BadUolfBay / Comments

  • KingSquishy

    KingSquishy (1900)

    United Kingdom

    Basically, I got really bored so thought I would go on a mass 'welcome to mibba young mibbian' spree. So here I am, saying hello to you. This means I should tell you something about me: I am super amazingly awesome! And as you can see from my name and avatar I am royalty :P Yes, I am king. Of everything. The world just does not know it yet.

    On a more serious note? I AM DESPERATELY IN NEED OF READERS! As you joined a creative writing site, well. I thought it would be a place to start. I write all sorts. From thrillers to medieval history stories (based around the Wars of the Roses - An English civil war.) I am also a really loyal Yorkist... But you probably won't get that :O Oh no.

    Well I am wasting your time now, and filling your comments page.

    Basically. Hello :) How are you? And pretty please talk to me. :)

    That is all.

    Bye bye now!
    March 28th, 2014 at 04:54pm