Headgirl22 / Comments

  • Yay!


    HUG WAR!

    Pass this hug to all of
    your friends and back
    to me, see how many
    you get back!

    1-5 HUGS....Your on
    someones mind!

    5-10 HUGS...Someone
    likes you!

    10-15 HUGS..Someone
    wants to be with you!

    15-20 HUGS..WOW! you're really loved

    Not a fan of forwarding these but this is just too cute not to.
    June 18th, 2009 at 06:04pm
  • yeah, that really is the best thing to do. why stay mad at them for that. believe me, friends aren't perfect LOL!
    June 9th, 2009 at 07:06pm
  • oh. well that sucks. im sure yall will work it out though
    June 4th, 2009 at 11:03pm
  • oh! well... okay then. i dont even know what i would do if my best friend started a rumor about me. i probably wouldnt do anything except yell at her LOL! but ive been friends with her for three years and weve never gotten in a fight before...
    June 2nd, 2009 at 11:57pm
  • oh, that sucks. you should totally come up with something to spread about her. no, wait. that's mean. i try not to be mean. but it would be really funny, haha
    June 2nd, 2009 at 11:05pm
  • yeah. well i like the name Nicole, but it is just so annoying. cause they always ask and i say no, my names nikki. and theyre like really? well duh, thats why i said no when you asked before. ugh! some people are so stupid. LOL!
    June 2nd, 2009 at 11:01pm
  • aw. oh, well my real name is Nikki. LOL! even though i always get asked if my name's Nicole. it's kind of annoying.
    June 2nd, 2009 at 10:57pm
  • OMG! hi! my name's Nikki too :) LOL!
    June 2nd, 2009 at 10:39pm
  • Thank you for the poem comment =]
    June 2nd, 2009 at 10:30pm
  • ....Ohhh and by the way..I was hoping to ask if you want me on myspace....Lol...Sorry I just have to ask...But if you can't add me...Look me up? Victor Agyoshima ??? Still can't, give me a link to your myspace and I'll add you when I'm at school or at the library.. Example of a myspace link: http://www.myspace.com/zerosuke_as_the_kazekage
    ..That's a myspace link....
    ..Except I'm using mines..Lol.
    .....I'mma go now...Because It's late and I'm not supposed to be on the computer....Cuz I had a big phone bill.............$900 over long distance...Lol.
    ...........And had my phone taken away..
    .But mom promised me she'd get me a new phone if it's paid.... ;D
    Victor Natsume Mercury <- New family Lolz.
    May 30th, 2009 at 06:10am
  • ..Oh, no no no....You had me wrong, i had those casts off last month if I recall..Because I had that incident two weeks before I had them off..My bad. But yeah. And I keep having troubles on xat with my past ex gf's...Cuz one won't leave me alone becaus of how much I loved her and yada yada yada....
    ..I told her how I don't like her as an ex..Blah blah blah...I don't care about her...Blah blah blah..
    ...She still seems to keep asking me out..Even though I'm married "Rp wise"....And she keeps on bothering me..............And I told her how I really felt..And she threatened to hack me....LOL....But you know what's sad? A day after she said she'd hack me.....NOTHING HAPPENED! LOL.............But yeah....I have pictures to prove that she was saying all that too.. ^^..Lol.
    ..But I'm kinda with my gf in real life now.. ^^ Even tho we met on xat..........We're married and we're loving each other on xat...Lol....It's fun...But her mom doesn't like me..So I sneak in the back door.. ^-~...
    .......Ew...I just got that comment wrong..Lol.....Sorry..
    ..But yeah....I'm all better, but the bad thing is that I'm typing left handed..And then I switch to the right....Isn't that crazy? Yes it is if you know me.
    ....Lol....What else was I gonna say....? .........Hmn..hmn....................Darn I forgot..But yeah....I'm gonna be off school next two weeks..Because of final exams and all........Are you excited? .......GIVE ME AN THUMBS UP!! ...<_<......... Ok nvm....But Anywhom...Yes..I'mma be off xat and the comp for Summer school...But I won't be in the U.S.A. anymore...
    May 30th, 2009 at 06:06am
  • ...Eh..It's been awhile..I can't type fully on this computer anymore...
    ...Nor will be my limbs.....Well to be really truthful..
    ..Like a couple weeks ago....I think like four weeks ago, I got into a car crash and I had my seat belt loose, and I didn't know, and my friend being a bad driver, hit a truck, his girlfriend and I had a bad accident, and he actually lived, but wasn't hurt much but with a busted arm and a concussion, and his girlfriend had her neck broke, her leg dislocated and her shoulder dislocated to her back...And me, I had my arm dislocated, the elbow twisted all the way, the hand moved forward all the way, my legs dislocated, the knee cap to the back,and the other leg had the knee cap moving down an inch below....And I had to have my whole body casted and put to sleep so I can have my ligaments placed back, by some native american surgery thing....x.x........
    ..So a week before this week..I had my casts off...And I feel like I'm just a newborn becaues I can't walk well and can't type good..
    ..So right now I"m typing right handed...Becaues I"m way too used to it...
    ............So....Yeah...That's pretty much my accident at a birthday party madness there.......
    ...Well how was yours..?
    ..he shrugged..
    May 19th, 2009 at 07:39am
  • .. Oh and one more thing.. I forgot how I was today.....
    Ok.. Today was just.. FUNNY..!! o_o..
    Ok.. in one of my classes..
    We had to learn how to communicate with drawings on a whiteboard and blah blah blah..
    Ok the teacher said something about an ear..
    So I drew an anime ear..
    And it didn't looks like a regular ear..
    And I drew earings on it..
    And I forgot to draw the head..
    But the person next to me took it..
    And held up and high so everyone can see it..
    And yelled out..
    I just simply implied that..
    "So what..? .. It's not my fault.. I can't draw.. r r....."
    And then the teacher..
    Looked at me..
    And all of a suden I looked at her with an angry expression..
    And she sent me to the principal's office.. xD..
    All because I drew an ear..
    What they though.. "Women's breasts" on a whiteboard..
    How rediculous is that..?
    .. Mhm.. And so far everyone is laughing at me because.. I can draw sexual things without.. "Trying?" O_o..
    Idk.. Lol..
    It was funny..
    .. But I had to say all this because it was fun and yeah.. I'm all good..
    And how have you been this whole time..? o_o..

    Victor Shizuoka.. A.k.a. Pein Shizuoka.. <_<
    March 31st, 2009 at 10:49pm
  • .. Hmm.. Yeah I liked it a lot.. And I hope you make more of them, it really sounded interesting.. Hehe.. anyways I'm always busy being on xat and yeah.. Lol....
    I'll try to catch up on some stuff and trying not to lose contact with other people that I know.. And so forth..
    I'm kinda writing a book at my school that's gonna probably make people sad at the end of the class.... Lol.... Not really..
    But yeah... I'm on my myspace at times now.. But hey, if you give me the link or If you want me to look your name up and add you, that'll be fine either way.. I'm really bored and don't want people to think I don't exist on myspace.. XD..
    Either way.. Lol.. Yeah..
    ......Hmmmmnnnnnn... Yeah that's about all.....
    o_o .....

    Victor A.k.a. Pein Shizuoka
    March 31st, 2009 at 10:35pm
  • Well ok, I'm gonna go read it, my comp is slower than everyone's so far.. Lolz..
    Anyways.. Today is the monthiversary with me and my wife. I guess.. Idk if i'll be on here or On myspace or on xat... so yeah... I'll always be in her chat though.. Usually I have made myself a big mistake usually getting married to people I barely know.. but eh.... We knew each other for a month now.... Idk if we'll last or not.. but I could care less now.... Anyways yeah I'll read everything.

    The Famous Victor, Rebellious fighter of Xat..
    March 14th, 2009 at 06:16pm
  • Hmm I guess I'll get a summary of what you're talking about, but it's been long since I've been on.. I've updated my profile and stuff, My myspace is getting a lot of people, so lol.. I'm pretty sure I have to find you and add you.. Just give me the link to yours and I'll go add you right away.. I'm bored ok.. And I'll just do stuff to get them out of the way and so on...
    Now what else was I gonna say..?
    Oh.. The summary, yes I would want to look at it..
    Take care..

    ...Victor... Aka L~Kun
    March 8th, 2009 at 09:28pm
  • *does victory dance* I'm glad we worked this out because I'm not sure I would be able to lose such a great friend. Anyway I have some very exciting news!! I can up with this awesome idea for a book and Borders.com has a self publishing thing so I'm writing a book!! Want me to give you a summary?


    August 21st, 2008 at 05:06pm
  • I'm glad we worked this out, thank you Nikki!!! Its better to pick your best friend over your bf...and I'm glad right now, maybe its best to look for someone else, maybe someone your own age, perhaps :) you're happy, I'm happy, that's how it goes, and yes we can still be friends. :D

    Victor M.A.R.A.
    August 20th, 2008 at 09:35pm
  • I completely understand what you mean but I just don't want to lose my best friend. You might not be my bf anymore but to honest I don't really care about that. I care more about my bestfriend. So please lets forget that we ever were in a realationship and go back to when we were just friends because I don't wanna lose you because I'm not your soul mate. I just wanna be friends but its up to you...

    August 20th, 2008 at 05:20pm
  • Ok I'm back from the thoughts that have been keeping me away.....and....Idk...this is really killing me right now....but...even though I never done this before.....but this is really for my own good...but I'm sorry...and I don't wanna wreck your life Nikki...but....I'm breaking up with you....even though it sounds bad for me to say it cuz I never wanted this to happen....I'm very sorry...I'll keep listening to your music that you made for me...just to keep me of remembering you....please don't cry either...I just feel like something bad is gonna start again...so I don't want you hurt either...this is for my own good....for our own good.....I'm very..Sorry :(

    August 18th, 2008 at 07:36pm