Padfoot. / Comments

  • Lol, yeah I know, I laughed in that bit! haha.
    :o Snape is in Love Actually? i've never seen that movie. haha, I might have to now :P
    Hehe, I can never cry with stories or with movies. I don't know why, I mean, I feel really upset for the characters etc, but I can never actually cry for them
    because I know that they're a fictional character.

    It was sad when Fred died... Fred was my favourite weasley. And yes, I've read the 7th book. I read it all on the first weekend it came out.

    Lol, Titanic is a good and emotional movie, but I've never cried in any movie.

    How are you today?
    February 3rd, 2008 at 12:14am
  • Lol, I know many chords etc, but there's so much to learn on guitar... and whilst I've taught myself a lot of stuff, and whilst I've been playing since yr 8, I still wanna get better. I'd suppose I should get off my ass and do something about it lol.I get tabs occasionally and play them. But I get bored with them sometimes - I hate reading music and prefer to play by ear. I also hate it that most tabs have at least 1 mistake in them.

    Sweeney Todd was so good, just what I was expecting it to be. I loved it. Johnny Depp is a very good singer. My sister and I saw it together. We both laughed when the judge sang, because he's Professor Snape out of Harry Potter. Professor Snape is one of my favourite Harry Potter characters, so it was awesome to see the actor who plays him in Sweeney Todd.

    Yeah, it's difficult to actually do that, to make people cry. And at times, for me writing the chapters, because I write them from the character's perspectives, it means that, I guess you could call it, role play as the characters, so I'm feeling their emotions etc, and I am constantly pulling myself away from the story, because I don't want to get to emotionally involved in the story that I end up taking on that emotion for the rest of the day.
    February 2nd, 2008 at 12:16pm
    Gerard is adorable.

    But I have to go now, my brother is going to work and he needs to use the computer before he goes.
    We'll talk later.
    February 2nd, 2008 at 09:07am
  • I have...
    4 Stories. (1 is on hiatus.)
    3 One-shots/Two-Shots/Drabbles.
    And 2 Joint stories.

    So basically, I'm a frerard whore.

    It is a magazine as well. We just haven't really got to that yet.
    But when we do, I'll get our Australian distributor to get one to you.
    We're making internationall. XD
    February 2nd, 2008 at 09:05am
  • where it says 'what the frank is projekt interlude?' on my pro?
    instead, just click forums.
    that's where everybody is... active.
    I'll ask our Mother War about it. She runs the site. mm.
    thank you so much.

    Another update? Smashing. XD

    I'm okayy. Just... reading ssome updates. I'm about to go write my own actually.
    February 2nd, 2008 at 08:53am
  • we haven't talked in AGESS. =D
    how are you Jess?
    February 2nd, 2008 at 08:13am
  • w00t for Boulevard of Broken dreams!!! **hi fives back**

    That's awesome about the piano lessons. Yeah, I stopped guitar lessons a year and a half ago, and I've been really slack in teaching myself new stuff.

    And yeah, that's cool that your mum knows flute and can teach you! :D

    Lol, you'll find out soon enough. I have enjoyed writing the chapters in the BIG DRAMA because it's like nothing I've written before. I mean, I've written dramatic stuff, but not stuff that's this dramatic and emotional.

    I'm seeing Sweeney Todd tonight! :D
    February 2nd, 2008 at 07:55am
  • Yeah, it definitely would have. Ever since I started writing, my essays for uni have improved with the marks I've been getting, so I would say that your writing would have helped :D

    I play guitar ... and I've taught myself to play piano - I can sorta play it, with chords and melody, but I'm not good with knowing scales or anything, so I pretty much suck at it, but I taught myself boulevard of broken dreams by ear with two hands. I almost always play by ear. I can't read a manuscript. I'm manuscript illiterate.

    I'm glad I could help you with your writer's block :D

    And yes the BIG DRAMA is to do with the prank caller. Chapter 141 was so difficult for me to write. I don't wanna give any of it away, but it's a really intense chapter emotionally.
    February 2nd, 2008 at 07:04am
  • Lol, yeah, that makes me sound a little old... haha.
    :o sucks about the whole english class thing. But you know what? I reckon your writing has improved over the summer holidays since you've been writing your story, so your marks for english will probably improve. You'll probably be at the top of that class. I was never good at english in school. Maths and music were more my thing. It's good you might be getting moved up though :D

    Ah, I'm sure you'll get over your writer's block soon. I forced myself thru writer's block today. It took me 2 hours to write a chapter (chapter 141). It was a really emotional chapter to write though, and I had to keep taking breaks, because the emotions were so intense in the chapter. I'm almost finished writing the BIG DRAMA.
    February 2nd, 2008 at 05:32am
  • Lol, oh it was haha. My friend and I were laughing so hard at one point that we hoped that the lady didn't notice that we were laughing at her.

    Yeah, that tends to happen after being of for 5 1/2 or 6 weeks of relaxing and doing nothing and then going to school and having to use your brain. Next week will be a little easier. It'll get easier once you get back into the swing of things.

    Yr 9... I remember that year (in 2003 :P). It sucked for me, but not as much as yr 8. It'll sink in eventually. I found it really surreal to come back in 4th term of 2005 and know that I was in yr 12 - that took a while to sink in... like a whole term.

    You get much homework in your first week?
    February 1st, 2008 at 11:58am
  • OHMYFUCKINGGOD!!!!!!! It's taken me THIS LONG, as a fan of one of your stories (Now Come One Come All, To This Tragic Affair) to realise, YOUR FROM AUSTRALIA TOO!!!!!!! GAHHH!!!!!!!! -Faints and dies dramatically-

    Oh, m'dear? -Whispers- It wasn't a 6-week holiday ... It was a 5-week one thanks to our darling government!!! -Gags- Well that's if your from NSW ... If not ... Probably was 6
    February 1st, 2008 at 09:50am
  • What about you?
    January 30th, 2008 at 03:15pm
  • Nothing really:P. Trying to Moderate my role playing site.
    January 30th, 2008 at 03:15pm
  • :o Hahaha, We probably were close then!

    Did you have an employee near you who was asian and she had this really thick bowl cut with a really long plait going down her back? Because every time my friend and I saw her hair, we'd crack up laughing because her hair was really ridiculous looking....

    :D It's good how they only told you to go back to your seats!
    January 30th, 2008 at 09:33am
  • :o That's cool!!!
    And yeah, I found that my friend and I were really close to them... we were in section 9 in like the 8th row or something - we were right near the sound guy at the back of the mosh, and we felt heaps close to them... the heat was amazing too from their pyro!

    :o Security took you out? Did you miss any of the show? And did you get to go back up to your seats?Haha, it sounds fun though :D
    January 30th, 2008 at 07:47am
  • NO WAY!!!! haha :D THAT IS SO AWESOME!! And no, I had seats, I'm not a fan of the mosh pit. But yeah, it was heaps awesome. I had really good seats, so I was very happy with what I saw.

    Yeah I've heard of Warringah Mall.... it's near Manly or something isn't it? It's at like Brookvale or something? :o They sold them in Myer??? Haha! That is cool!
    I live further down in the south of sydney... near cronulla.

    And I can't wait for the DVD either!
    January 29th, 2008 at 11:53am
  • What a bitch teacher! I would've throttled her (or him)! I take good care of my chucks cause I love em so much.
    When I was away I was gonna get some "Ramones" ones, but the price was very dear on those ones, so I passed.

    November 30th at Sydney Entertainment Centre... it was sweet :D

    Well, there was some site that had them. I think it was or something, but I found a cheaper place which was an business which sold stuff thru ebay, it was or or something. And they had dresses and jackets and everything. I think I paid about $130 Australian for mine... maybe a little less.

    Yes they do. It's called "The Black Parade is Dead" and it's coming out in April... according to rumours.

    Haha, good luck with getting the funds together for that trip! You have a year, so that is plenty of time to save up some dough.
    January 29th, 2008 at 02:34am
  • Lol that's funny. My mother never bribed me with stuff like LOTMS. I wish she did though. They would've been good bribes.

    Haha, I always wanted to wear those all black chucks hi-tops to school as school shoes. But my mother always said no and wouldn't buy them for me. So I was stuck with ugly leather shoes which made me feel boring and not myself.

    :o It's a shame that your revenge cd went missing.

    I've seen them live too!
    I don't have much merch of theirs. I have their cds, an arm band, a tour shirt, badges, stickers, a Black Parade marching jacket (like the ones in their video clips), and I think that's all.... oh and if you include my itunes, I have LOTMS and a bunch of interviews and videos of theirs.
    I can't wait for their new live DVD to come out.

    :o Following them around Australia huh? That sounds like fun :D
    January 29th, 2008 at 01:34am
  • :o lol. Watching LOTMS makes time fly.
    I hunted in the shops for it for ages, but couldn't find it anywhere, and then I found this website called "the immortality project" and they had a version on there which you could D/L for your ipod. So I did that. I watched it on itunes. All I need is an ipod that plays videos (I only have my little 1st gen nano) and I will be all set!

    I took some photos when I was away too, but not too many.

    I am good right now. I am full of energy, and I feel like I'm gonna bounce off the walls soon!
    January 28th, 2008 at 01:46am
  • LOL then it's okay :D :D :D

    lol yah i like it!!! :D :D :D

    howr u 2day??

    how was that party thingy? :)
    January 27th, 2008 at 08:45pm