so unoriginal.

im sick and tired of all the bullshit that people right now-a-days.i mean, the story lines are so overused and unoriginal it hurts.there are so many people on this website that are really good writers but have the same plot lines just minor changes here and there and im sick and damn tired of reading the same story over and over and over and over's not just this site, it's books and...
December 12th, 2010 at 07:53pm

bye bye story.

alright,since no one seems to care about my Loveless story,i'm going to be removing it and maybe putting it on my livejournal or quizilla.for the people who have read it,sorry you didn't take the time to tell sorry im being bitchy,but im sick and tired of this.when i have a story im not quite into,everyone loves it.but when there's a story im dying to have people read,no one likes it,or no...
June 18th, 2008 at 08:54pm

new story,and info.

Mmkay,so...It's happening again.I'm starting all these stories and not even working on them.So i'm going to delete a story or two.I know there are people who like it,but i'm sorry.I have a Quizilla account,and I think I might transfer one of them there.If I decide to do that,I will let you know.But for now,I'm going to delete "A Break In The Chain",and "I'll Never Let Them Break Us"It's for the...
May 11th, 2008 at 08:56pm