
United States
Joined date
February 28th, 2008


The first thing I feel I ought to say here is that I am not a Writer. Not a real one anyway. I have many ideas and have created many worlds in my mind, but I have little skill and little desire to write them down. That being said, I do dabble in writing on occasion as you can see here.

I really consider myself a Reader. I love the smell and sight and sound and feel of books. I like seeing all different kinds of writing styles, even if I don't enjoy the style itself. I will try anything but am picky about what I actually take time to finish. I have a tendency to capitalize titles not meant to be capitalized. I believe the real world can never be as truly and profoundly fantastic as it is portrayed in books, but with the right optimism you can get pretty close.

As far as the Me outside of books, a friend once described me as " A clever, witty and carefree creature that originates from Fairfax. It sings merry (sometimes glass shattering) tunes and skips to the beat of a drum not readily identified by any drum manufacturer.". So far, this is my favorite description of Myself that Myself has ever heard.