I'm selfish, impatient
and a little insecure.
about about about about
I really do fail at layouts. They hate me =[
Hai. Sorry if i scared you there! I'm Natasha and i'm 18 years young.
I live in Scotland. It always rains and it's never warm, but it's a fucking riot :D
My first love is music, closely followed by my bunny Biscuit and boyfriend Matthew...who is easily one of the best things to ever happen to me!
I love to write, and read, mostly fanfictions so give me a shout if you've got something for me to read!
Unfortunately all my stories are on Hiatus at the moment as i've had Writer's Block sitting on my shoulders for the past few months...Grrr! :)
So anyways, I made three New Years resolutions and I’m hoping that by putting them on here, I’ll actually follow through with them lol! First, is to finally join a gym. I just need to get fit, i’m not trying to lose weight or turn into a Barbie...I just need some fucking stamina!
Second, is to spend as much time as possible with my best friends. I missed them far too much last semester. Third, is to cut Matthew some slack. Sometimes i’m a major bitch to him and he really really doesn’t deserve it!

I make mistakes, I am out of control
and at times hard to handle.

Tuesday January 5th, 2010
Music:Defying Gravity – Wicked (The Original Broadway Recordings)
Mood:Blissful. But getting pissed off at these stupid layouts!
Update:None - my writing is all on hiatus for the time-being
Thinking:I love my boy. And fuck studying! =]

But if you can't handle me
at my worst,
If I Only Had The Heart.
Boy:William Beckett
Girl:Tasha Milner
Status: Hiatus. Which saddens me as much as you.
Chapters:32 at present.