
Words, words hurt, words make you smile and laugh. But when you say something to someone do you ever think about how they are going to take it. Probably not, everyone today is so easily offended or hurt that many people just say what they think and thats the end of it. and voicing your opinion is great. but recently i went through a cituation where some one reached out to me for help and i am not...
December 16th, 2015 at 02:07am

Been gone for too long

Ok so I haven't really been writing much lately. I don't know why though. I guess just because I don't have the time. I feel so out of touch lately. I'm not sure why. LAtely my life has been so unpredictable. I've been heart broken, made to cry, happy, sad, and every where in between. I don't know i guess this is just going to be a blog about me ranting, raving, and complaining. But hey, I suppose...
March 26th, 2014 at 05:19pm

Rants and Raves

So this is an old assignment my english teach. asked me to do, pretty happy with it, let me know what yall think.Rants and RavesHateI hate people that have no backbone. People should be able to stand up for themselves. I have to stand up for myself; I refuse to stand up for others all the time. It infuriates me. I won't always be around to stand up for everyone; they need to learn to do it...
September 17th, 2013 at 01:09am