music is like oxygen it keeps me alive

so me and sam broke up but we're still freinds allways were allways will be =] anwayz lifes good for now but you never know what tommorow may bing but i'll think possitive lol ANYWAYZ have you ever run away from home or whant to?
March 16th, 2007 at 07:26pm

please help

so imagine your dating someone who you've fancied for ages and he asks you out he says he really likes you to your freinds but wouldn't you find it wierd if one of your freinds who's a girl slept over at your boyfreinds house? i think he bitches about me to her all the time maybe i'm feeling paranoid but thats how i feel...andy says well he chose you not her and now i feel really guilty coz i...
March 15th, 2007 at 05:26pm