Girl Code

This is what I have so far...I am not done just didnt want to have to write them all at once.Enjoy(:1. Never date your best friends ex. Friends are more important than guyes.(Hoes Before Bros)2. Always carry a tampon/pad with you some where..never know when you or someone else is gonna need it.3. Keep chocolate with you. Its a pain killer.4. Know you can never loose an argument as long as you know...
June 29th, 2013 at 10:13am


Am I alive or am I dead? I use to hurt myself to find out, but I've become numb to the pain instead it heals my broken heart, broken thoughts, and broken dreams. The thought makes me feel like I'm crazy, but maybe I am. Maybe that's why I enjoy the numbness, maybe that's why I hear voices, maybe that's why I do what they tell me to do, maybe that's why I am the way I am, maybe that's why I push...
June 29th, 2013 at 10:09am

Are You Scared?

Of waking up one day and realizing you could lose everything you've ever know? Losing the only thing that truly meant anything to you? If you woke up one day and realized that your whole life was a dream would you change it? Would you do things you didn't get to before or would you repeat it all over again? Are you scared that you're going to be forgotten, ignored, rejected by everyone you love?...
June 29th, 2013 at 10:09am


Recovery....What does it even mean and do you ever really get better or push the thought in the back of your mind? I like to believe its the first choice, but sometimes I really don't know. The thoughts wander back into the frontal lobe of my mind and sometimes make me feel crazy then I start to question myself and who I am which makes me feel even more crazy because the more I think about it the...
June 29th, 2013 at 10:08am