puzzle piece. / Comments

  • why hello
    *random comment*

    I love the uniqueness of He Comes in Peace,
    but I saw that you might be changing it :[
    do you mean the story line or the title?

    sorry for asking this out of the blue.
    I'm Holly, by the by :]
    April 20th, 2010 at 12:44am
  • Well, thats alright, sometimes a long break from a story makes it even more awesome...that is if the writers block goes away:-D And I hope it does!
    April 4th, 2010 at 04:07am
  • Hiatus? *sniff* This development makes me sad...
    April 3rd, 2010 at 11:41pm
  • Aw, thanks for the story comment!
    I have the next chapter already started and it's a little longer than the last one so it should be better. :)
    March 11th, 2010 at 07:24am
  • Thank you so much for the AWESOME story comment! You give awesome con/crit. Seriously. Crazy I'm very flattered. tehe

    Sorry you were disappointed it was a fan/fic. :(
    March 7th, 2010 at 01:10am
  • Now I don't feel so much of a loon anymore;D
    February 28th, 2010 at 02:39am
  • OMG. About the winder/summer thing....I always say the same thing!!!!! Not Kidding. It's the truth. People are crazy for liking summer. Poop on summer....thats what I say.
    February 28th, 2010 at 12:42am
  • Hey, I just wanted to let you know that you had a mention in a journal I posted today. Hope that's okay (:
    February 15th, 2010 at 04:51pm
  • I love your story! I'm in love with Tay! :) Keep up the good work!
    February 11th, 2010 at 06:51am
  • Thank you so much for the story comment on "One Last Kiss." It really means a lot to me. Arms
    I see what you mean about the first to last sentence. I knew it sounded wrong somehow, but I wasn't sure.
    Thank you again.
    February 10th, 2010 at 01:03am
  • @.@
    My sister is [i]seven[/i]. I would like to classify her as evil. I fear her when she's angry. ><

    Mmm. That's another reason I don't like school. It overwhelms your schedule and you get no time with your friends. All of my best friends go to school while...I do not. They sometimes ask if I want to switch some days. It's quite amusing at times. ^^

    As for how I'm doing, I'm eh. I don't feel good because I believe I caught something and my weather is being bipolar on me. One moment it's sunny and then the next moment, it's raining HARD. It gives me a headache and I have to take allergy medicine and Tylenol. Which I'm almost out of and I can't take ibuprofen. I'm allergic to it. o_o

    Mkay. I'm done babbling. ><
    February 7th, 2010 at 07:29am
  • This is just to let you know that I've finally put up the results for the Epic Contest of Originality.

    Here's the link: http://www.mibba.com/forums/topic/post/6739588/#6739588.

    Sorry it's been so long.
    February 1st, 2010 at 07:14pm
  • o_o
    Okay, maybe I referred to that candy a bit oddly. I'll admit that saying I feel like I just ate a rock is an odd way to refer to candy. My bad.
    You've never seriously heard of Now And Laters? Well, they aren't gray pebbles. :p
    Every time someone says pebbles, I think Flintstones. o_o

    Yeah, it's a good movie. Not anything new though. I think it was made in the 90's. I'm not sure but I know that it's not new. My sister adores that movie.
    Then again, she's evil so of course she'd adore a disaster movie. :D

    How are you? (I figured I'd ask since it's been a few...days?)
    February 1st, 2010 at 02:17pm
  • You're serious, aren't you? GRADE THREE? Whaaa?

    Well, when she got in high school and got a cell phone with texting, I still only had her as my best friend with some other friends and no phone.
    Apparently that made her cooler than me. But like in your situation, if she wouldn't have stopped being my friend, I wouldn't have the best friends that I do now who are WAY more mature than she was. @_@

    I loved that movie. Er...ever seen [i]Dante's Peak[/i]?

    Hahaha. I just ate a REALLY cold Now And Later candy and I feel like I just ate a rock. o_o
    January 29th, 2010 at 10:00am
  • Rofl. Nah.
    How I'm home-schooled is not like that. I'm home-schooled because my education system here SUCKS and they teach as fast as the slowest learner. Which on my part, was bad because I got bored. In 4th grade, I got in trouble a lot because I got too bored. Baha.

    Well, that could be it. I mean, if I went to high school, my parents would probably warn me of the same thing. Kinda like what they did when my ex-best friend said she wanted to stop being friends with me because I was too anti-social. @_@
    I was bummed for days about it and realized that I should've listened to my parents because they warned me not to lean too much on her because she didn't seem the same since high school started. But still.

    I liked the movie. Then again, I like most "end of the world" movies.
    Ever seen The Day After Tomorrow?
    January 28th, 2010 at 05:55am
  • Hahaha, yep. Exactly what happened there.
    I thought the story line I came up with was good, but it wasn't solid. And it was hard getting across the message I was trying to. Which was jealousy.
    January 28th, 2010 at 02:42am
  • Hahaha.
    I'm pretty free actually. My parents don't watch me closely and I get away with a lot. You'd love the way I was home-schooled.
    And another reason that I lack a social life is because I live in South Carolina...in the middle of the country so I don't live in like a giant town or anything. So if I lived in like a bigger town/city, I'd have more of a social life. :p
    Well, actually...it would depend on how anti-social I am. I tend to be uber...
    NEVERMIND. I don't wanna babble. :p

    Hahaha. Your parents are so...[i]positive[/i]. -_-
    My parents support me so I have no idea what that's like. Sorry. haha

    Oi. It randomly snowed here in March last year. It was really strange, to be honest. I seriously thought the world was coming to an end. :D

    Speaking of which, have you seen 2012?
    January 27th, 2010 at 07:08am
  • No, you didn't seem rude! D:
    I tend to write really choppy when I can't think of anything. And that's what happened.
    January 27th, 2010 at 05:21am
  • Thanks for your comments.
    And the con crit! :D
    I didn't think that The Jealous Type was any good to be completely honest with you. I know it didn't flow well and it was jumpy. Which is why I was surprised when everyone liked it so much.
    January 26th, 2010 at 04:12am
  • = ) I understand. Hehe, I mean if you want to keep the small print I'll just have to zoom in on the screen! hehe.
    January 26th, 2010 at 03:54am