new story.. hmmm..

after a sort of long period of writers block I am going to try to write a story. I have a lot of ideas, but I don't know how to put them into words. it's been very frustrating. I have been stressed and its sort of hindering my writing. I wrote the first chapter. my story is called eight. It's a working title I guess. Until I find something better, if I do. I like the first chapter. I think it's...
July 14th, 2009 at 09:16am


I think now is an important time. there is something about right now that feels really strange. I feel like everything can change in an instant. I am constantly messing things up only because I am scared. I am scared the world will end or I will die or someone I love will die, so I rush things. I want to move forward as fast as possible without regards to how other people function. That is such a...
May 9th, 2009 at 07:36pm

I need help/advice

I am in love. it's bad because I don't know how he feels. and it's complicated.He is my brothers best friend. my older brothers best friend. He works at my aunts restaurant and my dad is his manager. My mom has had him over for dinner..maybe that's not that bad, but I think it's weird.everyone is telling me that I need to go for it for him. My brother doesn't know. He might, but not from anything...
February 6th, 2009 at 05:30am

how did I get here?

I seriously hate life. I never thought I would be back to being this kind of person but I find myself here again. I hate everything. Actually I can't even feel anything for anything. If that makes sense. nothing excites me. nothing makes me happy.The only thing that I have that should make me happy is that I think i am in love. The bad part is that I am almost 100% sure that he doesn't feel even...
December 11th, 2008 at 06:12am

share with me cuz I need it right now

i seriously have insomnia. I knew that I was never a person to get much sleep before, but that was by choice. Now I can't sleep hardly ever and when I do get a tiny amount of it I toss and turn and have stupid dreams. I really don't like it. It's been about a month and it's getting very old. I need to sleep.These past two months have seriously fucked my shit up. I don't know who I am anymore. i am...
November 28th, 2008 at 07:16am

guys.. seriously I need your help..

Why do you play hot and cold with girls?!?I don't know if all guys do this, but a guy is doing this to me now and it is driving me nuts.One say he is sweet and and he tells me he tells me things that he doesn't tell anyone else. then the next day he is a douche.He has done this to me before. Its not like he is in a bad mood because he is perfectly nice to other people. seriously guys.... if you...
September 27th, 2008 at 06:26am

oh wonderful one why are you like that?

I love Warpa​int.​.​They need to sell their​ ep onlin​e right​ now.I keep liste​ning to stars​ just cuz' well,​ it's beaut​iful.​ I don'​t need any other​ reaso​n.​I shoul​d be doing​ other​ thing​s...
September 16th, 2008 at 05:15am

run rabbit run

I really don't remember when I last posted something here. I could check easily, but meh.I am sick of some things on life and I feel like the only thing I do is complain about it. I try to do something about it, but it's hard because I feel so alone. I feel really alone. I know it happens to everyone and everyone is hurt. people that say that they are 100 % happy with their lives are full of it....
September 12th, 2008 at 04:27am

Adam Lazzara... I can't believe it.

I know that it has NOTHING to do with me but I can't look at him the same. People are saying he's already married and might be having a baby. If its true...... :(Not that I'm in love with him or whatever, or should I say "love"I really liked him and chauntelle dupree together and he broke her heart. I liked tbs before eisley but now... I am on chauntelle's side. Not that there is sides...I don't...
August 9th, 2008 at 06:15am

here I go again to fall apart

so I am determined. determined to leave this place that I am in right now, both physically and mentally. I am going to help my self to some much needed freedom. I really am. if i keep telling myself that i am going to then, maybe I will. But I know words mean absolutely nothing without a little action.i am semi-overwhelmed and yet bored at this point. I know there are things that i NEED to do, but...
July 10th, 2008 at 02:29am

Would you like some pancakes?

Hi all. I have come to realize that i post a lot of journals. I don't know, maybe it's just me. I'm semi bored right now even though I have lots to do. i opened up an Etsy shop. Well, I think I opened it around two months ago, BUT last night I listed my first item. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. uhhhh.... what?Yeah. SO, if no one here knows what that is, Etsy is a place for people...
July 3rd, 2008 at 08:57am


honestly, I try to live my life as someone who has no regrets. But I think everyone knows that living that way isn’t really possible. You can’t be okay with something if you recognize that it was stupid. or at least I can’t. I just wish I knew how this whole regret thing worked. How long will it really take for me to just accept something stupid that I’ve done and let it soak in and become...
June 30th, 2008 at 12:52am


right now I am in pine city. or in a small town about 2 miles from there. I’m not sure what it’s called. Someone told me, but alas, I do not remember.I’m here for the weekend as a little away-from-home trip.It’s nice. right now we are all chillaxin in their rec room type deal. I just got done kicking a soccer ball around. it rocked.Life is so weird. I know the days are going by fast and...
June 28th, 2008 at 05:44am

rant for the day

I seriously am really pissed right now. I just don't understand how a grown man who thinks he os so responsible and who thinks he has it all figured out can just stumble around like an idiot after he's been drinking all night.I honestly have absolutely no respect for him right now. Im sick of his shit. The day I move out i'm going to cry tears of happiness. BAHHHHHH!!!!!I know it's my fault that I...
June 26th, 2008 at 06:34am

boring oring

I don't even know how long it has been since i have posted a journal.. but I always feel like I say that when I'm here.soooooo. I got a brand spankin new computer. a macbook. I think I'm in love with it. haha.It lets me do things really fast and I like it.I feel like I have no inspiration lately. It kinda sucks. I wrote two pieces of nothin yesterday and then I tried to write today and nothing....
June 24th, 2008 at 08:50am

today has already happened

I know that most people here would probably think I am a crappy writer and that my poems dotn make any sense, but they mean something to me and I'm proud of them. I am not really sure why I put my poems on mibba because a lot of them are really hard for me to even read, in the sense that they maike me sad. Obviously, I know what they mean, but i think that when other people read them, they are are...
May 3rd, 2008 at 09:18am

any John frusciante fans out there? please read this..

it seems like a post at the same time every month. hehe. not on purpose either. weird...anywho, I am so friggen excited. Its my last monthe of high school. forever. oh yeah. I am really busy though and that part kinda blows. I guess I wont have time to just sit around anymore. sigh..Also, For any fans of John Frusicante that have heard his solo albums, could you please tell me whats up with the...
April 29th, 2008 at 03:11am

today really sucked!!!

Of course I thought it would be a good day, but noooooo. It had to be 7 shades of crap! My best friends boyfriend is ignoring me because.... i actually dont even know. I dont think he knows. I got upset because i considered him a friend and who wants to be ignored by someone they considered a friend? Its also nice to get along with your best friends boyfriend. Then he says that he thinks i like...
March 27th, 2008 at 03:14am