I Wanna Go Back Home

I have not been active on here for months, so a lot has changed. I got into a fight with my stepmom, my dad kicked me out, and I'm now living with my bio mom and attending public school. Yay.Now don't get me wrong, I love it here with my mom but I'm shut off from everything. And depressed. I'm having a lot more break downs than I had six months ago. My mother won't accept that I'm trans or she...
December 20th, 2014 at 04:56am

Staying Afloat

So....things are still hard between me an my ex. The other night he was crying over the phone doubting himself for letting me go. I started to notice that things weren't really perfect between us in the first place. I was in denial, and he sucked it up and hid his own sadness. He was worried that I wouldn't be okay if he wasn't strong for me. I'm grateful that he was there, but he never...really...
June 13th, 2014 at 05:01am

Missing Something That's No Longer Mine and Tears

I miss him. A lot. I broke up with my ex because of me being transgender. He couldn't accept it. At first I was like BYYYYEEEEEE...but now I'm having a lot of doubt. I knew that I loved him...but it's hard...also hard knowing we'd never ever work...and wouldn't in the first place. All of our friends use to say "these guys...they're it!" It wasn't like we got cutest couple award or anything, but we...
May 22nd, 2014 at 05:24am

The Butterfly Program (please! I beg that you read this! Please!)

So I made my own website! At first it was a blog, but now I want to turn it into something much more. Who knows about the Butterfly Project on Tumblr? If you don't know what it is, it's a prevention on cutting. You draw butterfly whenever you want to cut and it keeps you from cutting. You write the name of someone special to you next to the butterfly and you try to keep the butterfly alive....
March 17th, 2014 at 11:22pm

Will you pair up with me? Anyone?

So I'm about to work on this new story called Poison Apple. It's a Jarry Von MonStyles [Jayy Von Monroe/Harry Styles] fan fiction. This is my OTP but I want some help on it. Soooo I was thinking I could pair up with someone that I haven't paired up with before. Ya know? To bring something fresh to the story?http://www.mibba.com/Stories/Read/550791/Poison-Apple/There is the link for those who want...
March 7th, 2014 at 05:14am

My body betrays me

I wish I was who I was. I am a boy! I am, so why am I not! To my boyfriend, I'm still a girl. I went to check his feelings, and he said if I get a god damn sex change he won't want my anymore. He's ok with me dressing like a tomboy, but a sex change is now out of the question. He doesn't want to be considered gay. I hate myself. He deserves a lot better than me. A girl who shows off her chest and...
February 24th, 2014 at 02:16am

He keeps me strong

https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&hl=en&biw=1024&bih=671&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=BRgEU7-CHMKmyQGO-YCgCQ&q=therealalexbertie&oq=TheRealAle&gs_l=img.1.0.0j0i24l2j0i10i24j0i24l6.56823.67875.0.69034. boy. This young boy. He keeps me going. Lately he's been the only one who's been there for me with his videos on YouTube. My boyfriend keeps me strong too, but he doesn't get half the stuff I go through. Alex does. He makes me smile when I want to cry. He just keeps me want to live my life. Last night me and my stepmom got in a fight and for two hours I watched all of Alex's videos instead of self harming...which is what I wanted to do. Everything he does...it's funny, amazing, and he's so smart. I'd give anything to meet him in person. He's not afraid to let his true colors show. I love him and I don't think id be here if it wasn't for him. Look him up please. He's TheRealAlexBertie. Just..,I have to thank him
February 19th, 2014 at 03:01pm

The mess I'm in

I'm going to my friend's Party and we headed over to go see a movie. I'm in a group of four girls, Kat, Ruby, Taylor, and Tay. Then Kat's dad and step dad, Patrick and Steven. Now I really wanted to help celebrate so I was fine with it. We get to the movies and I need to use the bathroom. I'm not comfortable going into the boys' room yet, but I'm not using the girls' bathroom. Kat knows how I...
February 16th, 2014 at 07:26am

Foreign object, weirdness of body, and a craving for chocolate? Advice please?!

UGH UGH UGH! who the hell invented fucking bras? Why? Why? Today my stepmom went BRA SHOPPING with me! Do you know how awkward bra shopping is when you don't have any intention of wearing any?! Ugh it's such a foreign object to me. I hate that I'm not 'out of the closet' about being transgender, but heaven have mercy! I hate shopping with my parents. My parents won't even let me go down the boys...
February 10th, 2014 at 12:50am

Putting my identity out there

Hi I guess. A new profile I made. Yea, I do have one on here already, tho I'm not telling what it is. I mean, ugh! This is one that's just personal for me. I can put my identity out there. On my profile I'm identified as a boy. Well, I'm not a boy. I'm transgender....which means I'm a biologically a girl. It feels so wrong though. I don't feel like a girl. Everyone sees me as one though. My...
February 8th, 2014 at 10:39pm