TheDevil'sSon / Comments

  • TheDevil'sSon

    TheDevil'sSon (100)

    United States
    Ok! lol :)

    Yes! It does, though I would'e chosen a slightly larger couch for that center table... lol

    It is :/ but yes, it is definitely worth it! Oh and lol I plan on traveling around to different areas to see the places! XD

    Yes, see? Rebels rule!
    March 30th, 2014 at 08:32pm
  • KingSquishy

    KingSquishy (1900)

    United Kingdom
    You can! There are 36 chapters of it in here to be update to 45 soon! As roses fade :) I'll update it later today.

    Oh! Furniture XD yes! Well doesn't it just?

    Yeah..... Expensive huh? But London is worth it. York is jut better though :p

    Rebels XD my favourer king of England got there by being a rebel. Okay a rebel with royal blood and entitlement but a rebel all the same XD so you can be a lad for sure!
    March 30th, 2014 at 09:19am
  • TheDevil'sSon

    TheDevil'sSon (100)

    United States
    @ KingSquishy
    Lol it was a joke to go with the stalker joke, XD

    Ah, I thought so! lol I'm suppose to be going to London soon to visit him if I ever save up the money -_-"

    Well then, your Majesty, I shall bow to you as well. Though, if you look at the avatar, I look more like a rebel punk than a "lady" XD

    Oh? Perhaps I can read it if you don't mind :)
    March 30th, 2014 at 09:15am
  • KingSquishy

    KingSquishy (1900)

    United Kingdom
    New furniture? 0.0 I am confused now!

    London is 4-6 hours away from Yorkshire or 3 by train. So quite far! But there are further places (e.g. Devon where I go every year.)

    I shall call you my lady then :) and bow each time I do. Even though I am a king (obviously, name, avatar I mean it's indisputable)!

    I'm glad you're inspired to write. I'm trying to work out what to do with one of my stories. I'm up to chapter 45 and must work out what to do next. Kill it?
    March 30th, 2014 at 08:43am
  • TheDevil'sSon

    TheDevil'sSon (100)

    United States
    @ KingSquishy
    Lol yes; by the way, I love the new furniture you got, matches your walls now XD And I thought so :) My boyfriend lives in London (not exactly sure how far away Yorkshire is from London) but I know a bit about England XD More than I do about the USA actually funny enough. Also, you're welcome :P

    Ok! Of course, once I get to writing. I think I got inspired now, oddly enough, thanks to a tornado that just blew through last night. It's always disastrous things that get me writing well lol

    Lol you can if you want XD
    March 30th, 2014 at 03:55am
  • KingSquishy

    KingSquishy (1900)

    United Kingdom
    Stalker! :P Yes, I am from Yorkshire! Just 40 miles from York itself. But there is more too it. I just think the Yorks were right And thnink England would have been a better place if Edward IV had done the decent thing and lived till his son was 18. But he didn't.... And so we got Richard III and BOOM! Here we are now -.- But I appreciate the bow :P

    Of course I would return the favour! Send me a link of anything you want me to read. I'll comment if you want me to as well :) I am sure your writers block will leave.Eventually it usually does.

    :O I have just realised what your user name says. Must I call you My Lady? :P
    March 29th, 2014 at 06:27am
  • TheDevil'sSon

    TheDevil'sSon (100)

    United States
    @ KingSquishy
    Hello! Boredom is a very hard thing to get rid off once it's attached to you, but I appreciate the greeting! It's also nice to meet you, your Majesty *bows* XD

    I wouldn't mind reading your works, I'm sure they're lovely to read! Although I would ask a return of the favor, once I start posting some of my own workings here. I must admit I'm in a bit of a "writer's block" and it's absolutely terrible! As for myself, I love to write all sorts of fictions as well! Romance, Horror, Drama, Mysteries, Fantasies, the works! lol Now, as for the Yorkist thing I'm assuming you're from Yorkshire?

    Oh no! Don't ever thing you're wasting my time! My time is open for anyone who wants it, lol. As you can see I am a very friendly person and don't mind meeting new people!

    I am well today, actually, thank you for asking! How are you feeling? (and of course I will talk to you :) As far as I'm concerned, you were officially deemed my friend once you commented on my profile! lol)
    March 29th, 2014 at 12:05am
  • KingSquishy

    KingSquishy (1900)

    United Kingdom

    Basically, I got really bored so thought I would go on a mass 'welcome to mibba young mibbian' spree. So here I am, saying hello to you. This means I should tell you something about me: I am super amazingly awesome! And as you can see from my name and avatar I am royalty :P Yes, I am king. Of everything. The world just does not know it yet.

    On a more serious note? I AM DESPERATELY IN NEED OF READERS! As you joined a creative writing site, well. I thought it would be a place to start. I write all sorts. From thrillers to medieval history stories (based around the Wars of the Roses - An English civil war.) I am also a really loyal Yorkist... But you probably won't get that :O Oh no.

    Well I am wasting your time now, and filling your comments page.

    Basically. Hello :) How are you? And pretty please talk to me. :)

    That is all.

    Bye bye now!
    March 28th, 2014 at 04:48pm