a very bad day

so today was a really really bad day.i've confessed my live to my best friend.he knows about almost everything: my mom, my stepmother who hit me, my home situation and about me cutting. Of course he asked me to stop that... I only didnt told him i was rapped when I was 6. But that nobody knows.I was talking with him and tears was falling down my face.the day started that way. And end up worst.I...
June 4th, 2007 at 07:29pm

love with troubles

so its like this: I like him, he likes me.But last year when we date, he also said he loved me, but he didn't he ws trying to make a girl jeaulouse.so now i'm afraid of datting with him..And beside that my auntie would never let us date... she says i'm too young!!! I'm 15 I know exctly what I'm doing!!!!But fuck I love him =[
May 28th, 2007 at 06:35pm

not loved...

I'm feeling like i'm not loved from my friends anymore...Not even from my best friend...All of them get away from me...I only got rafaela and I dont see her about 6 months =( and Hugo... but this one is like... sometimes we are ok another times we'r arguing like yesterday and not talking to each other.I want my friends back... They're my world...And now my world is falling apart...
May 25th, 2007 at 04:33pm

Today and Yesterday

So.. I'm gonna start for yesterday... My aunt went home really moody so.. She helded with me and I went pissed... I cut my wristels!!! I don't wanna do it but it was stronger than me ='( Fuuuck Big fuckin' shittttt ='(By now I've just get it taht I do it for atencion.. Cuz here in my home it's like: something was done bad: It was my fault. Something done right by me: my aunt. Everything I do is...
May 16th, 2007 at 03:18pm

Plz dont go

The mom of my best found out she cut.Is doing a lot of drama because of that. She's trying to put her in a psichologist and trying to send her to her father's house, in Santo Andre, that is really far from here =( Her mom take her net out too.She only found out cuz she cut her wristle and her mom saw.I don't want her to go. She's my best friend!!!!I knew about what she did. I think she was doing...
May 10th, 2007 at 03:07pm

Happy mother's day mom... =(

Tomorrow is mom’s day.At least here in Portugal.Today I saw a movie about drunk ppl in rehab. That make me remember my mom.She gave me to my aunt when I was 3. I saw her every 2 weeks.When I was 6 I went to pass Mom’s day with her. We went to a coffee and she asked for a beer. She got drunk in front of me. I was 6 and I didn’t knew what was going on. She start acting like a nuts. I got...
May 5th, 2007 at 05:56pm

Dunno what title should I put

See... I'm fat.Yeah I am.But my family is always putting me down cuz of that. But they should look themselves in the mirror, cuz every single person here in my house is fat. And we are 5!!! From my mother part, ma 3 uncles are fat, my grandmother is fat, my cousins are fat!!!! Only my brother isn't!So, as you can see, all my family is fat! And yesterday me and my little cousin were having the...
April 30th, 2007 at 04:10pm

send me a message!!!

PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!someone PLZ send me a message!!!I'm getting reallyyyyy boring in here, studying history ['ve got test on monday] PLZ someone send me a message!!!! I would be REALLY happy :D:DxXLadyOfSorrowsxX
April 28th, 2007 at 01:07pm

I'm happy :D

Today, I wake up happy! I dunno really well the why, but I think that's about yesterday!!!Yesterday was a beautifull day! I went out with my best friend, Snycki xD We have a really good time, we laugh a lot, said a lot of shit, we mess up with which other, but I guess we both were needing a day like this. I was really pissed of in the morning cuz my auntie didn't let me go out with my brother, who...
April 22nd, 2007 at 12:35pm

I'm going crazy

i'm going crazy...so many things @ the same time...My father isn't really a father, my mom... I dunno where she is, and I really miss her, cause after all the shit, she's my mom... I don't see my brother for 2 months... My best friend doesn't act like she's my best friend... In the classroom i'm alone in a table... Beside Snyckers and Vanessa none of my friends cares about me... I miss a fucking...
April 16th, 2007 at 04:01pm

Sad :'(

I’m sad cause a friend of mine is sad.She’s in a hard moment, I know, but I’m getting scared cause she’s cutting herself too much, and too deep. I’m afraid that she does anything crazy and passes away. I’m afraid of that cause yesterday she said that if she don’t came back on Monday is cause she found out where her father put the guns.I’m afraid to loose her. When she said that I...
April 14th, 2007 at 05:59pm


today I went to a funeral of a family friend. I knew him since I was little. And, for say the truth it was the 1st funeral I went.It was really sad. Her daughter, a big friend of mine, was crying... She cryed so much :( it broke my heart. They didn't open the coffin but yesterday I saw him there, cause Zizi (that's how I call my friend) went to see him and I was around. I didn't get scared but he...
April 13th, 2007 at 04:15pm

Honestly.... I dunno :S

i don't know why I'm writting this...I'm just sad..For everything!I've been some really fun days with Snyckers...But today I bite myself again...i'm sad especially cuz my best friend, which I love... I sent him a picture saying"Do you know who hard it is to say oh no, we're just friendswhen what I really want to scream isI love you!And he's answer was: ???I went mad but I didn't told him...
April 7th, 2007 at 05:49pm

Bitting again...

friday i've been bitting myself again... :SThat's not normal!!! FUCK! I wanna stop with this! I look like a bloody vampire! :xI still have a tiny red mark :S:(
April 3rd, 2007 at 09:15pm

Gotta stop that!

Yesterday things here in home get bad... And me, to don't cry... I've bite myself again... But this time very strong... I'm still with the marks... I wanna stop that or I'll start cutting myself again and I don't wanna that! :'(FUCK!it's so bad! Why can't my home be 'normal'? Why is my best friend so stupid??? the fact that I love him changes anything in our friendship? I guess so... :'(I wanna...
March 27th, 2007 at 01:33pm

:'( I've told him

I've told my best friend I love him.. And he got away from me...I'm so fucking sad... he's friendship mean so much to me :'(
March 22nd, 2007 at 10:40pm

The Prom and my best friend :(

On May 26th we will have a prom... Like I am on the 9th grade and that's the least grade in my school... I'm a finalist... And I should have a date.... But I don't.... all the boys I know already have a date... except my best friend, which I'm love with but he likes someone else :(And he've got away from me now :'(I want a fucking date ! And I want my best friend back!!!! :'(
March 21st, 2007 at 03:23pm

***ing life

why is my life so dificult? why they can't just let me live?if it's not the school grades, is something at home, if it isn't nothing at home, it's because of my boyfriend (which I dont have but they think so)why the hell can't I be happy?
March 20th, 2007 at 03:49pm

in love with my best friend

i think i'm fallin' in love with my best friend... And it feels so bad :( i'm affraid to tell him 'cause I don't know he's reaction, and i'm afraid to tell my friends cause they will start with things when I deffende him and that kind of things....to say the truth I've been in love with him in the seventh, eighth and nineth grade too :xthat's me and him... i'm felling so bad :'(
March 18th, 2007 at 06:34pm


why is history so fucking borring? i don't know but there's someone who knows the answer plz tell me!
March 17th, 2007 at 04:10pm