Back and Read to Write

Hey yall!I've been gone for quite awhile but I recently got the urge to write again.At work strangely, I got the idea for a story and it just wouldn't stop flowing.I will probably not be continuing any of my old stories, except maybe Ramona smiles.I'm super embarrassed of cliches and compunction, I hate Riley now a days.I may pick up some of my old ideas that I talked about in an earlier blog but...
March 28th, 2015 at 12:03am

Learn your slang

So there are a lot of UK and Australian writers on here, and I can always tell when it's British or Australian writer.Well,Maybe not always.The one thing I don't understand though, is why do a lot of them write stories set in America?I for one don't think we're that great.But if you are going to write a story set America you might want to look into the differences between American and British...
September 2nd, 2013 at 06:23am

I hate my life right now

So, yesterday I had surgery on an abscess in my arm pit,this is probably way to much info for you guys but, fuck it,I got nothin' else to do right now.ANYWAY,Now, I haven't really done anything all day, but it's hot in my houseso, I'm sweating like a mother fucker and I stink.Cause, you know sweat and BO and all that fun shit.BUT!Can I put on deoderant?NO!Why?Because I had surgery on my armpit...
September 2nd, 2013 at 01:28am

Ideas for up and coming stories

So yeah I'm not sure what story I want to do after cliches and compunctions, so I'm going to make a list of my ideas and it'd be super cool if you guys could tell me what you want to read.One Hundred LettersWhilst visiting her father, our main character joins the prison pen pal. She's paired with a man just a few years older than her. They're letters become her dirty secret, and way of rebelling...
July 30th, 2013 at 06:14pm