radnad / Comments

  • Fandango

    Fandango (775)

    Neutral Zone
    Hi! Welcome to Mibbaland! Bye I'm Tracy.

    Go here to introduce yourself to the family, or do it in a Blog.
    Go here for tips and guidelines (please take the time to read through this) and then start posting stories, poems or articles/reviews!
    To reply to a user, hover above their signature (or under their message, if they don't have a sig Cute)

    I hope you love it on here as much as the rest of us Arms Shout if you need ANYTHING! I hope you have a great experience with us Mibbians tehe

    (P.S Don't be afraid to "friend" people - it's the best way to get started and active on the site!)
    November 27th, 2013 at 08:15am