
Let's shake it up

Mood:scoresome [super awesome to the core]



Baby, hold your ground

Let's sing the doom song now. Doom doom doom doom....


Cause they will never take us

About Me

They stop and stare

Jess. Seventeen. I am a wizard. Addicted to cocoa and coffee [it's safe...] Mrawwwwwr :D This whole profile thing doesn't really make sense to me. I'm a complete technophobe and am incapable of creating some kind of cool layout thing. HTML and CSS and all that just confuses me and if I even try to make my profile work I run the risk of simply exploding with frustration. Which might be vaguely disconcerting. I will, however, sort this whole mess of a profile out one day ^-^ Bear with me. [Saying that is so much fun. It always makes me imagine me walking down the street hand in hand with some great big bear with a pipe and a briefcase. I think he might be a weatherbear. He seems to know an awful lot about meteorology...] Anyway writing is obviously very important to me. I've wanted to be a novelist since I was little and I think there's something very special about that kind of dream. It's something which, when you get older, you find out is actually incredibly difficult. People start using words like 'back up plan' and 'income' which in normal speak mean that your dreams are not as reachable as you once believed. Which somehow makes them better. The dream you fight for is the one worth something. [My lord, I sound like a cartoon.] I have a lot of beliefs and theories and philosophies and seem to spend an indecent amount of time for a seventeen year old girl talking about what life means and what we are, why we are and all manner of existential questions. I spend an equal amount of time making lame fruit puns and laughing at my own jokes :D I like being spontaneous. I like doing stupid things like walking backwards for a day just to see what it's like watching the world behind me rather than the world in front. x


All their fears

A Lighter Shade of Brown
Featuring:Kiwi Authors, 'cause we're cool.
Chapters: 2/so far
Status: Active

Sickly Suburbia

Chapters: 1/1
Status: Finished


I feel so incomplete

Darling @ Stalkerazzi Love
Headers: Set Off - Hey Monday
Don't steal, cause if you do I will set your house on fire.
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