Jessica Hello there! My name is Jessica and I hope to one day change the way people are in this world, making peace. Being born on July 20th, 1993 makes me 21 years old. I don’t really know how to explain myself but I'm going to give it my best: I'm very nice, and I'm considerate and I know how to treat people and I know how to make someone feel wanted and comfortable and my hospitality skills are at a high level. People take advantage of my kindness and the way that I have trouble saying no to people. I'm extremely gullible, I'll probably almost believe anything you tell me. I love writing, but I always, always, have writers block and it frustrates me to no end because I want to be able to write all of the time. I like to lay in bed and imagine scenarios in my head that will probably never happen. I always get my hopes up over things that probably wont ever happen. Jessica
I'll finish this stuff later alligators.

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