Dissecting The Rainbow - July 14th

I really hate how this fucking superficial world is getting to me. Until you perfect you're shunned from society by nearly everyone, that's why I'm in great fucking pain now. That's why I can't breath right now, why I'm 102 degrees, why my lips are bleeding. Why my bed will be missing a certain someone tonight.This is going to be a long journal to get my mind off of my new braces. A big, painful,...
July 15th, 2008 at 04:16am

Dissecting the Rainbow - June 1st. (Entry 3)

Happiness is something that never lasts. That’s because if you’re truly happy in this world, then you have some sadistic mental condition. Drugs only let you be happy for a short amount of time. That became painfully clear to me in the past week.Me, Maddie and Zach, we’re all going to drop acid was we wonder around downtown. I take the paper tablets from my friends and they have little...
June 3rd, 2008 at 04:25am

Dissecting the Rainbow - May 20th. (Entry 2)

I’m eating dinner with my family the first time in forever. There are dead animals all in front of us. But they don’t look like dead animals. Of course they don’t, that would be animal cruelty to be eating animals. Instead, we’re eating seasoning, with garlic and butter, all on something unimportant. Something white. Something red. All under a bunch of seasoning and filled with stuffing....
May 26th, 2008 at 07:42am

Dissecting a Rainbow - April something or other.

Today I saw a picture of a man who had sliced his wrist open. His veins were bulging and a vermillion line trickled out of them. I didn’t care because he had sausage fingers. Today I read someone’s suicide letter on the internet, and I didn’t tell him not to do it, because he made every word start with a capital.The truth is, I don’t give a shit. I don’t give a shit about you, and I...
May 24th, 2008 at 07:57am