LividReality16 / Stories

  • Apartment B16

    Apartment B16 (5) / Info

    Fan fiction (Romance, Comedy, Drabble)
    Word count:
    9 201

    Frank Iero and Ryan Ross move from New Jersey to their new apartment building in Chicago, their neighbors being Gerard Way and Brendon Urie. Ryan and Gerard got well together their first meeting and Frank has taken a liking to Brendon.

    February 14th, 2014 at 03:38am

  • Yule Shoot Your Eyes Out

    Yule Shoot Your Eyes Out (3) / Info

    Fan fiction (Romance, Comedy, Drabble)
    Word count:
    7 525

    This is a Christmas Present to my dear friend, Ali. It's my first smut story so deal. Its basically a story about band members getting it on with other band members on Christmas Eve. This will have like two, maybe three, parts to it. It will be finished hopefully before Christmas. So Feliz Navid

    January 20th, 2014 at 12:04am

    • Completed