kazama_ren / Comments

  • babe, ya know what?
    you study, you get rich, you die before you have a chance to spend your money. life. bites.
    random thought; HAHA, chao.
    February 14th, 2010 at 03:06pm
  • happy v-day! = D
    February 11th, 2010 at 03:13pm
  • twinkie

    February 11th, 2010 at 07:45am
  • You should be proud!
    I've only been to like... Poland and Germany, and stuff.
    And ofc places in Norway, but how interesting is your own country when it's the size of a peanut compared to every other country, and most of it looks the same? And besides, I live in the only part of Norway worth seeing.
    But actually, Poland was... mindblowing. My class went there with an organiation called the white busses, and we went to see the concentration camps after WW2. You wouldn't belive it, it was so... Horrible. We went through the museeums, and there were displayes of several [i]tons[/i] of human hair, where some of it was still braided, which the nazies used to sow their uniforms, and there were shoes, millions of millions of shoes, and clothes, and teeth, and glasses and... And we went to see the gas chambers. Four million people dead, in one room.
    I cried for most of the stay there. All the stories the people there told. It was awful.

    BUT ANYWAY: i got reaaaally far off track there, didn't I? :o
    Role playing sounds fun :)
    You should write more, and post it here so I can read it :) You're really good.
    And now I'm going to bed, far too late, as usual :)
    January 28th, 2010 at 12:44am
  • Haha, well my dream is to get a proper edu, and finish it when I'm like... 23, and then I want to see the world, visit USA, see Europe, the Eiffeltower, Ibiza, San Tropez, Japan, Brazil, ya know.. And then I'm gonna come back to Norway, fall back on my education, get one hell of a job, one hell of a man, and make lots of babies while being rich :)
    That's my plan.
    Well, allthough rp-ing doesn't really make sense to me, it sure sounds interesting :) Are there like communities online that offer these kinds of services?
    Oh and also, I read Vermillion. Gave me the creeps.
    January 27th, 2010 at 11:14pm
  • Haha, yeah, it'll probably be a lot of work, but.... all for educations sake, eh?
    I'm gonna be crazy rich when I get old.
    Oh, he's so great :)
    I think you're gonna have to explain role playing for me, cause aren't all those people real?
    Oh, and can you believe The Rev died??
    January 27th, 2010 at 07:09pm
  • not excactly college, we have a different school system here, so I'm sort of applying for an adanced high school of sorts. but i'm really exited for that actually, hoping to be an foreign exchange student my second year and everything:D
    yes, a boyfriend:D actually, he's my friend's older brother, and he would walk around their house in his boxers, or with just a pair of jeans on, and I would be all PHEW! that is hot! *fans herself*
    so anyways, rp-ing huh? what sort of games do you play then? :)
    January 26th, 2010 at 06:22pm
  • I feel like all the guys I used to know have all disappeared ): I had a break as well for like.. two months, and I came back quite recently, and everyone were gone ):
    Well, I'm having crazy weeks these days, I have to figure out what school I want to go to, and apply to that school, and there's thousands of forms and everything, so I'm... scared. And also, my exams are coming up in May, and these last months will be like.. study, study, study, so I'm exited about that... -.-
    Got meself a boy tho :D:D
    I'm sorry, minor languageproblem, rp-ing? :)
    January 26th, 2010 at 03:05pm
  • I've been pretty great thanks!
    As you may see on my profile I've made a clean start, just deleted everything and started over :)
    How have you been? Not much on mibba?
    Too long, it has been, sweet Lei:D
    January 25th, 2010 at 04:47pm
  • You used to, my name is Karoline, I don't know if you remember me? You used to call me Karly and shit, back in my fan-fiction days... I wrote a Jimmy Sullivan-fic D: Uhh... 'Do you think love can grow from the ashes of hate' or something, haha.
    I was going through my inbox, deleting everything, and I found these long letters between me and this Kazama_Ren person, and I clicked them and there you were!
    I completely understand if you don't remember me or anything, it was like over a year ago... :)
    January 25th, 2010 at 03:11pm
  • oh my god, lei? D:
    January 1st, 2010 at 04:01am
    I know, I think it's my duty to sound like your mum or something. but you loooooooooooooooove me. I know. XD

    we've had too much talk over people who take life too seriously so I think we pretty much are in love with the idea of having a [i]little[/i] fun with life. Gotta laugh at yourself sometime, right.

    HAHA- oh, but I have kicked their asses. I mean, as the youngest, I do have to right to boss them around and get them to pay for... well, everything. I should do that more often, ask them to spend on me. ideaaaaaa. :D

    Looking like that, I bet.
    But I think he'll put on some weight for the new album release though. He has to look good for the press and signings. and I bet people are probably gonna bring enough food to the events to feed the entire Warped Tour. He's probably looking like that due to writing songs of misery that we enjoy so much for the album.

    I have no idea how his new hair looks, but really, I wanna jump him. despite me really hating him, I want to jump him.

    LOL, miss them.
    [i]"Separating souls entwined in all these labyrinthine lies"[/i]
    November 28th, 2009 at 01:33pm
  • see, at the end of the day, I'm always right. It's ironic that I make more sense and I'm younger than you. *shakes head* but then again, we balance each other out. :D

    LOL- because we've been writing about rockstars so much that pissing people off comes so easily for us. I've been going to one my friend's blog and going, "am I annoying you, am I, am I?!" that was fun. she got so bloody pissed off and almost blocked me from her blog. XDDDD

    but you're already of age to go watch anything you freaking want, so that's bloody unfair. pft. I was having dinner with my cousins the other day and all of them are at least above sixteen so they were planning to go watch a movie after our meal. then they turned to me and asked, "Are you sixteen yet?" when i said no, they all laughed. Being the youngest sucks. I feel so incompetent.

    and let's just hope he gets on a few more pounds so he wouldn't bloody look like death on legs. we gotta start printing posters.

    seems like even Kame is hate-able now. *shakes head* what's happening to the world?!

    [i]"Life couldn't get better, HEY!"[/i]
    November 28th, 2009 at 03:04am
  • okay, I had my whole reply typed out but I clicked outside the comment box. I hate me.

    wait, is this the result of not sleeping for four days? ya know, the conversations we had prior to this. See, THIS is what you get when you deprive yourself, Lei. Sleep wants payback. PAYBACK! I told you it wasn't healthy! -god, I sound like my mum.
    But I think acting high's fun though. Because at least you have an excuse of pissing people of when you're on meds. Okay, I think we both agree that we piss people off even when we're not on meds so doesn't really apply. I gets its.

    because then, children will be exposed to pornography. Then again, pornography is walking our streets. *cough*[i]Jin[/i]*cough* stupid Japanese asshole.

    and that's why he needs a woman. If we were to put him under a matchmaking agency, I bet the agency's gonna get a hell of a lotta business. [i]"Criteria; Tall, dark, devilishly handsome. Lanky though, with a hint of looking like he hasn't been fed in three months.[/i]"
    The fangirls that'll storm in. *shakes head*

    I don't think so. Cause the Japanese media is really equivalent to Hollywood, so I'm doubting that he has tied the knot. And I haven't seen him, or anyone in KATTUN, except Jin, in the news lately. I've no idea what they're up to.

    [i]"Follow me!"[/i]
    that's basically all I remember from that song.
    November 27th, 2009 at 03:21am
  • lol, understooded.
    what happened to you? are you fine now?
    hey, at least what you've typed made sense- you're not as knocked out as you think you are. and yes, I totally understand. I took this type of antibiotics I wasn't used to, I think two or three years back, and acted as if I was on drugs. seriously.

    I wanna watch that too! but sadly, I'm not eighteen. fucking stupid ratings.
    a7x; yeah, I know about the Slash thing too and that their new album will be out next year. when, I've no idea. I'm highly anticipating Screamworks next year, I haven't paid attention to any of the sevenfold boys.
    I can't wait till the HIM album's out though, the cover looks promising. Hell, the tracklist looks promising. Because it's Valo. need I more reasons?

    ah, yes. Too much skin rather.
    and I read some where, he spent a little more time on set doing [i]things[/i] with the female model and, well that's just gross. especially if both are naked. I've seen Yamapi's and even Jun's An-An shoots- Jin wins them all in terms of provocativeness. *shudders*
    HAHA- I think he's married. hell, they've been saying that KOKI is married. seriously, the media can't wait to marry off the KAT-TUN boys. or at least create more scandal.

    [i]"it doesn't matter where you are, where you go or what you do, you can't stop my heart from loving you...[/i]
    I'm not even sure if those lyrics are correct but I love Duncan James.
    November 26th, 2009 at 01:12pm
  • ._. HAHA, well that reason's quite valid.

    see, we're already one step ahead.
    next thing I know, we'd be taking over the White House, then North Korea, then the UNIVERSE! -really reflects on why I like to say the phrase "to hell and beyond" doesn't it?

    age, and the people around me- primarily. hell, even the guys are dancing to their songs. seriously. and we're supposed to be the ones orgasming.
    oh, gone are the days that I write bad Jimmy Sullivan fics. HAH- I was watching All Access the other day and couldn't stop laughing at Syn imitating his mum. totally wtf moment.

    ah, I knew those would affect him one way or another. XD
    should've just stuck to humiliating his career on the boards. But alas, his hotness(before) caught up. Oh, by the way, how's Junno?

    [i]"There's an army lovers, dying to meet you, dying to make your acquaintance"[/i]
    I hate Lee Ryan but he has such fantastic songs.
    November 22nd, 2009 at 03:24pm
  • Oh, the third film?
    that Matsuyama(or something) dude is awesome though.
    I feel like watching Detroit Metal City all over again.

    well, we've listed out characteristics there, so okay. haha.
    so it's zoo animals then. after which we'll progress into taking over the world, yes.

    Well, yeah, I'm still into them. But then again, I have moved on into Korean territory. I feel so... cliche. seriously. Is it my fault that Kpop has taken over Singaporean shores lately? Everyone's going crazy over the Korean Domyouji.

    he sticks out his tongue in every single freaking picture now. disturbing. I think, maybe, just maybe, he'd come out as a sex addict, just after Russel Brand. Those pictures strewn about on the web must mean something.
    somehow, I feel like I'm ruining his career by typing this(not that he hasn't done that himself though).

    LOL- I have slept way too much to win against that so...
    no, I still got nothing.
    November 21st, 2009 at 02:10pm
  • You mean Death Note
    but no, i haven't seen death note yet either so whatever. meh.

    why not we just pack werewolves and zombies also? It'll be like a Halloween themed zoo. *shrugs*

    I moved on. trust me. I've been doing random checks on Valo's and Holopainen's wiki and youtube pages though. because they still hot and rock'n'roll. Though Valo looks like massive shit.
    oh, and I checked out the Arashi PV where you(or someone) said that Jun's voice has improved- I agree, it has. Tremendously. But I salute Ohno, his voice is just plain fantastic. And Nino should start his own band. as in rock band. Aiba just still sounds gay.

    About Jin- I know! and it's not sexy at all.
    if anything, he looks smug right now. Even Kame didn't look so smug. and Kame looks smug, trust me. turn off.

    [i]"Twinkle, twinkle little star.."[/i]
    November 19th, 2009 at 10:27am
  • I think I'm watching Gokusen tomorrow. You watched it already?

    I know exactly what you mean. It's like, when lions move, their bone structure just... glides... so gracefully and sometimes, just sometimes, it reminds me of Finnish men. Really. I don't know why but maybe I have a secret fetish over bones sticking out.

    well have you [i]looked[/i] at our conversation?
    normalcy can never take place in any of our lives, if it does, hell will freeze over. Especially if we're talking about Finnish or Japanese men. Ah, and talking about Japanese, I find Jin quite disgusting now. so.. bleah.

    HAHA- totally different song, definitely.
    [i]umbrella, ella, ella- eh, eh, eh[/i]
    because it's raining. *shrugs*
    November 19th, 2009 at 10:12am
  • I AM BACK! sorry, I hated mibba for a few days and didn't open it once. I got over that phase.

    THAT is why you should join my army of zoo animals. so that we don't have to listen to the retarded mutterings of human beings. but since there will be two human beings controlling the army, naming me and you, if one of us was to start acting like an insolent brat, I will make sure that a penguin will push one of us off a deck with it's fingers. yes, fingers.

    that's so not fair. really.
    yeah right. your public displays of vampirism(yes, it's a word), especially on mibba, just somehow didn't set people off by thinking that you're really [i]not[/i] a hybrid of some sort, right? L:D

    what song? Sorry, Sorry? REALLY?
    I've a feeling that we're really not talking about the same song here.
    [i]Heal the world, make it a better place....[/i]
    I just heard that song, so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
    November 19th, 2009 at 06:11am