accio niall / Comments

  • omg please don't die via hallway folder sliding D:

    and oh, good. that makes me feel better. at least i can honestly say that i never typed lyk dis lulz!!11! (wait, that's a like. i used to type "kewl" instead of "cool"...everyone else was doing it LOL
    August 17th, 2011 at 05:34am
  • Awe, thank you. It was so much fun. I was happy and sad but most of all, excited for them. I officially (they dated for 11 years before the wedding) have a sister now, haha. Oh really? Yeah, I can imagine.

    Awe, so glad to hear that. That does sound exciting so enjoy it! <3
    August 15th, 2011 at 11:33pm
  • ``AHHH! HOE!! Here's your layout, you hoebag :) ``

    "Nikki made this layout for her hoe.
    Because she loves her.``

    hm. i think...i`m not sure, but i think i like calling you hoe XD
    August 15th, 2011 at 04:54am
  • ``Steal and I will bring you pain."

    hm yes i'm sure
    August 15th, 2011 at 04:50am
  • "Steal? You'll never stop spinning. "
    "Steal?||Your panties will be thrown out the window. ``

    hahahah that last one. shiiiiiiiiit
    August 15th, 2011 at 04:49am
  • "Nikki made this layout for her erotic lover, Zanira.
    Steal, and you will feel the wrath of the dreaded Boxman. "

    hahhahslkdfldvwo4rit[ w4qet
    August 15th, 2011 at 04:47am
  • i mean, i don't know what happened on november third of 2007 when i made those "terms", but clearly i was very upset XD such a mad little girl.
    August 15th, 2011 at 04:46am
  • oh my god. i have nothing to say about this. NOTHING. just read. JUST READ LMFAO YOU WILL DIE

    ``note; I rant a lot in these terms, but still kindly take the time to read them if you want to use a layout. If you break a rule, or ask a question that is answered in these rules, I will be quite pissed off and then the shit will hit the fan.

    1; If you use a layout, please leave a comment in the cbox. And leave the URL to your account - not email - so I can make sure the layout worked out and thank you for using it. I'm getting really sick and tired of the people who leave only their name or their email. I have no way of contacting you if you don't leave a link. And as for those who leave their emails, I don't want to fucking talk to you, you idiot, I want to thank you for using the layout and make sure it works properly.

    2; Nooo redistributing my layouts. Give people the link to my homepage, and let them get it themselves. That's not too much to ask now, is it?

    3; If you find something wrong with the coding; kindly notify me. I may have overlooked something in the coding. Sometimes it's as simple as the cbox [or a picture's] width. [Although, anyone with half a brain should be able to tell if their cbox is too wide and screwing up the table...] In most cases, I will add in if the cbox needs to be less than a certain width, but if not, check before you come running to me saying that the layout is overlapping and you don't know why. But if there is a legit error in the coding, again, just tell me and I'll find it and fix it for you. If I look, and it's something you've done to the coding, I'll tell you to go back and get the code all over again and start from scratch. Because I don't have time to fix something you did to the coding.

    4; I don't take requests for homepage layouts, I don't have decent enough resources to create a person's request properly. But suggestions are lovely and always welcome :] Although, if I really love you I will do a request. As for quiz layouts, there will be a request form for those up shortly.

    5; You may not change anything in the layouts. If you do want to change something, message me saying what you want to do, and I might say yes. But probably not. Because, you see, I made these layouts and put alot of time into them and I don't want half-baked versions of them laying around. Even if you want to do something as small as the size of the font, just let me know. If I decide I'm okay with it, I'll tell you and let you go ahead. But, if I say no, you must oblige and not change whatever you had in mind.

    6; Leave the credit on! You use a layout, you absolutely MUST give me credit. You take the credit off, I take your head off. Stealing is a piece of shit, and I want to shoot someone everytime I see that some fuckwad has stolen someone else's work.

    7; I don't have Photoshop, I only have a basic Paint program to work with, so please be kind and no nasty messages about my layouts in the cbox. Even if you think my images are crap - I'll be the first to agree with you in some cases - I do happen to spend a lot of time on the coding, so don't slam my layouts. Constructive critism is a wonderful thing; learn how to use it properly, shitheads.

    8; When you leave a comment in my cbox, honest to God, use proper English. Grammar and spelling are good things. I personally can't stand all the abbreviations and shortened up versions of words. Also, no foul language, indecent content, or offensive phrases.

    9; And please, please, don't steal my coding. I work really hard on these layouts; and I'm not just saying that for the sake of saying it."
    August 15th, 2011 at 04:43am
  • "Steal?||You'll be stapled to a bed with bad techno playing;; on repeat.

    oh dear. this one is actually quite terrifying.
    August 15th, 2011 at 04:41am
  • "Steal?||Death by pen-stabbing."

    i need to compile a list of all the ~scary~~ threats~ i made on these layouts. i mean, really. REALLY
    August 15th, 2011 at 04:38am
  • "Steal?||I'll gouge your eyes out. "

    this is on a paramore layout. why am i being so mean. why am i trying to be all ~badass~~ it's PARAMORE WTF
    August 15th, 2011 at 04:36am
  • "cayskank
    Holy hell, drop your biscuits kids...

    Oh yeah. They call me Nikki :]

    Symphonic metal is my muse. Drizzt Do'Urden is my obsession. Cay is my hoe. You want to know anything else? You'll have to do your research, kids. Leave a comment. Talk to me a little bit. I'm super nice :] "

    "i'm super nice" is italicized. why is it italicized? am i being sarcastic? WHAT IS GOING ON WHY AM I TELLING PEOPLE TO RESEARCH ME AND DROP THEIR BISCUITS?
    August 15th, 2011 at 04:24am
  • oh look, i found a layout i was coding for myself, so there's all the crap i had on my page at the time. i am face-palming all over the place oh god. here's the mcr section of my page, because apparently i had one

    "I don't care what others think of My Chemical Romance, because we all have our own opinions and I deeply respect that. I just know what I think of them and what their music means to me, and that's all that matters ;) And no, I do not have favorites, you asshat. And no, Gerard and Frank aren't the coolest members.

    And no, I actually DO NOT think that My Chem is the "best band ever". If you kid yourself enough to think that, then you are one naive, ignorant child and I feel sorry for your lack of insight in regards to music. Yes, they can be inspiring and amazing to certain individuals who listen to them, but they aren't the best. That is all.

    And yes. The majority of "Frerard" bothers the hell out of me. You can ask me why, if you like. I'll be sure to give you an earful =] For the most part, "Frerard" just simply looks like a massive typo that some douche thought looked cool. I hate typos. Implied, I hate "Frerard". "

    okay all that bullshit at the start aside ALL I CAN SAY IS: YOU HATED FRERARD, DID YOU NOW? OH REALLY? OH. REALLY.
    August 15th, 2011 at 04:23am
  • "Copyrighted, bitch.
    Stealing results in pencil- stabbing to the head."

    August 15th, 2011 at 04:19am
  • "Steal and you shall get hit over the head with a bass."

    hm yes so creative
    August 15th, 2011 at 04:17am
  • matt layout number two:

    "Cbox width must not be more than 150px. Any bigger and it'll make the layout overlap, and the world will rain contaminated Sonny Moores."


    "Matt will show you exactly which porch the dead raccoons were all over in the case of stealing."

    August 15th, 2011 at 04:15am
  • on the first matt layout ever:

    "Write a bit about yourself here.

    My name is Nikki
    I have an imaginary friend named Kaz
    I like zebras
    Matt Good makes a sexy raccoon
    I play bass better than you
    ...and so forth."


    "Stealing will result in a frenzied ninja attack by a merman named Mattyface."

    ....oh. OH OKAY


    August 15th, 2011 at 04:12am
  • "stealing isn't cool anymore,
    live in the now."

    inspirational, right?
    August 15th, 2011 at 04:10am
  • "Steal this, and Nikki will unleash her vampire ways on Frankie, and we don't want that now, do we? "

    this is on a lily allen layout. what does that even have to do with ANYTHING
    August 15th, 2011 at 04:09am
  • also all these layouts were made from like may 2007 to september 2008

    August 15th, 2011 at 04:06am