15 May 2012

UPDATE: It's been forever, hello!
Alright-y everyone, I've wrote a couple of one shots recently. I hope
that you all give them a try. Send a review/comment. I really, really
appreciate all feedback I've ever gotten from you guys, but I would
absolutely love more, if that's alright.
In other news, I've only got one year of college left to go before I have
to attend Law School. Life's so crazy, isn't it?
Well anyway. Back to the matter at hand, I'm really struggling to complete
the last chapter of Book Half Unread. It means admitting it's over.
Thank you all for being absolutely darling for waiting. -Belle

"The story books that we read when we were kids didn't tell us that the
monsters under our beds are the creatures we become when we grow up and
the world turns us into broken, angry things."