slc_x / Comments

  • My recommendatiobns wiould be 1. As Roses Fade. or 2. A Typical Day at the Tudor Court. Depends which youre wanting. But If youre wanting completed and reletively historically acurate? The Yorkist rose. but I have millions more which arent on this site
    February 23rd, 2014 at 06:17pm
  • Hey! You should know, I am bored! Because, this has made a difference to your life! My boredom has made me look for people to say hi to, so my boredom and you looking cool has made me say Hi! *waves* .

    I hope my super awesome-weridness hasnt put you off talking to me! I'm really not that scary!

    P.S. I notice you like history stories :00000000

    I'm a medieval history writer XD Want to read some and team up?XD
    February 23rd, 2014 at 05:56pm
  • Hi! I saw your comment on my blog, and I wanted to welcome you to Mibba! :) Feel free to comment back or message me if you need anything! Stay beautiful xx.
    February 23rd, 2014 at 02:26am