decadent / Comments

  • finallymoving.

    finallymoving. (100)

    United States
    No problem =D
    December 29th, 2008 at 11:02pm
  • lovemelavender;

    lovemelavender; (200)

    United States
    I can't wait for it! lol...I probably figured...Neither do I. Writing is so much mature than real life right? lol...
    December 29th, 2008 at 02:06pm
  • almost.easy

    almost.easy (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    You don't come off as a bitch!
    I understand where you're coming from. =P

    I'm gonna have to read your story later because at the moment I'm knackered.
    I'll comment you my thoughts on it as well. =D
    December 29th, 2008 at 01:08pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Haha, I talk to a lot of people.. that's why so many people read mine. hahaha. Yours deserves a lot more attention, I think.. definitely!

    Haha, okay. I added you =) So I shall catch you on there sometime!
    December 27th, 2008 at 05:27am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Haha, yeah, I use Msn. I prefer it, actually. I only have Aim for my American friends coz they dont use msn, it doesnt seem very popular over there for some reason... My msn addy is: for future referance.

    You're very welcome!! It was really a wonderful story.. So well written. You put my works to shame!! ahaha. I can't wait to see more stuff from you =)
    December 26th, 2008 at 11:51am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Haha, totally understandable..

    Haha, aww.. I do consider myself special if you d/l AIM simply to speak to me. I use AIM and Msn, there the only ones. I dont like yahoo.. it's stupid. haha.

    And that is awesome news about FY!! I'm hanging to find out what will happen in that.. it's a great story. I need more of it in my life a.s.a.p!

    Night!! I wish you lots of happy dreams regarding Matt, Brian and vodka! =)
    December 26th, 2008 at 01:43am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Haha, so you don't have to re-do it when mibba stuffs up? = p I just highlight the whole thing and right click and select copy... then if it doesnt go through, I just have to open the comment box and hit paste. haha. I cheat. haha.

    Yup, you're definitely right. We should be the heroes. The cat and mouse game with Zack and Johnny sounds awesome!! I'm so in. And yes, we will need costumes... hahaha. We need to protect our identies and just look really awesome = p

    Yeah, I prefer vodka too. Coz with tequelia, I need lemon and salt.. which can get annoying, so vodka is better. haha. I'm sure I can keep that promise.. Shots are fun! I love drinking games that involve shots. haha.

    HAHA! Yeah, I swear that whole band are immune to alcohol. But having said that, my friend in America met Jimmy recently after a show and he was drunk. She got a hug off him and then he just stood there with his arm around her shoulders, leaning on her... and he had a shoe on his hand. She still doesnt know why...
    But yes. You will be safe from taking your shirt off around me. haha. I usually have to keep an eye on my best friend who likes to do embarrasing stuff like that, I gotta be quick to sprint across the room if she starts to get too hot.. coz she'll start stripping. haha. So maybe we all drink together.. then if Jimmy drinks you under the table, I can still look out for you = p

    Oh, that sucks!! I missed them a year or two ago because i'd only just started to listen to them and I'm one of those people who dont like to see people at a show that only know one song, usually the popular one. That bugs me. haha. But that sucks about Metalica. I'd be so mad at them if I were you.. Bullet is good, but not a7x good. haha. I'd definitely cry!

    Haha! Christmas is the worst time for putting on weight... I dont think I have this year, coz I really haven't been in the christmas kind of mood, so I haven't eaten much of the food. I dunno why. Just wasn't. haha. But I hope you're mum got you out of the gym!!

    Haha, she said hello! (she lives with me, so it's easy to relay that msg) Haha, she's excited about it. I think i'm going with her to see it, if my brother doesnt go (she's his g/f), which I dont think he'll want to. haha. Not his thing. That's cool about doing an Alice play! But I hope you dont have to dye your hair, coz it would be so bad for your hair... plus blonde is boring.

    Hahaha! I'm expecting it too.. Cept a friend of mine and I used to write extremely long comments to each other, coz we were too lazy to add each other on AIM... then we finally did and never comment each other anymore. haha. We'll get to that stage.. when we stop being lazy. hahaha.

    Yeah, most of my American friends have said the same thing about Twilight. It just wasn't what they expected.. it was so built up then when they saw it, it was a big let down. I haven't seen it yet... I've never read the books, so i'm not in a big hurry to see the movie. Probably wait til it comes out on dvd. haha.

    Hahaha! I will update soon.. I need to work on it. I've been distracted from it for a few days, but i'll get back to working on it today, promise! I dunno when it will be posted and I won't give you a time, coz i'd feel bad if I didnt keep to it. But soon... Promise! I need to read your new one.. I forgot. My bad!
    December 26th, 2008 at 01:18am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Haha, I would've gone off and sulked too! Damn thing. That's why I copy everything before I hit the submit button. haha. It just saves you from having to re-do it if it stuffs up.

    Damn.. i didnt think of that. Besides, I thought about it and I dont want to be a superhero. Too much work. haha. So I say we go back to the orginal plan of just getting other superheros.. maybe we'll make them! Like robots.. but... not. haha. They take orders from us.. steal our villians then we just get to play with them! haha. But you can still design the outfits! They have to look cool and I'm sure they will if you take care of it = p hahaha.

    Haha, I'd do shots with you! I like doing shots.. they're more fun. I'm like a fish when I drink.. I can't just hold onto a drink, it has to be consumed. haha. But yeah, I think Jimmy would be much more fun to do shots with = p hahaha! You'd take off your shirt but leave the rest to him.. that's hilarious! At least you got it planned out = p

    Yeah, he has a demanding presence. It was weird, coz I kept drifting off to look at Zacky, but I'd always go back to Syn. Plus, he had guitar troubles and got mad.. so it was kind funny and cute. haha. That sucks that they dont go to Estonia.. You should spam them and tell them they have to. haha. I've only seen them the one time.. But if they come back next year, I'll definitely go =)

    Yeah, mine was pretty much the same. Got some presents, ate some good food and just spent the day with my family. Nothing too exciting. Yeah, i've grown out of the excitment around Christmas.. it's just not as fun as it used to be when I was a kid. I think next year will be better, when I have a baby nephew to spoil. = p

    A copy of Alice in wonderland? That's awesome! =) My best friend loves AIW, she's super excited about the Tim Burton adaptation of it. Combines two of her loves. haha.
    December 25th, 2008 at 01:16pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Yeah, trained it to piss me off. Damn you! haha.

    Haha, that's fair enough then. But yes, if you still aren't better by the end of the week, I think you probably should drag your butt in to see a doctor!

    Oh, I am so in with that plan!! Now to just make this superhero.. And he needs mind control power and invisibilty, that will really help with the capturing of them. Hell, lets just make us the superheros.. without the gay outfits. hahaha. We'll design a whole new look!

    Hahaha! That's funny.. I do the same thing. Though I find myself doing that with the Zacky stories.. they're just so damn mesmerizing. haha.

    Haha, yeah, he's more of the comical clown that has you in stiches, rather than dark, mysterious guy that can make your panties drop just by looking at you. haha. But he seems like a lot of fun and would be cool to hang around with. I dunno.. my brother and my father are of a similar build to him, so I think that's why I find it difficult to be attracted to him. haha.

    Syn.. I have to admit, I developed a crush on him after I saw them live earlier this year. He has such a stage presence.. Just demands your attention. It was near damn impossible to look away from him while he was playing. And yes, the short electrocuted hair is soo much better. HAHA! You're friend is funny.. but I really do understand what she's saying.. He is quite the pretty man. haha.

    Dude, I have so many agreements with different girls about sharing either Zack, Matt or both. haha. They're just both so damn sexy.. *daydreams*

    Yes, they make all our lives so damn hard with the damn sex appeal.. gah. How dare they?! haha
    December 24th, 2008 at 08:37am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    I know that it will.. right when I think i've got the cursor all figured out.. the lil bugger will disappear on me again!! haha. I like the page.. The black is nice and your picture ^ is cool =)

    I'll have to remember that! But it sucks it's not helping you.. I hate it when you're sick and it just wont go away.. Have you been to the doctor?

    Hahaha, she would've given him a complex if she had've dumped him twice! hahaha. The poor guy might have never gotten over it.. it's got be an ego bruiser. haha.

    Hahaha, Aww.. you poor dear. See, I dont let myself look at them, otherwise they distract me way too much. I mostly just see pics on peoples profiles.. but even they distract me. I go there to reply to a comment and end up just staring at the pretty pictures... haha.

    There's just something about Johnny that I love.. I have this need to hug him everytime I see a picture of him. He's adorable. But yeah, I can't decide. I like all three! I can honestly say I've never had a thing for Jimmy.. I mean, he's kind of cute and everything.. but the tall and skinny thing throws me off. Just not my type at all. And Syn.. he looks good with short hair, but not a fan of the long hair. I can kind of take or leave him. haha. I just want the other three = p
    December 23rd, 2008 at 03:13pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    YAY! I can find the cursor! = )

    That's okay. I've come to terms with the fact that nobody will ever like Hollie. No matter what I do to try and make her seem not so bad. I dunno.. I'm told I'm pretty evil.. hahaha. I can tell you that she wont be alone. But as for who she'll be with.. well, there's just so many possibilities at this stage ; )

    Hahaha, jagermeister with tea, huh? That's a different cure... And if you had half a bottle last week, I can't blame you for not wanting it. haha.

    Haha, doesnt it suck when people want to have serious conversations when you've been drinking? It's just like "dude, I can barely count to ten with my fingers.. How the hell am I suppose to understand what you're talking about?" And that's so funny about your friend.. Though I imagine she didnt find it all that amusing.. nor the boyfriend. haha.

    Hahaha. He just might.. You never know = p And I understand the picture thing.. I do that with pictures of him.. and Zacky.. and Johnny. Its quite sad, but oh well. They shouldn't be so darn pretty! They make us have those lil fangirl moments!! haha

    I love your logic.. hahaha. And I will definitely keep it in mind = p
    December 23rd, 2008 at 02:04pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Hahaha, I wanted to tell Mibba to go to hell and go off and sulk.. but I decided i'd suck it up and re-write it, coz i'm awesome. hahaha.

    Alright. How about I let you in on a lil secret? *whispers* They're going on their camping trip.. and yes, Hollie crashes it (dont hate me!), but she talks someone else into coming as well.. Another Male.. = p

    And I do feel sorry for you, being sick sucks! But to be honest, hearing that you sound like a chain-smoking frog did amuse me slightly... hahaha. And hey, I updated LvL! That's something.. haha.

    Haha, I never said he was coherant. But he likes to talk about depressing things when he's drunk.. haha. But attempting to sort out your issues while drunk of course doesnt work.. haha. Coz you forget your answers to your problems the next morning. hahaha.

    LMAO! Of course you would!! Who the hell wouldnt?! Gah.. that man is so damn sexy. hahaha. And you know what's best for him? Why am I not surprised?? hahaha. I'll consider having you make a cameo to have some fun with him.. but I make no gurantees! haha = p
    December 23rd, 2008 at 12:59pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Mibba loves to mess with me. I just wrote my reply.. and I didnt copy it. I always copy a comment before i submit it, coz of how often the site screws up.. this time I didnt and the moment i pressed the button.. I knew it would stuff up. And it did!!

    Haha, I don't think he'll get punched. And I had no plans for him to cry, but if I come up with any, I'll definitely throw them in just for you! haha.

    Haha, I honestly dont see that happening anytime soon... maybe not at all. hahaha. *ducks rotten fruit you're bout to projectile at me*

    Haha, well, it sounds like you needed to vent and who better than the friend to vent to? hahaha. But I'm sure it was hilarious later on.. should have gotten it on tape. = p

    Haha! Well, i'd give you alcohol! Just so I can sit there and try and cheer you up.. or listen to your emo ramblings. hahaha. I'm just a happy drunk.. I dont get angry or emotional. So it's good. But my brother.. he's a hell of an emo drunk. And always wants to have deep and meaningful conversations.. while I just want to be stupid. hahaha.

    Now I'm gonna copy it this time.. and I bet you it goes through straight away, just to mess with me.
    December 23rd, 2008 at 09:21am
  • mmm.addicted

    mmm.addicted (100)

    United States
    It wasn't a problem at all. :)
    You're story is exceptionally written as well.
    December 23rd, 2008 at 08:03am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Hahaha! 3 attempts but you finally got to read it! I'm glad.. and i'm happy you enjoyed it =) I'm sure you'd love to punch him... A lot of people want to. hahaha.

    That's hilarious!! Though you must have scared her a little.. haha. My friend and I do that when we're drunk.. but it's all in good fun. We loving call each other a whore or a skank.. usually when we're requesting more alcohol. hahaha.

    Yeah, we all say it, but it's meaningless. haha. Nobody ever sticks to it = p Aww, poor dear. But that's what alcohol does to you! It brings all these stupid emotions out and stuff. Even ones that aren't really there.. haha. I'm lucky, I not an emotional drunk.. I just tend to say and do stupid things, usually laughing the entire time. haha.

    Awww. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make your heart ache... Yes, he shouldn't ever cry.. But I was trying to convey how sorry he was for what he said. Especially seeing as in their friendship, they've never had a fight as bad as that, so it really scared him. I promise not to make him cry again, though! =)

    New update! Yay! I'm going to read! = )
    December 23rd, 2008 at 06:54am
  • mmm.addicted

    mmm.addicted (100)

    United States
    I must say, I'm in LOVE with your story.
    December 23rd, 2008 at 05:06am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)


    Ahh.. the pledge to never drink again... I've made that many times. haha. Worst time was when I was on vacation in Bali... I got so drunk that the next day, I couldn't get out of bed. I was stuck in my hotel room for 48hrs. hahaha. So bad.

    Haha! That will be funny if you need to re-read it.. though with the length of it, I hope you dont have to. haha.
    December 22nd, 2008 at 06:57am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Oh.. well, the posters sound like a good idea, but not if it will make you lose your job.. haha. We'll have to come up with something else.. maybe we'll steal batmans trick and have a signal in the sky... hmm...

    Oh, i know that feeling. The best friend I mentioned earlier, I was with him four years ago.. but I wasn't fully over him til a year ago. haha. Well, if the guy's not right, then he's not right.. at least you found out early on and got rid of him = p

    Yup and the lil alien who wants to go home will be updated in the next half an hour.. so you'll have that to read later on =]

    Haha, have fun! Don't get into too much trouble = p Talk to you laters =]
    December 21st, 2008 at 05:22pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Yeah, I know! Now we just need to tell everyone... do you have any ties to some major newspapers? hahaha. We need to get the word out! haha.

    Oh, seriously, my boy drama is just not worth the effort.. haha. Having a best friend, who's also your ex that has a new gf who doesnt appreciate the fact he still has feelings for you... not so much fun. It's just a huge big headache. haha. But yeah... I do miss the feelings of having a crush.. they're fun =]

    Haha, sounds good to me! I don't know i'f i'm a great actor, but i'm sure I could fake my way through it = p

    Haha, I actually fell asleep. I didn't get the update done.. but i'll work on it today and hopefully get it posted. So you will have stuff to read when you return! Hope you have a good time with your friend =] And I'll definitely be sure to let you know if I spot anyone in shiny leotard!
    December 20th, 2008 at 06:35am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    I know it would. But that's what makes it funny! Like him being in a sparkly leotard and shooting web from his belly button wouldnt be ridiculous? haha. We may as well go all out and make him look downright looney. hahaha.

    Hahaha. I have too much boy drama... It inspires a lot of my fics. hahaha. But yes, a story does need a decent serving of drama.. or it's quite boring. haha.

    Ah, okay. I'm a Family Guy fan.. I have most of the seasons on DVD. I don't watch a lot of T.V these days though, mostly dvds of a night while i'm on my laptop.. just for background noise.

    Haha, yes, I will!! No one else will get it.. so it'll be quite amusing. They'll go looking through my stories and be like "what the hell is Latvia? There's no story called that!" hahaha.
    December 19th, 2008 at 07:18pm