ALovelyVampire / Comments

  • Danny Hampstead

    Danny Hampstead (200)

    United States
    Thanks for the comment!

    And I totally understand about the whole reading spree thing cause I've been doing it too. But thanks for commenting!
    April 16th, 2008 at 05:21am
  • hopelesslyOhopeful

    hopelesslyOhopeful (100)

    hey hunny.. are you comin back to bnet? missssssu;( (i'm so sad i'm lost for words) ily
    April 13th, 2008 at 04:38pm
  • zombies fer lunch

    zombies fer lunch (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh haha thankyou :)
    And I'm constantly annoying people with my singing. Me and my friend Lidija were singing Abba songs at my local pizzaria today and everyone was like o___o
    April 12th, 2008 at 09:48pm
  • batman_robin_

    batman_robin_ (100)

    United States
    haha, i updated my profile a little. lol. i'm random. woah, a light bulb just like exploded in my room, and now it smells burnt. =P any way! gtg work on science junk! xoxo
    April 12th, 2008 at 08:06pm
  • shellxfobxfan

    shellxfobxfan (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I know, I felt reallly bad for him! And i know, but i'll still miss you! *hugs*
    How did you download it onto the computer?! the ipod bit i understand, lol <3
    April 12th, 2008 at 07:34pm
  • batman_robin_

    batman_robin_ (100)

    United States
    that was the longest message i've ever sent. XD sorryyyy.....=D
    April 12th, 2008 at 07:31pm
  • batman_robin_

    batman_robin_ (100)

    United States
    haha, i'm reading out of my science book to do some homework, and the title of the chapter is....BLOOD! haha. i thought that was kinda funny. yeah, i live in a small town also, and so every one knows everyone. i have to go to school with the same kids every freakin year. and there's only one elementary, one middle, and one high school. psh. no one has ever hear of it. it's like in the middle of randomness. i only moved here 3 years ago. so i have a change of friends every year, and i have yet to find a good group. they all turned out to be bitches. so i decided to go hang with the older kids. well, it turns out that this kid that was always good and innocent, and not to mention hawt. he has bright natural blonde hair cut sorta emo where it sticks up in the back. (if you've ever seen some pics of frank's like that, that is what it looks like, with the whole covering one eye, and spiked up in the back) it turns out that i found out AFTER i started hanging out with him that apparently he does drugs. so now i stay far away from him. i was like in total shock because his sister knew my brother, and his mom knew mine. so it was crazy. i try my hardest not to look like the preps, and that's why i don't shop at the places like abercrombie or hollister or any of the others. that's ALL the preps wear. curls aren't too bad, trust me. my hair is flat, flat, flat. it won't hold a curl, whether i use stick curlers, or a curling iron, it won't crimp, or wave, or anything. it looks flatiful. no matter what i do. just like mikey's. it's somewhat layered, but not to where i look like the preps, and so one side always flips out, and the other side curves in, and so i try to straighten it, but by the end of my first class, it's back to normal. =P so, it's always down, and plain. it's impossible. =P and it slips out of a pony tail/ pig tails/ braids. nothing works. =D yeah, i hate baggy jeans. i can't stand them falling off my butt. oh, oh, ok, here's my new question for any and every do guys survive wearing boxers and tight ass skinny jeans? for the dance thing that i had to go to, we wore panty hose, and so i wore these stretchy shorts over them, and then a pari of skinny jeans. well, every time i walked around, it was sooooo uncomfortable, and you could see the lines of the shorts under my pants. they were all bunched up, and so i was like, wow, how do they survive that every day? it's amazing if you really think about how they can fit a pari of shorts in their super tight pants, and not be squirming around. =D so your sister's friends think you're gothic? oh fun. i wore black shorts that came down to my knees, and a plain black shirt for the fitness thing, and my friends were like, omg, you look emo! (since i'm insanely pail. if i can take a picture, i'll post it, and you'll see. i'm prolly the pailest kid in the school, and all the little emos are jealous. they're all tan. lol. but it's cool tan and emo if you look good like pete wentz. ok, i'll stop the guy talk now. ha, i'm even annoying myself. =D) haha, yeah bubbles are cool. dude! (sorry i just called you a dude, i call every one that when i'm excited.XD) i was cleaning our game room, and i found a thing of bubble mix, and it said stackable bubbles! so i blew them all around the room, and they really did stack!!! only prob was i got some in my eye. XD i'm a dork =D my lowest grade was like a 97 in history. dang i hate history!! i used to have an old computer, but i begged my parents for so long that they got me a new one for christmas. they keyboard is a little loud. it's a white mac, yeah, i pretended to go to bed last night like i do every night, and then i got back on my computer, and then i saw that my brother was online too, and i was thinking, if he rats me out, i'll kick his ass!! but he didn't. XD........i would smile, but i have stupid book work for science because no one would shut up and the teacher got mad. also i have a project due this week for the same class, and i haven't even started it yet. shit, i'm screwed. any way!!!! have fun at your sister's partay!!!!! xoxo
    April 12th, 2008 at 07:30pm
  • batman_robin_

    batman_robin_ (100)

    United States
    oh, lol. i just remembered something....mikey's birthday is september 10!! that's three days after mine! so now i celebrate his with mine because he's just too adorable for his own good. XD. hmm. well, my friend was bugging me until 12:30 this morning going crazy becuase today is brendon urie's birthday. lol. she has a panic obsession, and i kinda somewhat have an mcr obsession, so we just talk forever about the two bands. (because she also likes mcr, and i also like panic) so we don't get on each other's nerves, but i think it's kinda funny. every time we talk it's always about one of the two bands. =D. lol. *sigh* i'm super bored. i have science homework and a project. =( but i'm gonna wait till last minute. XD. i was thinking about putting a picture on here, but one, i don't wanna get stalked or anything, and two, i can't find the damn cable to connect the camera to my computer. only other problem is i'm tired, so i look dead today. =D. maybe laterz. so, what's up? xoxo
    April 12th, 2008 at 05:22pm
  • batman_robin_

    batman_robin_ (100)

    United States
    sorry for some of the messed up spelling and grammer, i get like that when i'm in a hurry
    April 12th, 2008 at 04:07pm
  • batman_robin_

    batman_robin_ (100)

    United States
    coolie! i wish i could sing good. =P i suck though. XD. well, that's a retarded icon. someone should kick them in the face!! thanks, you're awesome!!!! better than the rest of my friends. they're annoying. lol, yeah i don't take gym, i get the option of taking dance. XD oh yeah, poor gee. frankie always makes jokes and then starts giggling. gee prolly wants to knock him out sometimes. XD . yeah, my mom doesn't like tha i cuss, but she got used to it. at school.....we just do it anyway. we never get caught, so it's no big deal i guess. but we're still careful around teachers. =P. hehe. i'm a total blonde..well actually i am....but anyway, so who's ass are you going to kick? i a retard sometimes i know. blonde hair and blue eyes does me no good. =P people automatically assume i'm stupid , but then they find out the lowest grade on my report card with all high level classes, then they double over, and flip out. (my lowest grade was a 97, and i am like the smartest in my grade but not to brag. it's just i'm pretty sure i'm the only person that has naturally blonde hair, and it's not bleach blonde, it's like changing to dirty blonde, and i've never dyed it. also they all wear expensive clothes so, yeah, my school is terrifying, and i hate it. the whole thing is made up with preps. like every person in every grade tried out for cheerleading. for this next year, i think we have over 20 of them. my "friends" when they want to be help me plot ways to get back at the cheerleaders for being bitches that get away with any and everything) wow.....sorry, i don't rant this much all the time. my friends already know everything, so, well, yeah, i have no idea where i'm getting with this. XD well, my mom told me no computer since i stayed up till 12:30....i know she gives me a bed time on friday. and everyday of the week pretty much. i just ignore her and get back up once she's gone to bed. so anywayyyy, i'll try to email you later since i'm about to get my ass kicked if i get caught. so, i'll talk to you laterz!!!! xoxo
    April 12th, 2008 at 04:05pm
  • zombies fer lunch

    zombies fer lunch (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha, how awesome lol I'd love to have the same birthday as Gerard!
    And thanks, your story comments are kickass haha
    I haven't been doing much, went out with my friends a couple times, watched lots of music videos, pretended to do work.. You?
    April 12th, 2008 at 01:00pm
  • batman_robin_

    batman_robin_ (100)

    United States
    damn me and my gullibleness! i seriously believed a girl when she said she was related to mikey and gerard. i asked her, and she was like no, she's not and then all my hopes got crushed. so sad. *cries* well, off to go study for a shitty history test! ttyl!!! xoxo
    April 11th, 2008 at 04:12am
  • batman_robin_

    batman_robin_ (100)

    United States
    gah, i got an email that you sent me a message on buzznet. only prob is, buzznet refuses to load. ='( so sorry i can't respond to it. but anyway, i hear you're leaving buzznet for a while, what's up?......ooooh ooooh, random thought! ok, i remember this random band director saying balls in front of his band by accident. it was funny as hell. so any way, what's goin on?
    April 10th, 2008 at 10:55pm
  • shellxfobxfan

    shellxfobxfan (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    ahh! i cant believe you are leaving buzzznet for a while! :( i'll miss you!!
    and cool :D its funny!
    oh in admin today my teacher (who everyone thinks is gay) started talking about lube! fuck knows why...anyway, so my teacher John Paul says girls sometimes need to use it too. and Dale this boy says but sir, why are YOU talking about girls! half of the class almost fell off their seats and my teacher went red! XD <3
    April 10th, 2008 at 10:30pm
  • zombies fer lunch

    zombies fer lunch (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    "I do NOT like teenies, but I act like one sometimes
    *I'm hypocritical, get over it*"
    thankyou so much for the story comment :]
    how are you?
    April 9th, 2008 at 12:12pm
  • batman_robin_

    batman_robin_ (100)

    United States
    hmmmm. my socks smell weird. ^_^
    April 9th, 2008 at 05:10am
  • batman_robin_

    batman_robin_ (100)

    United States
    i just realized that i will have had a mibba for exactly one month tomorrow on gee's b-day! what a special day! sorry that i keep saying it's his b-day! i can't forget about it!! and i must spread the word. hehe. at first when i was spelling saying, i spelled it waying on complete accident, and then i bursted out laughing. but then i fixed it. XD sorry i'm sending u alot of messages tonight. i haven't gotten to talk alot today. wow. i still keep seeing this hot kid that looks like pete wentz at my school! he amazingly alike! only my friend told him i wanted to go out with him, and now he is always staring at me....he is a year younger, so i see him in the hallway, and i just like give him evil glares, and he looks away. XD but yet, it's freggin awesome how he looks so alike. lol. ok, i'll shut up and go talk to random people in my sleep, since no one is here to talk to. =( my self will listen to me. ^_^ lol. byes! *don't forget gerard's birthday tomorrow, or i'll virtually pimp slap you!!!* xoxo!!!
    April 9th, 2008 at 04:59am
  • batman_robin_

    batman_robin_ (100)

    United States
    oh shit that was really long!!! ssssooooorrrrryyyyyyy!!!! *eeeeee! 2morrow is gee's birthday!! ~sings happy birthday to him!!~ * ttyl!!! xoxo
    April 9th, 2008 at 04:53am
  • batman_robin_

    batman_robin_ (100)

    United States
    nope, they don't like it. XD they don't like fob either. =( well, one of my friends does. i got her obsessed. =D they all like country music. eww.i don' like it. yeah, it would be cool to switch the guys. yay! i'm bella, so that means i get mikey right? sweeeeeet! as long as i'd get gee, mikey or frankie i'd be ok. ^-^. oooh. victoria eh? pretty cool to be the evil one. dude you live close?! that's pretty awesome. i live in texas, so yeah, they kinda don't have anything here. ahh. one of my friends likes new moon the most too. i don't like it because i skipped ahead to see if edward would come back, and then i got all excited and read it really fast, and i had to do a science project the same day, and i ended up getting a bad grade on it. so i don't like the book for 2 reasons. XD yeah, my mom got mad coz i spend too much time reading these stories and talking to my friends. ^-^. i HATE country music. my friends force me to listen to it sometimes, or they'll scream in my ear. =P . i actually have no friends that live around me that are bisexual. mostly my friends i meet on the internet. bi people are the coolest people. they don't give a shit about what everyone thinks. i on the other hand no matter how hard i try, always end up worrying what everyone else thinks. i have a couple cool friends that i met, and we don't even live in the same state. pretty cool knowing people like that. ^_^. that sucks you didn't get to go to the concert. don't feel bad though. i'll prolly never get to go to one of their concerts. =( i'm saving up for a guitar, and my parents won't let me get tickets. (like they'd let me go anyway. my friend had green day tickets, and my parents know hers, and the still wouldn't let me go. ='( ) (plus.... promise you won't kill me, i'm actually 15....and i cuss an ass load more in every day life than i do on here. ) i like drawing even though i suck. lol. OH EMM GEE!!! TOMORROW IS GERARD'S BIRTHDAY!!!!! AWWWWW! i bet he has to listen to frankie make jokes like his tree one when gee turned 30. lol. he's goofy. XD. yeah, i still can't get on buzznet, and it's pissing me off big time. =P lol, i had a physical fitness test for gym, and i failed alot of it. (im not fat....well at least i don't think i am. people tell me i'm crazy when i say i am. they tell me i'm skinny....well, enough rambling) the bare for pull ups was sweaty, so i slipped. i have somewhat asthma, and couldn't breathe for the running, and had to drop out. the only thing i did good in was the sit ups which i passed with flying colors. wow. i think this is the longest message ever!!! have fun reading it!!!!! xoxo
    April 9th, 2008 at 04:51am
  • shellxfobxfan

    shellxfobxfan (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    lol was a uk one...i can get the link for the youtube one, it is...
    :) it was funny :D <3
    April 8th, 2008 at 10:06pm