theavalanche / Comments

  • hahhaha well good luck :D I'll enjoy my free days until I'm forced to go back too ;/., what are you gonna do? Nothing, just live it, that's what we have to do.
    January 5th, 2012 at 01:56pm
  • umm around 30 January I think. These free days will fly away I know :/
    January 3rd, 2012 at 03:56pm
  • hahahhaahha Definitely school work. I am hoping that these days I will have inspiration to write :D hopefully, but first, I'm catching up on my sleep. Happy new year btw :D
    January 1st, 2012 at 03:58pm
  • I have one month break :D I need to blow out some steam and just sleep :D
    December 29th, 2011 at 10:25pm
  • I like it well enough. I won a scholarship in a private college and as a first year student I am studying common program - my faculty is English language and American studies, but I'm gonna start with my program from second year. My class is awesome I can say, I met a lot of new interesting people and I'm together with my bff from high school, so YAY to that.
    But college is eating my private life. My final week starts tomorrow and I just pray to God that unlike midterm week, this one will finish faster.
    December 24th, 2011 at 06:32pm
  • Heey, college ate all my life so I haven't been here for a long time. Missed you and our conversations :)) How have you been?
    December 24th, 2011 at 02:28am
  • Awww, thank you love.
    December 16th, 2011 at 05:59am
  • Awww! That's really sweet.
    July 9th, 2011 at 06:03pm
  • I've been very fortunate. But you have seen places that I've never been to, so that must have been a really cool experience. <3
    July 1st, 2011 at 06:26pm
  • I have been to New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, P.E.I., Germany and Austria, and Spain.I'm hoping to go to Ireland as my graduation present from my mother.
    June 22nd, 2011 at 07:12pm
  • Awww! That's kind of funny but cute at the same time. Oh that should be nice! I would be excited too, haha. Yeah, it's not really the same. Cool, =)
    June 18th, 2011 at 05:02pm
  • I've heard good things about the English programs though. Oh, I'm sure there's something! Oh, wow... that's really cool. Where are you thinking of traveling? Really? Then it will be bound to be awesome. :)
    June 15th, 2011 at 11:13pm
  • I'm sure it will, =) You're not alone in that boat, guilty as charged, haha.

    I want to eventually work with victims of domestic and sexual violence, but I intend to work in the field for a little while as that means a Master's in either Psychology or Social Work. I'm hoping to work with young offenders in some form of counselling, possibly addictions counselling.

    A lot of people do, including some of the people I'm studying Criminology with. Well, it's a lot of theory, but I did take a forensics course (there was less science involved though). <3
    June 7th, 2011 at 08:11pm
  • Awww, thank you, :) Oh, wow! Yeah, I know the feeling. But I'm sure you'll be fine. Awww, don't be! Classes of 30 students is really good compared to some classes I've had with 140 students (myself included). It's nice to have those professors who are intimate and university can be that way if you make it like that. I'm sure you'll be fine, don't let horror stories scare you. Most of the time they aren't true. I'm pretty excited for you, that sounds really cool Taylor.

    I'm going to be looking for work in my field if there is anything. I did a co-op with my Victimology class and it was just amazing, so it kind of helped me narrow down what I really want to do. So it's going to come down to sheer luck probably.
    June 1st, 2011 at 09:04pm
  • Oh yeah. Two distance ed courses are taking over my social life at the moment. Awww, I hope so! Oh wow, that must be really exciting for you. Haha, some guys are just like that. But it must be nice if he does decide to settle down. Same here, I think I was seven or something. It's still really exciting though, =) I bet it is for you too.

    School is crazy but a good kind of crazy you know? I'm starting the middle of my final year, so it's scary too. I never imagined I would end up studying Criminology (no, you're not off your rocker), but it's pretty interesting. I'm excited for whatever comes out of it. What about you? How is school going for you? <3
    May 27th, 2011 at 05:31pm
  • Awww, that's so sweet! Oh wow, that's crazy. Well, it's understandable. Two jobs along with everything else is a lot to take on. But I understand what you mean about feeling drained. With taking two distance ed. courses, I haven't really been able to gather where I left off and just let everything flow onto paper.

    I'm okay, the past few months have been hard on me. But I'm okay, busy with school and soon I'll be starting work again. I plan to start driver's ed and my brother's getting married. I'm pretty excited about it.

    Feel free to drop me a message anytime, <3
    May 20th, 2011 at 08:32pm
  • Taylor, how are you? I missed talking to you, so I figured I'd drop you a line. <3
    May 19th, 2011 at 04:23pm
  • Short hair is fine my dear, it looks beautiful. :)
    January 15th, 2011 at 03:30am
  • Yeah. Similar setting. Maybe a mansion in the corner?
    January 5th, 2011 at 06:42pm
  • Yay! Thank you. :) Well, it'd be for my story Many a Moon. The sizing is 500x200 the characters are Kate Bosworth, Steven Strait and Ian Somerhalder as he was in the vampire diaries. Kate Bosworth should have blonde hair and if possibly Steven should have his long hair but now as he was in that disney movie, preferably from Undiscovered. The coloring should be dark, like probably dark blues and golds and such. It's a fantasy story focusing around demons, vampires, slayers and werewolves. This is probably a long shot but if you can color manipulate Kate has unnaturally blue eyes, ian should have black eyes and Steven should have silver. Thank you!
    January 3rd, 2011 at 05:12pm