sherbetsi / Comments

  • Beautiful Loser

    Beautiful Loser (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I rely a lot on borrowing, like my family alll love reading, so if there's a book i need, I just phone around and someone knows someone who has it.
    Lol, and then there's always the library, school ones are notoriously shit!

    Rathmore is no exception, but I just got a gift card thing, and I got The Catcher in the Rye and Sin City (graphic novel), so I'm sweet for a while, lol

    Oh, Snow Patrol? I've heard they're good live, they're not really my thing though.
    I had Kill Hannah (plus 3 support acts) on Sunday, it was fucking awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
    I got hugs!!!!! XD

    and Seasick Steve/Amy Lavere on Monday, I saw Amy and she signed a CD for me, and my bf like attacked/hugged her.
    She was like oooh maaa gawdddd!!!! She's from Tennessee, and Michael liked nearly crushed her!!! It was pretty hilarious though, it was awesomeeeee!!

    Omg, some people are seriously lost like, but like if you're lost in your head why bring other people down too?

    Umm, I've been getting sick a lot lately so I went to my doctor and he was like YOU ARE TOO PALE!!!!!
    which is true, I rival paper.
    So i got blood tests and shit done, and i may have anemia...which isn't to bad, i would explain a lot like, so we'll see when i get the results like.

    I hope the aftermath of all that shit that girl stirred up is over for you soon, stuff like that isn't easy to get through, what i went through still fucking kills me and it as around 2 years ago, but still I hope it gets better for ya!
    October 30th, 2008 at 12:55am
  • gidjet363

    gidjet363 (100)

    You're just plain dangerous! haha! That's horrible though, i hope you feel beter.

    We don't get a holiday until christmas when we get two weeks off.

    It's really draining, running all that time, but it helps alot with the insomnia i've been having. I've discovered that i really shouldn't let my mind wander over the kaulitz twins whilst i'm trying to fall asleep haha XD

    my other sister is only 6 years younger than me, but i just call her my little sister. I'm the oldest unfourtunately >.<
    Haha, i put my TH cd in for my sisters on the way up to my dad's and by the end of the trip they were both singing along to ready set go! XD

    i get 100 texts a month for $5 after that i have to pay per text.

    I know, sometimes i seriously kick myself for telling her about it.

    Ummm, i dunno? an irishman with a spade?

    Same here, it was the style to do your hair straight (still is) but i've decided that i like my hair better curly, and it does make me quite individual. The other day i even saw a girl wearing her hair the exact same as mine i was like ''hey!'' haha

    We were watching this movie today in history and the guy got his hand stomped on...twice, i was cringing and hiding my eyes and all the boys i sit with were laughing at me XD

    SIAN! YOU have inspired me XD you totally just gave me an idea for a chapter of [i]something[/i], i don't know which story, but it will be one of them XD haha

    Fingers crossed that i've got the same luck as you when it comes to that kind of thing. Haha, even if i don't, i'll still have scuba diving/rock climbing stories, though they wont be as interesting haha.

    Oh no no no, that's definetly not the end. I mean, i was going to end it like that, but i was talked out of it haha. So now it's quite a bit longer.

    No, like i said before, we don't get another holiday until christmas. But there's only 6 days until my trip!!!!! i'm so amazingly excited, we're all packed and everything and i've got three new books to read, two for the plane and one for the beach. Oh! and none of my teachers have given me any homework XD
    I can't wait to be in the sun instead of the rain and wind and SNOW would you believe it? last week it actually snowed, i don't like to stereotype myself, but that's Canada for you haha.

    What about you? Other than the whole 'concussion' thing haha
    October 27th, 2008 at 09:54pm
  • JessaKay

    JessaKay (100)

    United States
    Yea, I got bored wiht the last one and decided to change it.
    xD yea cuz my nickname is Jessa and my last name starts with a K [Klatt]
    therefore you get JessaKay

    Thats good you haven't had to deal with her.
    But you still get all the fake ppl on here that drive you insane.
    Theres this 12 year old that is pretending to be like 4 different ppl and its obvious cuz they all talk about the same stuff. -rolls eys-

    as far as the stories go, I just updated Who Said last night and am working on some more so i should have a few more updates in the next couple days. but ill be sure to message you when i do update.
    yea mine doesn't always tell me if i've got updates either.

    YAY i know!
    just 2 days! im so excited, then this weeknd im going to the movies wiht some family and friends :]

    In This Moment is a screamo band with a female vocalist.
    shes really cool and very unique.

    OMG a concussion. damn careful lol
    well im glad you're ok. :]

    me? im not up to much, just eating noodles and writing.
    i got a huge singing card in the mail to day from my frind Cady.
    its seriously the size of a spiral notebook O_o
    but i love it.
    October 27th, 2008 at 09:01pm
  • JessaKay

    JessaKay (100)

    United States
    Wow i've never really heard of anyone with that before. It's different, i hope you don't get to sick over it :[
    My Auntie Aleta can't sugar cuz it makes her pass out. i think its some diabetic thing but idk

    O_O Wow!!
    Now thats quiet a story. I can't believe some ppl, why they feel the need to hurt themselves is beyond me...
    Well i hope that everything gets taken care of and that she recieves the help needed. Its a shame...

    Well, tell you what, when I do update i'll just send you a comment telling you which story its for...hows that sound?

    My birthday is on the 29th :]
    I just got my present from my mom ordered today... she's getting me a buttload of art supplies :] so we sat down and ordered themn today

    Im good, getting ready to eat some chicken chowder, and listening to In This Moment :]
    October 21st, 2008 at 12:18am
  • gidjet363

    gidjet363 (100)

    I know eh! I was quite surprised to see your comment there!
    I got headache when i ran (for twenty minutes straight) today but i think that has something to do with overexertion.

    It's sort of like ice skating i guess, except you're going alot faster and down a hill with a bunch of other people and you have virtually no way of stopping haha. I only went the once, something about breaking bones put me off.

    Haha, when my baby sister was still a baby, my dad sometimes gave her spoonfuls of lemon juice. Babies don't seem to have the same reaction as older people haha.
    I will forever call my youngest sister my baby sister. She's ten years younger than me. So even when she's forty and i'm fifty, she'll still be my baby sister haha. She's also recently become affectionately known as Twiggy because of how skinny she is.

    I'm not too attatched to my mobile, i only got it when i turned fifteen and i only really use it for texting, answering calls costs too much haha.
    I'm a pack rat too! I've got this random box in my cupboard but i just can't bring myself to get rid of it.

    I think it's pretty much only Americans who don't use MSN, most of them are on AIM instead.
    I've only got two in person friends on mibba, and only one of them is an official in person friend, the other i met online and then we met up for a sleepover a couple of times. I'm actually sort of kicking myself for telling my friend about mibba, it seemed as soon as she joined that she went through all of my friends and just kind of took over. I don't want to make myself sound shallow or anything, but it's like mibba was my thing and then she just came in and decided to share. Now i sound like a horrid friend haah.

    I don't know, what [i]do[/i] you call an irishman stuck in a bog?

    My hair must be controlled, otherwise i look rather like a hobo haha. In the last two years or so i discovered that my hair looks really good if i just let it be curly (instead of straightening it) so i've decided to go with the flow and let curls be curls.

    Oh lord, can you imagine if that happened to you! How awkward would that be to explain to him! haha! ''uhh, i'm stuck''

    I tend to just mutter incohearant curses, that way i don't anger anyone and my head doesn't explode haha.

    I had my notebook in class one day and we had some free time. I tried writing there, but i just couldn't do it, it was too awkward.

    What part did it cut off? I see all of my comment when i look. But as far as that story you told me about your friend goes (if that's what you're referring to) that's horrible, i can't imagine being in a position like that, or what a person must be feeling to be able to do something like that to themself, and i'm so sorry to hear what happened to your friend.
    October 20th, 2008 at 11:57pm
  • totheark.

    totheark. (100)

    Ah yeah Fionnghúala the swan =P I'm that cool!

    Well, Michael Collins was in the Easter Rising but he didn't lead it. He was just a commander. Pádraig Pearse and James Connolly actually led it. But Mick lead the War of Independence =D I love my family links!

    Crossmaglen is madness. Seriously. There's a huge group of complete nutters here =D But it was really scary whenever I was wee because of all of the fighting. It's like, the IRA's stronghold, and it still is. Now there's just a lot of fields and stuff =P

    xx Fionnuala xx
    October 20th, 2008 at 11:15pm
  • Matthew Gray Gubler

    Matthew Gray Gubler (100)

    United States
    bitte shon. :)
    October 19th, 2008 at 07:50pm
  • JessaKay

    JessaKay (100)

    United States
    OMG its been forever!!

    How have you been?

    Thanks about my drawings and layout and avatar xD
    yes, it was rather difficult.
    lol i wouldn't say genius xD but if you say so

    oh i know, the damn subcribtion thing must be broken cuz mine does the same thing.

    lol i thought it was a bit smuty but if you liked it then i guess thats a good thing. i always feel so awkward about writing the sex scenes, like i don'r want ppl to be put off.

    im doing good, by 19th birthday is in 10 days and today is my sisters and we are going to do something for her....dont know what yet lol

    October 19th, 2008 at 07:03pm
  • Matthew Gray Gubler

    Matthew Gray Gubler (100)

    United States
    seeing as you were reading my Please Don't Tell Me That I'm Dreaming story, i thought you deserved to know i rewrote it, and the rewrite's being posted here:
    October 19th, 2008 at 06:21pm
  • gidjet363

    gidjet363 (100)

    Somehow you at a party you shouldn't really have been at doesn't surprise me too much XD

    How did i do it? Well i was on a field trip with my school (go figure) and we were skiing, and everything was going fine, you go down the hill and the lift takes you back up. So then one time, i come down the hill, and i go to get back in line for the lift and i was going slow enough that it shouldn't have hurt, but somehow, right before i hit the railing that marks where you need to line up for the lift, i picked up speed, and when i put my hands out to stop me, i hit it too hard. The next thing i remember is being on the ground screaming. At first my friends thought i was joking about it, but then when i started crying, they quickly realized something was wrong haha.

    Green jello is lime, i personally loved lime until that stay in the hospital haha.
    Actually i didn't know that, but our jelly is probably different than yours ,cause technically yours is jell[i]o[/i] haha.

    We just got this huge schedule change due to a problem with our school being over staffed, so half of my school got their schedules totally thrown around, not mine though, all my classes are the same save for one teacher and he's so nervous that he hardly gives us any work haha.
    But my second semester, that one got changed a bit and i'm quite happy about it (most people are furious) i got my lunched moved to the middle period of the day (3 of 5), it's the best lunch you can have in my opinion.

    My mom even IMs and texts, mind you she's not very good at the whole texting bit, but she's learning haha. Really, i'm almost always on MSN (canadian IM) and even though i have about 300 or 400 people on my list, i hardly ever talk to anyone because alot of people can't hold the conversation, but the few people i make an effort to talk to, our conversations last hours.

    It probably is true, i mean, nowadays so many people have huge huge huge amounts of online friends and the thing with online friends is that you can rant and rave and complain and tell them whatever you want and you know that what you said isn't going to be an issue in your day to day life because how's this person from the other side of the world going to tell your friends that you've said something about them?

    Yea, it's his first name, i think it's an Irish name actually...
    Haha i do that to! ''Really?!'' ''No -_-''

    I don't think i've ever heard any 'whatdya call a canadian...' jokes haha, let alone and 'whatdya call an irishman..'' jokes haha.

    Jarryd's actually quite harmless, he's just soooo annoying, i go out of my way to avoid him haha.

    Haha, it's good to know i make you smile too.
    I picutre you rather ruggid haha, what with all the scars and bruises you tell me about, i have two noticible scars, one you can only see in my bathing suit because it's just above my hip (from my appendix surgery) and the other's on the back of my hand, but it's so tiny.

    My oh my, actually, that's not a totally uncommon thing over here, i know one girl who's parents walked in on her doing that to some guy. Alot of people i know have done it, myself not included.

    Honestly, lately i've discovered that to someone who doesn't know me, i'm quite intimidating. The other day on my way to my science room i ran right into this girl, it was completely my fault and when i turned to apologize she was like ''sorry 0.0'' she seemed scared almost haha. So then i asked a bunch of people if i was intimidating and it's been a unanimous yes so far haha.

    [i]Slapping your soul[/i] haha! That's great! I'm going to have to use that XD

    Hahaha, thank you thank you. This whole slash element of my story is so foreign to me, unless i'm home alone, it's quite awkward to write haha. But i'm having a bit of trouble, what i've written, goes quite far away from what i had planned out for this story, and if i continue in this direction, i'm going to have to rethink the entire rest of the story, but i've been thinking about it and i've figured out a way to get back on track without having to change anything i've already written.

    Oh my gosh, that's horrible. I know people who cut but none of them have ever gone to the extent your friend did, that's horrible, i'm sorry to hear that.

    Nothing really new for me, except for the fact that (i don' tknow if i told you about this before but) my trip is finally booked! On November 2nd i'm going to Curacao (the second c is like an s) it's this islan off the coast of Venezuela, i'm so excited, i've never been anywhere tropical like that before. We're going for a week and it's all inclusive so everything is free. Oh! And you get complimentary scuba diving lessons and you get to go once a day for free, and they have a rock climbing wall, a disco, a teens club, a water volleyball net. I'm so excited. [i]And[/i], get this, i have permisson from my mom that if i happen to meet anyone on this trip, i can ditch my family and hang out with him the entire time XD i can't help but think of something like that as ''pulling a Sian'' haha!
    October 19th, 2008 at 04:22pm
  • Beautiful Loser

    Beautiful Loser (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm really sorry it's constantly taking me so long to get back to you!!!
    No rest for the wicked, lol

    Oh, we just read Astreetcar named Desire in class, and we watched the film to day, i've already seen it. But it is amazing!!!
    Marlon Brando/ Vivien Leigh are in it, my english teacher is in-love with Marlon Brando, she's like *drools* every time he comes on screen, lol
    If you haven't read it get it out!! It's soooo goood!
    The tempest, lol no they didn't make out or anything but they were a bit touchy-feely and it was a bit creepy but it would have been so, even if the weren't family.

    It was so stupid and out of place, I mean it's a shakespeare play! They so wouldn't have got on the way they did in a remotely authentic version but anyway!
    That production was shit!
    Everytime someone jumped on a rock (something the did a lot, for no reason) it made this loud hollow thud, and evreyone was like polystyrene much? lol

    How're you?

    My mum just told me I'm going to see the freaking pogues just before christmas, in the kings halll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    *screams* any good concerts coming up?
    October 17th, 2008 at 09:46pm
  • totheark.

    totheark. (100)

    I love telling everyone my Gerry Adams story! I remember it so clearly - Ma couldn't find me anyway and he said to me, "Where's your Mummy?" and I was looking around for her and I couldn't see her and I was getting really upset and I was saying, "I don't know, I don't know!" and he told me to stay behind the wheelie bin in the alleyway and he stood there so nothing could hit me, and then Ma came round the corner because one of the neighbours had told her that "someone got your wee girl out of the way" and I'll never forget the look on her face!!! =D It was so funny, Gerry just goes, "Is this your wee one?" and Ma just gawped and gawped for ages! I always laugh telling that stpry =P

    There's a lot of factors that influence me, but they all link back to Ireland. My family for one, I have a huge family and they all influence me in some way or another. Even the ones who are gone now ... for example, my great-great uncle was Michael Collins, and I've grown up with all sorts of never-heard-before stories about him from the older people in my family, and he's influenced me a lot. My History teacher couldn't get over how alike I was to him when it came to debating and things like that. And music, too. I've grown up with The Pogues, so that probably says it all! They taught me to look life straight in the eye, make time run, and never fear death, which is what I live by now.

    But the Troubles have a big influence. If you ever researched Crossmaglen you'd see how involved the area was, and I grew up seeing things that no kid should see, but it all made me stronger and taught me lessons that I may have been taught too young, but I still learn from today.

    xx Fionnuala xx
    October 14th, 2008 at 08:58pm
  • JessaKay

    JessaKay (100)

    United States
    Yea, i was a lilttle bored wiht my layout so i had a friend make me this one and show me how to work the html codes...way more difficult than a css code.
    but yea, i like can be a little inconvenient with the whole comments thing but whatever.

    Yes, i told you...i loved the questions you gave me, they're genious. and yes it has changed it up a bit. it'll just help explain her more as a person. but i'll be writing alot more about it soon.

    we had some family friends over for about 5 days and i had to help babysit the 1 yr old so i had ZERO time to write! by the time she was out for the night i was too exhausted to do anything but sleep.

    which is also why, no, i haven't finished Breaking Dawn, i have 5 chapters left which i plan on reading tonight.

    Seventh Day Advintists [SDA] are ppl who go to church on Saturday. The seventh day of the week. we get alot of shit for it but whatever, thats my belief. ppl ask why and i just refer to Genesis 2:2&3 which says 'By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.'
    That is what we believe and go off of, so...yea. make sense?

    Yea, he's kinda bummed about not having teeth but he's making light of it and can actually speak very well. he'll hopefully have new ones soon.
    Wow, that would be awesome, to be able to be a part of making someone whole again. making them feel special in a sence.

    so what have you been up to?
    im just check my email and then i'll probably write a bit.
    October 8th, 2008 at 12:31am
  • gidjet363

    gidjet363 (100)

    Aww! I kind of meant it to be a tear-jerker, thanks!
    October 7th, 2008 at 11:23pm
  • gidjet363

    gidjet363 (100)

    Ugh! I could never watch that, i'm squeemish that way haha. I could watch someone get their head cut off just fine though haha, i think it's just needles for me. My little sister is so ok with them, she watches when she gets needles and i freak out for her haha!

    I broke both bones in my right arm on a 45 degree angle when i was 12, and then last year my appendix almost burst and i had to have it out. After that last stay in the hospital, i will never eat green jello again haha!
    You're dangerous! haha, you just need a full body pillow suit and you'd be alright XD

    I was wondering where you were, it's ok though, school makes everyone busy.

    It's a big thing here, well an [i]obvious[/i] thing. You can see it when you walk past my school, the different coloured groups.

    You know what else i find crazy? the fact that i have friends dotting the globe! i know it's kind of nerdy but i think it's so cool that because of this site and the internet in general, i know so many people who i never would have met in my entire life. Whenever they talk about the 'evils of the internet' on the news or whatever, they never mention things like this, site where you can meet people you never would have gotten anywhere near meeting in real life and make friends with them because by being here, we automatically have at least one thing in common.
    (talk about a wild topic change XD)

    Haha! I do that too! My friend Cooper and i have this current joke or saying or whatever, it's ''sarcasm is my native language'' or ''i'm quite fluent in sarcasm'', it's so true though, i'm oh so sarcastic. Some people take it the wrong way, but most people think i'm hillarious XD
    When i get the ''i'm hungry'' or ''i'm bored'' i go ''Hi hungry i'm Shelby =]'' haha.

    I find it so funny when i go to the movies and -to my knowledge- i haven't dropped any popcorn down my shirt, but then i'm getting undressed later when i get home and it's flying out as if they popped it in my clevage haha.

    I know a guy who's all touchy feely, his name's Jarryd, he always comes up to me after english and hugs me, and at first it's ok, but then he starts to [i]pet[/i] me, and it's like ''ok jarryd, get off'' i had peter chase him off one tme cause he wouldn't let go haha!
    Toungue in the ear? Sian you make me smile.

    I'm not even kidding! And those are just some of them! I know a girl named Sukdip. Now say that outloud but pronounce the 'dip' as 'deep' and then think about what you just said. I know it's a name, but it's so dirty haha.

    Yea, high marks are a thing for me too, i've always been an A student, my little sister is a B student. But either you've got it or you don't, you can't force someone to be smart.

    Haha, it was great watching the grade nines run around trying to get to class on time the first week. It makes me laugh to think 'that was me last year!' haha.

    I couldn't be a teacher, i don't have anywhere near the right amount of patience, or the capacity to be that mean to kids! I was volenteering in my old grade five (so 12 years old) class to get my 40 hours and my teacher was so strict, it was like :| i couldn't enstill fear in children like that....well i [i]could[/i] but i wouldn't want to haha.

    Nothing really new with me, i've been working avidly on WHUTS, i'm having so much fun writing it. And i love the comments i get from it, i like seeing how much into the story people get, i epecially like when people leave not just ''this is great!'' but whatever they were thinking as they read it like ''i love kate! she's so devious!'' i like to hear the thoughts of my readers.
    I'm glad you like it!

    Anything new with you? (something tells me i could be in for a long response XD)
    October 7th, 2008 at 11:20pm
  • totheark.

    totheark. (100)

    As strange as it sounds, I have a lot to thank the Troubles for. They've shaped me into the person I am and all of my inspiration for my stories come from them. I've even started a campaign with an American friend in my brother's name to help spread the word about the war going on here. It's made me more determined.

    I was in a bomb blast when I was a tiny baby! My Ma told me about it because I don't remember it. We were in a shop with my auntie in Belfast and we were in this big department store and a bomb went off and Ma and Auntie Máirghréad were injured, and they couldn't find me for ages. Luckily an uninjured lady had found me lying near on the other side of the shop. The only thing that had stopped me from being badly hurt was my pram which had protected me! Ma said she just grabbed me and burst into tears when she saw I was all right.

    And another time I was out playing with my cousins, twins Gdbhdh and Ghúala, and they lived in Belfast at this time, and this riot kicked off and I was caught in the middle of it all and I was only seven, and someone suddenly came out of nowhere and grabbed me and carried me right out of the way and to Ma, and it was Gerry Adams =O I still remember THAT ... it's like my party story.

    xx Fionnuala xx
    October 7th, 2008 at 10:43pm
  • JessaKay

    JessaKay (100)

    United States
    Yea, im a seventh day adventist christian...i dont go to cfhurch anymore because every single person ive met in the cjurches ive attend have turned out to be very fake and bakestabbers...ltes not get into that lol...but i have my beliefs and what not but i rarely talk about it in deepth because, well i guess everyone has their own beliefs and its hard to listen to another persons perspective when it doesnt match what you were raised to but whatever...

    Wow he sounds like quite the looker :] i hope that whatever you decide to do with this new found...likeness?...that it works out for you :]

    Yea, this is like his 3rd or 4th day in chemo, he's gonna be sick as a dog T_T i feel bad for him...the pulled all his top teeth cuz of an boil in his mouth or something like that being caused by his teeth, and his dentist told him that after all of this he would have a million dollar smile and my uncle cried!

    im not up to much, just reading breaking dawn, bella just found out that jake imprinted on her daughter and she beat his ass for it lol but i had to take a quick break...

    thanks for all the questions btw they were a help!!

    oh i meant to ask, did you send me an email about facebook...i thought it was you cuz,'re t he onle Sian i know xD
    September 29th, 2008 at 12:22am
  • totheark.

    totheark. (100)

    Wow, there's quite a mixture in your family, then? We're just Irish ... and Irish, and a little more Irish =D But we're from all different parts of Ireland. Cork, obviously, because of Michael Collins, and Dublin, too. Crossmaglen, Belfast, Derry, Letterkenny, Galway ... all over the place.

    Yeah, Brendan was shot by soldiers =( What happened was, he was driving his car with his best friends Conor (my boyfriend Eamon's brother) and Malachy, and they were stopped at a British Army checkpoint. They let them go, but then for reasons we still don't truly know, they opened fire on the car. Conor and Malachy were both seriously injured, but the bullet went straight through Brendan from behind, and caused lacerations to his heart and lungs. He died pretty much instantly. We still don't know the truth behind it all. The soldiers claimed that he was a member of the IRA, but he wasn't. The IRA even issued a statement saying that my brother wasn't a Volunteer.

    I was arrested twice, for rioting. There were a load of riots in Crossmaglen when I was younger. The first time, I was 12, and I was arrested for throwing rocks at the police: breach of the peace. The second time I was 15, and I was arrested for firing a replica gun at soldiers during a riot. It wasn't a real gun or anything, but they thoughtit was so I was arrested for possession of firearms and, you got it, IRA membership. But obviously, I was neither, so I got off.

    And as for getting shot, I was in Belfast and these UVF men were having a gun battle with some IRA men, and me, my boyfriend Eamon, and my friends Bronagh and Caoímhbhe were caught in the middle. A bullet hit me straight in the knee, went straight through my right knee and into my left. I was taken to hospital in an IRA getaway car.

    I've certainly lived a little when it comes to the Troubles ...

    xx Fionnuala xx
    September 28th, 2008 at 10:25pm
  • totheark.

    totheark. (100)

    My name is Fionnghúala-Máirghréad Saoirse Ó Coileáin on my birth certificate. All of our names are in Gaelic on our birth certificates. Both of my parents have over ten siblins each and the largest family has 17 kids, and so I have exactly 186 cousins scattered about Ireland!

    There's twins in my family! Ghúala and Gdbhdh (said just Nuala and Grayna) and there's triplets, too: Sheelagh, Sheenagh and Sinéad! They were all born in Newry.

    I live in Crossmaglen, which is like, the IRA's stronghold. I've seen a hell of a lot of trouble in my years. Some of my uncles were imprisioned for things that they didn't do, my brother, Brendan, was shot dead three years ago, I've been shot, my brother Eoin was arrested, I've been arrested twice, some of my uncles knew Ray McCreesh the hunger striker, and my great-great uncle was Michael Collins =D That's like my family's story ... I'm sure that there's a lot more in there.

    xx Fionnuala xx
    September 28th, 2008 at 08:41pm
  • gidjet363

    gidjet363 (100)

    Psh, totally did not! I don't think i've ever gone past the limit, i've never had to take half of my comment and put it in another one, or does it just do that automatically?

    I can handle needles now, when i was little i never could. When i broke my arm when i was 12 (i think) they had to put an IV in my arm, and it took one nurse to put the needle in, three nurses to hold me down, and a random guy with a broken nose from the other side of the ER to talk me through it hahhaha. But now the needles are so thin that i don't even feel it anymore.

    I have all the emails that i keep sorted into little folders, one for my passwords and stuff, one for cute or funny emails that i tend to get from my grandma haha. Other than that, everything gets deleted.

    It's alright,i totally neglected the computer for a day and a half and i came back to like four thousand comments left right and center haha. I saw your and i was like :| cause of how long it was XD

    HAHA, oh my gosh, that must have been priceless!

    In my school there's maybe 100 or 150 white people, and we all seem to know eachother, even if you don't know them personally you know that they're so and so's boyfriend or whatever. Most of my school is middle-eastern and black and even though no one will ever admit it, my school is rather segregated.

    OH my gosh, i reeally don't know what to say. When i read that, my face was literally like this :O the whole time. You hear about stuff like that happening, but when it happens to you or one of your friends it's pretty surreal. I guess it just goes to show how twisted the world's becoming.

    Oh my, boys eh? my guy friends know enough not to throw things down my shirt if they value their apendages haha. I have one friend though, Peter, he's always on about how i'm his girlfriend (i'm not it's a joke he gets going) and if i'm standing there talking to another guy or whatever, he comes up and goes ''Why are you talking to Shelby? did i say you could talk to her?'' as he holds my hand and puts an arm around me haha, it's quite funny when people look at me as if to ask ''is he serious?'' but i would never date Peter, he's pretty much the farthest thing from my 'type'.

    Oh no, those aren't surnames, they're first names. Not even kidding.

    We have something like that, it's called the undergraduate awards. You get awards for having the highest mark in that particular course or whatever. We also have the stars awards, there's two assemblies a year to give them out and each teacher puts forth two people from their class (if they want, some teachers don't) to get the award for that class. Last year i got three or four total, which is pretty good considering that only about a hundred or two hundred people get invited to the assembly in the first place.

    Doesn't sound bloody awful, if i got something like that, my mom would throw a party! haha, she was so happy when i got a 90% average last year.

    Alot of my teachers get to class late so we have time to talk in the hall, but still, slow moving people drive me up the wall.

    He is really creepy, but he's one of those weridly smart guys so he's probably going to end up being a millionaire one day, so although the boys are, i'm not [i]that[/i] mean haha.

    My friend suggested that i be a highschool teacher. My reaction was ''and put up with [b]us[/b]? are you nuts?!'' haha. I couldn't put up with a class that's anything like any of mine haha.

    Yea really. The sequel chapter shows up on the summary page though right? when i look it's there, but if it's not then i'm going to have to do something about that.
    September 28th, 2008 at 05:26pm