lawliets / Comments

  • accio niall

    accio niall (100)

    United States
    Ello :D

    So, I commented on your lj basically saying that I miss you and not to worry and akljfdaf NO I don't hate you! I love you! And LOL I just got your text message replying to mine about the comment fail.

    Also, I said I was going to comment you every day detailing what I did.

    So today, I woke up at noon but I was being lazy so I stayed in bed using Tumblr on my phone which is a pain in my ass until 1:30. I went out to the kitchen and everyone was watching Eclipse -_- I got my donut and went back to my room lol worked on Lights a little bit (I'm about to send you a little bit of that) and listened to Asking Alexandria.

    Texted Cowboy a bit, he's growing a beard. It's so awesome! We talked about touring and how they've got some new songs ready to record. Ryan fangirled about his date tonight with me. He's going to the movies with this girl Jessica, she's got blue hair. I like her :D

    Then I watched Dinner For Schmucks with Lainey after Ryan left which made him super jealous cause he was really wanting to see it. OMG. I TOTALLY WANT TO SEE GNOMEO AND JULIET OKAY.

    I made lists after that. Mom gets her tax refund in like a week and she's giving me $100 for fun and $200 for clothes but I'm so in between right now I'm not even going to bother with new clothes. So now she's saying maybe she'll give me some more so I can get a new laptop. :D YAY.

    Ummm then I went to Garden Ridge so we could look at new furniture, fell in love with a couch, and had fun. I wasn't nervous at all which was super awesome. Probably because I haven't had caffeine in over a month.

    Then we came home and I cleaned up the living room, checked my email, watched mom make dinner.

    Then I got on your lj from my phone and had a fit. I'm looking at new phones now because this one pisses me off. I'll just give it to Ryan if I get a new one.

    Oh and I'm in love with Alex "Pretty Face" Pettyfer. Seriously, completely, totally, in love. HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL I CAN'T STAND IT.

    And one last thing, where do you live? I remember you always being like D: When bands didn't tour near you. The band will for sure :] If you let us sleep on your floor lol

    GHALS;FJD I've been struggling for years btw. To find my own like personal style, which sounds lame but it's true. It's a mix between 90s grunge, 04 MCR, and Metal. It all sounds very strange but it totally works okay. Cause I'm amazing.

    I'm so tempted to buy these floral Docs, but they're $160 and I'm like D:

    My mom just put on Eat Pray Love and Julia Roberts is my woman. So I'm gonna go drool over her. ILY! <3
    January 30th, 2011 at 02:09am
  • accio niall

    accio niall (100)

    United States

    And that I just tried on a smaller size in jeans and they fit perrrrfectly. Two sizes to go :D SO HAPPY I COULD DIE.

    <3 My phone is off until next week, I also won't have any internet until after the first of February :(
    January 24th, 2011 at 08:40pm
  • accio niall

    accio niall (100)

    United States
    :D No hate about the Breathe Me hiatus. I'm excited about what you linked me to! What's been up?

    I've been working hard on Lights. I ended up writing for days non stop and then scrapping everything because I came up with an idea that was fucking epic. I had to rework the whole story, come up with a few new characters. And now it's all completely 100% finished in my mind and I've got the first few chapters down.

    Later on, after I've had some coffee, I'll type it up and message it to you. Promise. <3
    January 18th, 2011 at 03:46pm
  • accio niall

    accio niall (100)

    United States
    Can you link me to the dA profile for that nude model you showed me? <3
    January 10th, 2011 at 01:06am
  • accio niall

    accio niall (100)

    United States
    The whole family was just joking about cowboy jacking off... Clearly we're the weirdest fucking family ever. Omg. XD And somehow it made me think of you.
    January 9th, 2011 at 01:21am
  • accio niall

    accio niall (100)

    United States
    I'm glad you liked it XD I just remembered you describing her as having [i]bedroom eyes[/i] and then you mentioned that the picture you linked me to was from a nude model so I just kind of went with it. I tried to get it as close to that picture as possible. Her mouth was hard :/ I had to re-paint it like six times and it still looks pretty weird.

    I totally forgot to finish Zak today, too. I'll work on that more tomorrow and link you. I'll probably upload them to dA when I get the chance.

    When are you going to update, btw? I want to know more about Shinook!

    Lights. I'm going to send you some of Lights soon, I just keep changing my mind. I can't decide if I should keep it third person or first person alternating point of views. It's just as much Garrett's story as it is Lyla's. I just want to make sure both of them get to say what they want.

    But I suck at first person you'll have to proof it for me? :D And I'll probably end up sending you one chapter of third, and then two chapters of first. And make you choose which one you like better.

    The draco/niall is on hold for a while. I won't post it until Lights is finished but I'll keep working on it.

    January 6th, 2011 at 05:53am
  • accio niall

    accio niall (100)

    United States
    I have a surprise for you!

    [i][/i] :] Adelle. It's actually kind of sloppy XD I was getting impatient. But I like it.

    I'm actually kind of nervous to show my mom this list. She texted me on her lunch break, [i]Pizza 4 dinner?[/i] and I was like D: AGAIN? NO. So she said we could go to the grocery store after work and I'm going to surprise her with my grocery list. :]

    I'm pretty good about not over eating but I don't eat healthy foods. And I drink way too much soda. I haven't had one in two days though and so far, no caffeine headaches. But I have been taking a migraine pill every morning so maybe that's why. idk.

    I tried talking to my mom about it last night, like actually sitting down without the T.V. on and talking. But she just wants me to do everything [i]her[/i] way. She has the rest of my life planned out, seriously. And she keeps talking about this fucking Yudu or some shit. It's this one little tiny print machine for tshirts. It's like one of those little plastic infomercial ones and I'm like O_o STFU.

    I did talk about it a little bit with Ryan and he seemed to understand where I was coming from. And if he actually came home on time like he said he was instead of blowing me off to go to Cowboy's then we could have talked more but NO. :[

    I'm pretty sure I'm just going to be a kid forever. I can't see myself doing things that normal 20 year olds do. And I definitely can't see myself [b]ever[/b] being married, or in a serious relationship, or with kids. I mean I know it'll probably happen and I'd like it to but it's just... weird. It's like when you watch your parents kiss and you're just like :/ I'm never gonna do that. But then one day you will kiss someone and in front of your kids.

    I just creeped myself out.

    If I had that machine, Lights would be fucking posted and finished right now. D: Why can't it be that easy. Like um. Okay this reminds me of the Simpsons last night. When Lisa took all these random lines that Moe wrote and organized them to make an epic poem.

    Can we all just have a Lisa to organize our thoughts and ideas? XD
    January 5th, 2011 at 11:30pm
  • accio niall

    accio niall (100)

    United States
    I meant to comment you like hours ago but then I got distracted. I started watching the Biggest Loser and then Parenthood and then I came online to comment you but I made Ryan sit with me instead and we made a new grocery list/bookmarked 20 healthy recipes.

    Seriously, the whole thing is fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. I LOVE IT. Then we talked about portion control and exercises. XD

    BUT OH MY GOD. SHE LIKED IT? :D The shirtless one? I'm going to finish that tomorrow. :D

    Bahaha, he actually wasn't wearing pants in the first sketch. But now I'm thinking of adding just a hint of those red french knickers you mentioned! Ugh. It's just going to be so awesome.

    Yeah, I've decided to think about it a bit more. I definitely want to be able to run my own business so obviously some college classes would help with that. And definitely some kind of design, because I fucking SUCK at using the pen tool in Photoshop.

    Almost thirty. Oh God. That actually really scares me because I want to be married and have at least one kid by 26.

    Okay. I'm gonna go like... do some push ups or something.

    <3 Keep sending me weird info about Zak cross-dressing. I love it. :D
    January 5th, 2011 at 06:44am
  • little motorkitty;

    little motorkitty; (630)

    United Kingdom
    Well, I'm Amy :3 so now you know me :D

    Yeah, if it's a genuine joke then I don't mind, I don't think there's anything you shouldn't joke about. Yes, sometimes it's best not to joke about certain subjects in certain company (like I can't handle people making rape jokes or jokes about downs sydrome due to my life & my little cousin) but in general humour is just humour. But joking to be cruel isn't cool. Hahah that rhymed *easily amused*

    I get what you mean. At my old school some girls raided my stuff (I was bullied) and found a journal of mine that contained some private info including stuff about my sexuality. They then proceeded to make constant jokes in school and on facebook saying things like "don't get too close!" and "no wonder she came here" (it was an all girls school.) And it's just... what does sexuality have to do with wanting to shag anything with legs? I mean, not all straight girls want to have sex all the time with ANY guy they meet (some do, but hey, their choice right?) so why is it different for a bisexual, gay or pansexual person?

    My family are the same. My gran comes from an Irish Catholic family, she always says "God Bless You" at night and at the end of conversations and whatnot, and she tells me I should pray everytime I see an ambulance go by. Which I kind of do, I mean, I hope that the person is okay but she assumes I pray to God. It's just... no matter how open-minded people try and be, they still judge.

    I mean my ex was from a strong catholic family, he goes to a private catholic school, church every Sunday, no sex before marriage, all that. And he used to make comments about gays that were... mean, to say the least. Which factored into why I broke up with him. My boyfriend now is straight, but at least he isn't judgemental about my own sexuality.
    January 5th, 2011 at 03:13am
  • little motorkitty;

    little motorkitty; (630)

    United Kingdom
    Haha, not random or creepy at all, I love getting profile comments *is a loser* Yeah, I mean recently a girl on facebook made a joke about bisexuals just being "greedy freaks" and I was just... urgh. My brother makes comments lik that as well. Yeah, some of my friends are the same. And they think "oh, you're attracted to everyone, so stay away from me and don't try and come on to me you freak". Just... yes, I will be attracted to any gender, people with no gender, people who have changed gender. But that doesn't mean I want to sleep with everyone. I know exactly what you mean. My family have made comments like "oh, bisexuals and pansexuals are just indecisive" and I'm sat there wanting to hit them or cry. I mean, everyone assumes I'm straight because I'm in a serious relationship with a guy, and I don't broadcast my sexuality because of judgements I've heard. But in debates or when someone I know makes a comment I will turn around and go "yeah, by the way, I'm pansexual. What'd'ya make of that, huh?" I don't talk about it to my family though... they do have well, slightly homophobic tendencies sadly. :\ What about you?
    January 5th, 2011 at 02:43am
  • accio niall

    accio niall (100)

    United States

    Quick questions... I'm just curious... What kind of underwear does Zak wear? :)


    I've decided I'm finally going to get going on those college classes. But I don't know what I want to take, I mean, the basics obviously, but what else? Did you know that you have to have a bunch of crazy ridiculous degrees just to be a librarian?

    But... I plan on spending the next ten years making/managing/selling merch for my brothers band and hopefully other bands as well. Ugh. I just thought about how old I'll be in ten years D: I'M GETTING OLD.

    Accounting and Financial Management? Business Management? Fashion Merchandising? Graphic Design?

    O_O Being an adult is hard and I don't like it. I don't like making decisions either, adfjklgh this is going to take me forever to choose.
    January 4th, 2011 at 10:39pm
  • accio niall

    accio niall (100)

    United States

    Basically what that huge comment said was: Meant to finish the first chapter of TLWO and ended up sketching a very R Rated picture of Zak. Forgot about TLWO and ended up writing a Creepy Gee Ferard oneshot. :) I'll send you Sexy Zak when I get up.
    January 4th, 2011 at 08:11am
  • Clementine

    Clementine (100)

    United States
    :'D you just helped add to my mustache pictures on my iPodxD
    January 4th, 2011 at 02:25am
  • accio niall

    accio niall (100)

    United States

    I'm gonna work on the rest of him tomorrow. And you can't see it but Quinn is there too. :]
    January 4th, 2011 at 02:17am
  • Clementine

    Clementine (100)

    United States
    THATS the one(x

    Haha I love the commercials they pass when they think all the little kids are asleepxD
    January 4th, 2011 at 12:54am
  • Clementine

    Clementine (100)

    United States
    The longest yard? Is that the one with the black singer? I really don't knowO.o
    Aww that sucks, I just saw it was midnight and went to bedxD
    January 4th, 2011 at 12:27am
  • Clementine

    Clementine (100)

    United States
    Pretty lame actually. How was yours? :)
    January 3rd, 2011 at 11:13pm
  • accio niall

    accio niall (100)

    United States
    Mibba. Wtf. Pic messaged you Zak so far. lemme know if you get it, if not I can email it to you :)
    January 3rd, 2011 at 11:10pm
  • accio niall

    accio niall (100)

    United States
    Mibba ate my comment :[ Intead of being mad, I'm just gonna go back to fixing Zak's face. It looks ugly right now. xD
    January 3rd, 2011 at 10:12pm
  • Clementine

    Clementine (100)

    United States
    Your comments make my day, like, no lie. <3
    January 3rd, 2011 at 10:04pm