
Vera | Nineteen | The City that Never Sleeps
Dear Julia | Link | Link

It's been awhile since I've been here. The young writer in me came to read all of her My Chemical Romance, Panic! At the Disco and Fall Out Boy fan-fiction back in their heyday.
My have times changed, right? That's alright. While my tastes have changed, and my writing skills (hopefully) increased, my love for reading and creating have yet to plateau. I hope you enjoy my writing, and please, do not be a stranger. I'm very sociable and I enjoy comments and general chit-chat. Collaborative writing and 1x1 ''role-play''-esque (if you kids still do that) things are all good with me, just let me know!

WELL-MANNERED, courteous, in a relationship single & pansexual

© Neon Daze