love with katy (the newest addition to our twosome, which is now a threesome....not like that, remove your mind from the gutter XP) and he has been for a while and at first i thought she liked him back and i was sooo opposed to them dating because, i know it's going to sound bad on my part, but i was kind of jealous that he wanted another girl in his life and i was all ''i dont think you should'' and then i was talking to katy and i was like ''i know you like cooper'' and she's like ''no i dont'' and she was telling the truth, she didn't even know he liked her! So i kept my mouth shut for like two weeks and then last night i was talking to her and we got onto the topic of him and how he would make pretty much the perfect boyfriend...for her. So then for like an hour i was telling her how much they went well together and like i couldn't believe i was doing it because i was so opposed to them dating but i wanted them to be happy so i was doing it anyways. So then (i was copy and pasting the conversation to cooper) and he's like ''i'm going to tell her'' and then he did and then she started FREAKing out and then it turns out that she likes him but she doesn't think it's the right time and that they'd have better luck if they went out when they were in university or whatever and i know for a fact that cooper's kind of stinging from that cause i can see it on his face, but he'd never admit it.
    So THEN i was talking to him today in science and he was like (at one point katy said that i should date cooper and i said ''no, i dont like him like that and he soooo doesn't like me like that) ''when i saw what you said when she said you should date me i 'lol'ed'' and i didn't really say much at the time cause we were working on some review but the look on his face and the way he said it made it seem like, i dont know, he was testing the water? Like he was waiting for my reaction or something, as if he was going to gauge his based on mine kind of thing.
    But i really have no clue what it all meant, katy thinks it means that he doesn't think of me as a sister and just tells people that to keep them from saying that he likes me because we're always together, but i disagree, i don't know what i think it means per say but i disagree with her lol.
    Comments? Questions? Opinions? Concerns? Stories that relate?
    January 20th, 2009 at 12:57am
  • gidjet363

    gidjet363 (100)

    I fail at making my comments short XP
    January 20th, 2009 at 12:56am
  • gidjet363

    gidjet363 (100)

    Ha, if i'm dating anyone it's totally him (procrastination) haha.

    I know eh! It was rediculous, but i'm over it now.
    What disorder do you have that would cause you to collapse?

    I have a grand total of three proper exams and three in class ones. I have the first (english) on wednesday and then the second (history) and third (science) on the following monday. I've already finished the in class ones.

    Thanks! I'm glad you like it thus far.

    Oh my gosh, i'm so sorry to hear that. Are you alright?
    He must be missing you and/or vice versa big time now.

    Chuffed? Never heard that one before XP

    Ask her why if she's a lesbian does she keep sleeping with this guy haha, just come out with it. Sometimes the only way to get an answer is to ask the direct question.

    That's good! I'm glad it's coming together for you.
    As of last night i'm officiallly seven chapters ahead of posting when it comes to writing =D

    Oh my goodness, the jorge thing, that was just nuts. He's still totally in love with me but i've made it clear that i dont feel the same way. I still talk to him, rarely though, his english is horrible and half the time he has no clue what i'm talking about and i dont know what he means haha. It's better off this way.

    BUT i have got a new little plot twist on the road of my life.
    It turns out that cooper is totally in love with katy (the newest addition to our twosome, which is now a threesome....not like that, remove your mind from the gutter XP) and he has been for a while and at first i thought she liked him back and i was sooo opposed to them dating because, i know it's going to sound bad on my part, but i was kind of jealous that he wanted another girl in his life and i was all ''i dont think you should'' and then i was talking to katy and i was like ''i know you like cooper'' and she's like ''no i dont'' and she was telling the truth, she didn't even know he liked her! So i kept my mouth shut for like two weeks and then last night i was talking to her and we got onto the topic of him and how he would make pretty much the perfect boyfriend...for her. So then for like an hour i was telling her how much they went well together and like i couldn't believe i was doing it because i was so opposed to them dating but i wanted them to be happy so i was doing it anyways. So then (i was copy and pasting the conversation to cooper) and he's like ''i'm going to tell her'' and then he did and then she started FREAKing out and then it turns out that she likes him but she doesn't think it's the right time and that they'd have better luck if they went out when they were in university or whatever and i know for a fact that cooper's kind of stinging from that cause i can see it on his face, but he'd never admit it.
    So THEN i was talking to him today in science and he was like (at one point katy said that i should date cooper and i said ''no, i dont like him like that and he soooo doesn't like me like that) ''when i saw what you said when she said you should date me i 'lol'ed'' and i didn't really say much at the time cause we were working on some review but the look on his face and the way he said it made it seem like, i dont know, he was testing the water? Like he was waiting for my reaction or something, as if he was going to gauge his based on mine kind of thing.
    But i really have no clue what it all meant, katy thinks it means that he doesn't think of me as a sister and just tells people that to keep them from saying that he likes me because we're always together, but i disagree, i don't know what i think it means per say but i disagree with her lol.
    Comments? Questions? Opinions? Concerns? Stories that relate?
    January 20th, 2009 at 12:56am
  • gidjet363

    gidjet363 (100)

    I really am a horrible friend when it comes to replying, but that's mainly because i'm such a horrible procrastinator.
    I'm so sorry i haven't gotten back to you sooner, i've meant to a bunch of times but then i get doing something else and i'm like ''yea i'll do it when i'm done this'' Sorry! =[

    I know eh! It's been too long, i'm off to a horrid start as far as commenting goes this year, maybe we'll have to start making them XP
    That is if it's within our capacity XP
    I've been alright though, sick for just about ever, but alright all the same. My exams started this week and thus far they've been really alright, it's been everything i know so i haven't had any problems with it. This week is just the inclass exams, the formal ones start next week but i've only got two days worth of those, wednesday and then the monday after the weekend, so i'm really not that concerned.

    What about you? What have you been up to so far this year?

    Thanks! I'm much happier with it than i was with the other one i tried.
    January 16th, 2009 at 03:09am
  • JessaKay

    JessaKay (100)

    United States
    yea im not really sure how hockey works either but its still fun to watch.

    lol i hven't gone to bed early in like a year xD last night i didn't go to bed until 4 am xD

    im good, how are you doing.
    January 5th, 2009 at 10:25pm
  • faramir;

    faramir; (100)

    Lol I know right?

    I do the same thing. Try and make others happy when I'm not... I like laughing so hard I either start crying, I pee my pants, or both. XD

    I haven't watched all of the Dark night, but what I had saw of it was really, really awesome. Wanted is amazing too. I love when he hits the dude on the face with the keyboard. =D Heath Ledger and James McAvoy are cuties. lol!

    Sweeney todd is really good lmao. My dad is obsessed with it just as much as I am >_>
    January 4th, 2009 at 08:53pm
  • gidjet363

    gidjet363 (100)

    And then, that night, we were talking to jorge and we were going on about how i'm a mormon and i'm arranged to be married and me and holly are absolutely dieing of laughter but jorge is believing us XP
    And then at one point i'm like ''i'm also a comedian'' and jorge is like ''then tell us a joke'' and berto (we knew he didn't believe it and that he was probably laughing as hard as we were) is like ''i think she just did'' and we laughed so hard.
    Funniest night of my life, hands down. Even better than the time we convinced this guy i was in a horrible go karting accident and was severly deformed XP

    So that's my very long story for the day, it took me about and hour or so to type out XP
    Comments? Questions? Opinions? Advice on how the hell i'm supposed to tell jorge i'm very much not interested?
    January 4th, 2009 at 05:54pm
  • gidjet363

    gidjet363 (100)

    So holly moves to the bed and begins to flirst shamelessly with Berto and i'm still sitting in my chair, but the squeaking (it was a spinny chair) was driving me crazy so i moved to the bed, between jorge and berto (we were lying width wise so all our legs were hanging off haha).
    Oh, by the way, her whole family is asleep at this point.

    So holly and berto are beside me and me and holly are making jokes that the guys dont understand because they were inside jokes and jorge is like getting all pissy whenever we laugh. So then Berto joins in and the three of us are talking and laughing and jorge is all pissy so i'm getting pretty pissed off at him.
    But then holly and berto found themselves 'otherwise occupied' so i was left to talk to jorge. And that boy had nothing on his mind but making out, and i just wasn't in the mood. So i was just cuddled up against him and he was like kissing/biting my neck/shoulder area and i didn't really object. But he was making so much noise about it (like loud kissing) so i had to put quite an effort into not laughing hahaha.

    But then he was like playing with my hair but it was like extreme and he totally screwed it up so i had to take my headband out and by the end of the night i looked like a hobo.

    So we kicked them out at around 4 for fear that we were going to fall asleep and her dad would murder the lot of us when he came in in the morning and we were tired and kind of sick of them.

    And then me and holly compared stories and it turns out that her and berto were making out but he was really bad at it and i was like ''what?! no way, he was just nervous'' and she's like ''mmhm sure'' and i'm like ''trust me, i KNOW that he's a good kisser'' and she just laughed.

    So then the next morning, holly's sister melanie comes in to wake us up (i lied, the next after noon XP it was 2) and we're telling her about the night and we told her that jorge is 19 and she's like ''wait, you're telling me that one of those guys is a year younger than me and was hanging out in your bedroom?'' and holly's like ''yea, but he's in love with shelby'' and melanie goes ''yo, guys that age only have one thing on their mind'' and i'm like ''oh i know'' and then melanie's like ''where did they come from? why did they get here so late?'' and i'm like ''they were at a party in heartland'' and melanies like ''you know that's like a two hour walk right?'' and we're like '':| uhh'' haha.

    SO THEN (it's a LONG story XP) i was talking to berto online (me and him are like best buddies haha) and he's like ''i was so nervous'' and i'm like to holly ''i told you!'' and then he told me his side of what happened (i'd heard holly's ths night before) and then i told him my side of what happened with me and jorge and then jorge gets on and (with all his very bad english) tells me that he wasn't pissed and blah blah blah. And i'm just like ''ok whatever'' because i really dont like him anymore but he's still crazy for me.
    January 4th, 2009 at 05:53pm
  • gidjet363

    gidjet363 (100)

    OMG i totally had like half of the story typed out and it just disappeared!)

    But anyways, then jorge asks our names and we tell him (this is where i realized his voice made me melt a little) and then he tells us their names (and this is where i saw his toungue ring) So then i text victoria saying ''he kinda turns me on'' and she laughs hysterically.

    And then holly and kim FINALLY come downstairs and the four of us girls are sitting on the mattress and the guys are still sitting across from us. But now they're threatening to leave because we're not doing anything (by this point i'd passed the 'he turns me on' text around to all the girls) so then kim pushes me into jorge's LAP and goes ''shelby, makeout with jorge'' and i wasn't going to object so i was like ''ok'' and then when we start making out all i hear from behind me is ''omg, i can't believe she actually did it'' ''she's actually doing it!'' and ''it just got awkward in here'' haha. And then when we're finished holly goes ''and she's the innocent one'' and all the guys look at me like '':O noo!'' and i'm like ''yea =P'' because i am the innocent one with that particular group of people.

    So then everyone (except holly, she wasn't in the mood) started making out with everyone (particularly me and jorge, kim and berto and victoria and jonathan) but by the end of the night i'd made out with all three of them (as had victoria and kim).

    Finally, at like four in the morning, we snuck them out of her house and the four of us were in holly's kitchen eating pineapple. And then we voted on best kisser and it was Berto (the cute one =P) then jonathan, and then jorge (he had the toungue ring but he was so sloppy).
    And then we all went to bed at 5:30 and didn't i wake up at 10 the next morning. I totally made toaster strudels XP

    Second story! (i'm totally going to have to split this comment hahaha)

    So a few days later i'm talking to holly online and it turns out jorge is quite in love with me. I didn't really have a problem with that until holly dropped on me the fact that he may or may not have been 18. So she was talking to him online and i'm like ''just ask how old he is'' cause i needed to know right. So then she asks and he goes ''18...i lied, 19'' and i was like :|. That's just too old for my liking thankyou very much.

    We also found out that Berto (the cute one) is totally in love with holly. He's only 16 though and so we're ok with that, except for the fact that holly doesn't like him >.>

    But anyways, for new years, i was at holly's like i am every year since i've been born and we were supposed to go to a party that her friend is having, but her parents are also having a huge house party like they do every year. But then the night before holly goes ''i'm just not in the mood to go out'' and i'm like ''watch, at 11:30 tomorrow you're going to be wishing we'd gone'' and she's like ''yea probably'' haha.

    Long story short, new years eve, 10 at night, holly's beating me for not making her go to that party haha. SO we're drinking and bored so guess what we do?

    We call Berto (who is currently at another party) and tell him to hustle his little ass over because we're bored (him and jorge are always together so we knew he was going to tag along, but it was a fact i was going to deal with as long as we found SOMETHING to do haha) and he was all reluctant at first but then i got on and i was like ''fine, if you're going to be such a bitch about it dont bother'' and i hung up and then he texts and he's like ''ok we're coming''. I'm quite good if i do say so myself XP

    So the new year comes and everyone's kissing everyone and me and holly are drinking from a bottle of champagne with her sisters (the guys weren't there yet) and then me and holly go back up to her room to hang out as we wait for them.

    Then at around 1, Berto calls and goes ''do you still want us to come?'' and we're like ''we dont care, it's up to you'' cause by this point we're just tired and we dont even care anymore. They always take too long and then we dont want them haha, i was sure to mention that to them all night (that they took too long, not that we didn't want them haha).

    So they get there at around 1:30 and jorge's face just lights up when he sees me and i'm like ''uhh hi'' and he hugs me and then i go up to holly's room and sit in the one chair so that i dont have to sit with him haha. And then the three of them come up and berto and jorge sit on the bed and holly's sitting on the floor beside me.
    January 4th, 2009 at 05:52pm
  • gidjet363

    gidjet363 (100)

    ( i dont' know where it cuts you off so i'm just going to cut it up for you)

    So we told them they would have to wait until her parents went to bed and then we'd sneak them in. They were for that plan, except for the part where they had to wait in the cold haha.

    Then we're all up in holly's room acting like we haven't been drinking for a good half of the night and aren't waiting to sneak a bunch of guys into her house as we talk to her mom haha. By this point, we're pretty much sober though and we don't even really want them to come anyway.

    But then holly's parents go to bed and it's about 1:30. Then we decided that we can't trust these guys to get here on their own without making noise and getting us caught, so one of us has to go get them. I personally am a chicken shit so i opted out first. Holly couldn't go cause if her parents woke up they'd notice if she wasn't there. Kim is also a chicken shit so she opted out too, leaving victoria to go and be 'jail bait' as she put it. That phrase still makes me laugh haha.

    So victoria takes her phone and we sneak her out the front to go and get these guys. The rest of us are sitting in holly's basement waiting for her to call and tell us what's going on. Then i realize that we sent victoria out in the middle of the night, in the dark, to a street corner, to meet a bunch of guys...alone. You can see where we started feeling guilty.

    But then she calls us and she's still alive, virginity in tact haha, and she's like ''uhh can i come back now?'' and we're like ''how many are there?'' cause there's alot of voices, and she goes ''about ten'' and the three of us are like '':| oh shit''. And we know we can't bring all of them back and we dont even want them there so kim goes ''just run!'' and victoria's like ''i can't!'' and me and holly are just dying laughing and i'm like ''ok, tell them you'll take some now and come back for the rest, but then dont go back!'' and we're laughing still cause it sounds totally rediculous, but then we hear victoria go ''ok, i can only take a few of you at first'' and we're like '':|'' haha.

    So long story short, we snuck three guys into her basement. Let me describe them for you =P

    There was an insanely tall one (jorge) he's spanish, wears skinny jeans, and has a toungue ring and his voice made me melt a little inside. And then there's a middle sized one (Jonathan) who looks like Jay from Jay and silent bob (not sure if you know who they are, but taht's the best way to describe him) and then there's a short one (Berto) who i called 'the cute one' all night without fail, because he was quite cute, but in the same way as a baby you know?

    So anyways, me and victoria are sitting on the mattress on the floor in the basement (cause we were going to sleep there) and the boys are spread out on the chairs across from us. Holly and kim are nowhere to be found. We found them in the bathroom upstairs after we'd sat in a horribly awkward silence for about ten minutes.
    January 4th, 2009 at 05:51pm
  • gidjet363

    gidjet363 (100)

    Happy New Year my love! =]

    I'm horrible, i haven't commented you back in forEVER. But i do have a good excuse, i've only just gotten home last night, i've been at my cousins the entire week.
    And my oh my do i have a story (or two) for you.

    Ok, i know i messaged you a while ago telling you that i pulled a sian XP i'll have to tell you that story first, otherwise the second one wont make much sense.

    So let's begin shall we? *ahem*

    So the weekend before last (the first weekend of the holidays) i was at holly's for her birthday party and it was supposed to be an all girls party. Key word there being [i]supposed[/i] haha.

    There were four of us (me, holly, victoria, and kim) and we were drinking and the lot of us got rather horny XP So we were searching through holly's msn trying to find some guys who would come over and *cough cough* hang out.

    So at around ten or eleven, we found this guy (jorge) who said he was hanging out with a few friends and that there were four of them and they would come over. So we're thinking perfect, four of them, four of us.
    While we waited, we killed time dancing wildly in holly's room as we finished off the last of the alcohol that her sister bought us. Keep in mind, it's like 10:30.

    Come like midnight, all of us are getting kind of bored, and our buzzes are starting to die. But then we get a call from the guys saying ''ok we should be there soon'' and i get on there and i'm like ''what took you so long! jeez!''.
    Oh, i think i forgot to mention that holly's parents have been at a party this whole time and we've been home alone since 8.

    But anyways, we're guiding them down streets and stuff and at around 1:00 they're finally at the end of her street. So i'm standing at the door watching them and don't her parents pull in the driveway. i was like ''GUYS! we have a problem!'' and then victoria (who was on the phone with them) tells them not to move her parents are home and the guys are all freaking out cause they just walked all this way and it's -20 outside and they're standing on a street corner.

    So we told them they would have to wait until her parents went to bed and then we'd sneak them in. They were for that plan, except for the part where they had to wait in the cold haha.

    Then we're all up in holly's room acting like we haven't been drinking for a good half of the night and aren't waiting to sneak a bunch of guys into her house as we talk to her mom haha. By this point, we're pretty much sober though and we don't even really [i]want[/i] them to come anyway.

    But then holly's parents go to bed and it's about 1:30. Then we decided that we can't trust these guys to get here on their own without making noise and getting us caught, so one of us has to go get them. I personally am a chicken shit so i opted out first. Holly couldn't go cause if her parents woke up they'd notice if she wasn't there. Kim is also a chicken shit so she opted out too, leaving victoria to go and be 'jail bait' as she put it. That phrase still makes me laugh haha.

    So victoria takes her phone and we sneak her out the front to go and get these guys. The rest of us are sitting in holly's basement waiting for her to call and tell us what's going on. Then i realize that we sent victoria out in the middle of the night, in the dark, to a street corner, to meet a bunch of guys...alone. You can see where we started feeling guilty.

    But then she calls us and she's still alive, virginity in tact haha, and she's like ''uhh can i come back now?'' and we're like ''how many are there?'' cause there's alot of voices, and she goes ''about ten'' and the three of us are like '':| oh shit''. And we know we can't bring all of them back and we dont even want them there so kim goes ''just run!'' and victoria's like ''i can't!'' and me and holly are just dying laughing and i'm like ''ok, tell them you'll take some now and come back for the rest, but then dont go back!'' and we're laughing still cause it sounds totally rediculous, but then we hear victoria go ''ok, i can only take a few of you at first'' and we're like '':|'' haha.

    So long story short, we snuck three guys into her basement. Let me describe them for you =P

    There was an insanely tall one (jorge) he's spanish, wears skinny jeans, and has a toungue ring and his voice made me melt a little inside. And then there's a middle sized one (Jonathan) who looks like Jay from Jay and silent bob (not sure if you know who they are, but taht's the best way to describe him) and then there's a short one (Berto) who i called 'the cute one' all night without fail, because he was quite cute, but in the same way as a baby you know?

    So anyways, me and victoria are sitting on the mattress on the floor in the basement (cause we were going to sleep there) and the boys are spread out on the chairs across from us. Holly and kim are nowhere to be found. We found them in the bathroom upstairs after we'd sat in a horribly awkward silence for about ten minutes.

    (OMG i totally had like half of the story typed out and it just disappeared!)

    But anyways, then jorge asks our names and we tell him (this is where i realized his voice made me melt a little) and then he tells us their names (and this is where i saw his toungue ring) So then i text victoria saying ''he kinda turns me on'' and she laughs hysterically.

    And then holly and kim FINALLY come downstairs and the four of us girls are sitting on the mattress and the guys are still sitting across from us. But now they're threatening to leave because we're not doing anything (by this point i'd passed the 'he turns me on' text around to all the girls) so then kim pushes me into jorge's LAP and goes ''shelby, makeout with jorge'' and i wasn't going to object so i was like ''ok'' and then when we start making out all i hear from behind me is ''omg, i can't believe she actually did it'' ''she's actually doing it!'' and ''it just got awkward in here'' haha. And then when we're finished holly goes ''and she's the innocent one'' and all the guys look at me like '':O noo!'' and i'm like ''yea =P'' because i am the innocent one with that particular group of people.

    So then everyone (except holly, she wasn't in the mood) started making out with everyone (particularly me and jorge, kim and berto and victoria and jonathan) but by the end of the night i'd made out with all three of them (as had victoria and kim).

    Finally, at like four in the morning, we snuck them out of her house and the four of us were in holly's kitchen eating pineapple. And then we voted on best kisser and it was Berto (the cute one =P) then jonathan, and then jorge (he had the toungue ring but he was so sloppy).
    And then we all went to bed at 5:30 and didn't i wake up at 10 the next morning. I totally made toaster strudels XP

    Second story! (i'm totally going to have to split this comment hahaha)

    So a few days later i'm talking to holly online and it turns out jorge is quite in love with me. I didn't really have a problem with that until holly dropped on me the fact that he may or may not have been 18. So she was talking to him online and i'm like ''just ask how old he is'' cause i needed to know right. So then she asks and he goes ''18...i lied, 19'' and i was like :|. That's just too old for my liking thankyou very much.

    We also found out that Berto (the cute one) is totally in love with holly. He's only 16 though and so we're ok with that, except for the fact that holly doesn't like him >.>

    But anyways, for new years, i was at holly's like i am every year since i've been born and we were supposed to go to a party that her friend is having, but her parents are also having a huge house party like they do every year. But then the night before holly goes ''i'm just not in the mood to go out'' and i'm like ''watch, at 11:30 tomorrow you're going to be wishing we'd gone'' and she's like ''yea probably'' haha.

    Long story short, new years eve, 10 at night, holly's beating me for not making her go to that party haha. SO we're drinking and bored so guess what we do?

    We call Berto (who is currently at another party) and tell him to hustle his little ass over because we're bored (him and jorge are always together so we knew he was going to tag along, but it was a fact i was going to deal with as long as we found SOMETHING to do haha) and he was all reluctant at first but then i got on and i was like ''fine, if you're going to be such a bitch about it dont bother'' and i hung up and then he texts and he's like ''ok we're coming''. I'm quite good if i do say so myself XP

    So the new year comes and everyone's kissing everyone and me and holly are drinking from a bottle of champagne with her sisters (the guys weren't there yet) and then me and holly go back up to her room to hang out as we wait for them.

    Then at around 1, Berto calls and goes ''do you still want us to come?'' and we're like ''we dont care, it's up to you'' cause by this point we're just tired and we dont even care anymore. They always take too long and then we dont want them haha, i was sure to mention that to them all night (that they took too long, not that we didn't want them haha).

    So they get there at around 1:30 and jorge's face just lights up when he sees me and i'm like ''uhh hi'' and he hugs me and then i go up to holly's room and sit in the one chair so that i dont have to sit with him haha. And then the three of them come up and berto and jorge sit on the bed and holly's sitting on the floor beside me.

    So holly moves to the bed and begins to flirst shamelessly with Berto and i'm still sitting in my chair, but the squeaking (it was a spinny chair) was driving me crazy so i moved to the bed, between jorge and berto (we were lying width wise so all our legs were hanging off haha).
    Oh, by the way, her whole family is asleep at this point.

    So holly and berto are beside me and me and holly are making jokes that the guys dont understand because they were inside jokes and jorge is like getting all pissy whenever we laugh. So then Berto joins in and the three of us are talking and laughing and jorge is all pissy so i'm getting pretty pissed off at him.
    But then holly and berto found themselves 'otherwise occupied' so i was left to talk to jorge. And that boy had nothing on his mind but making out, and i just wasn't in the mood. So i was just cuddled up against him and he was like kissing/biting my neck/shoulder area and i didn't really object. But he was making so much noise about it (like loud kissing) so i had to put quite an effort into not laughing hahaha.

    But then he was like playing with my hair but it was like extreme and he totally screwed it up so i had to take my headband out and by the end of the night i looked like a hobo.

    So we kicked them out at around 4 for fear that we were going to fall asleep and her dad would murder the lot of us when he came in in the morning and we were tired and kind of sick of them.

    And then me and holly compared stories and it turns out that her and berto were making out but he was really bad at it and i was like ''what?! no way, he was just nervous'' and she's like ''mmhm sure'' and i'm like ''trust me, i KNOW that he's a good kisser'' and she just laughed.

    So then the next morning, holly's sister melanie comes in to wake us up (i lied, the next after noon XP it was 2) and we're telling her about the night and we told her that jorge is 19 and she's like ''wait, you're telling me that one of those guys is a year younger than me and was hanging out in your bedroom?'' and holly's like ''yea, but he's in love with shelby'' and melanie goes ''yo, guys that age only have one thing on their mind'' and i'm like ''oh i know'' and then melanie's like ''where did they come from? why did they get here so late?'' and i'm like ''they were at a party in heartland'' and melanies like ''you know that's like a two hour walk right?'' and we're like '':| uhh'' haha.

    SO THEN (it's a LONG story XP) i was talking to berto online (me and him are like best buddies haha) and he's like ''i was so nervous'' and i'm like to holly ''i told you!'' and then he told me his side of what happened (i'd heard holly's ths night before) and then i told him my side of what happened with me and jorge and then jorge gets on and (with all his very bad english) tells me that he wasn't pissed and blah blah blah. And i'm just like ''ok whatever'' because i really dont like him anymore but he's still crazy for me.

    And then, that night, we were talking to jorge and we were going on about how i'm a mormon and i'm arranged to be married and me and holly are absolutely dieing of laughter but jorge is believing us XP
    And then at one point i'm like ''i'm also a comedian'' and jorge is like ''then tell us a joke'' and berto (we knew he didn't believe it and that he was probably laughing as hard as we were) is like ''i think she just did'' and we laughed so hard.
    Funniest night of my life, hands down. Even better than the time we convinced this guy i was in a horrible go karting accident and was severly deformed XP

    So that's my very long story for the day, it took me about and hour or so to type out XP
    Comments? Questions? Opinions? Advice on how the hell i'm supposed to tell jorge i'm very much not interested?
    January 4th, 2009 at 05:50pm