Tv shows and such [Skins and Shameless]

Okay so I've noticed recently that I've only been really watching British television shows...why are they so much better then Canadian and American, except for Degrassi. Manly only two though, Shameless and Skins.For some reason I just wanted to talk about them and I don't know why. (Contains some spoilers)Anyways:Shameless-Its pretty much the only show that can make me pee myself laughing and...
January 30th, 2009 at 09:56am

Oh god, shut up

Wow, it’s been awhile since I wrote a journal…several months I suppose. I decided to delete all other entries because frankly I typed like a dumbass.I only recently ventured back to look at the journals 2 or 3 weeks ago after like 4 months of refusing to look at them because ‘Mi lyphe iz full of hate nd I live in eternatal despair’ every second journal or other things that were supposed to...
December 17th, 2008 at 08:20am