Writer's Block

The bane of my existence. When it happens in the middle of the story, it's bearable. I can just look over what i've written so far and get inspired, but when it happens with the opening -- the start of my story? I almost want to roll into a ball and sleep for a day or two. You can't read over what you've written because there is nothing. I think I've visited every site possible looking for ways to...
August 28th, 2014 at 10:46pm

Which do you prefer: Third Person Omniscient or First Person?

I've always written in third person omniscient and I want to try first person but I'm afraid that most people don't like first person pieces. Gah, I really don't know. I feel like it would be easier to really flesh out my character but I'm afraid that it may turn people away from reading.Which do you prefer and why?Have you tried writing in a different POV and continued in that style throughout...
January 5th, 2014 at 01:00am