Poppette / Comments

  • @ LivE.LiFe.RanDoM
    I wish we had squirrels, how cute!

    Hahah I can't stand the tropical feel humidity. There's nothing worse than it already being hot and gross and trying to breathe humid air. Luckily down this way we normally just have dry hot days which is survivable.

    Our school year starts late January - early February. There's. A two week break over Easter which then ends terms one. Then another two week break in about June/July to end term two and the first semester. Another two week break late September to end term three and then school finishes for the year late November early December depending in what year/grade you're in.

    We also don't have junior high and all that other stuff either. Most kids go to kindergarten which is completely separate from the school system it's basically just a means of getting kids used to being away from their parents for most of the day. Primary school is the first step and starts in prep and ends at grade 6, so you're about twelve. Then you move on to high school and in most cases it's the same school facility for another six years until you're in year 12 and graduating. That being said a fair chunk of the boys in high school and a few of the girls leave at the end if year ten when they're about sixteen to begin apprenticeships. University is generally peoples next step but a fair amount of people defer until they know what they want to study or just don't go, there's always opportunities for paid traineeship and things for people to get job specific experience and qualifications and a heap of institutes who offer short courses and diplomas to up skill.
    April 4th, 2015 at 12:18am
  • Yeah, that doesn't happen where I live. If my dog is barking at a tree it's because a squirrel ran up it.

    I love stupid jokes, but only when I make them. If someone else does they're just stupid. I guess that makes me kind of hypocritical. Only a little bit though. ahaha.

    And it's been like... let's see in the celsius conversion it's be like -12 where I am. Now it's starting to warm up though.Now it's like 4C. I HATE HUMIDITY. It's actually the worst. You know how people jokingly say rain is god crying? Well humidity is god sweating and saying screw you.

    Wait... like beginning of the school year or...? Do you have school throughout the whole year? I don't know how different countries work. I guess it's my horrible American elitism.

    Nope, no mutated bugs here. So I'd say, I'm doing pretty good.
    March 30th, 2015 at 02:35am
  • @ LivE.LiFe.RanDoM
    Erghhhhhhhhhh I hate when bugs becom immune to our defences and get super gross and you can't get rid of them!!! It seriously stresses me out!!! My dog literally started barking like a psycho just as I read "bats and sharks and just creatures" and this HUGE bat flew out of our plum tree hahah creepy!

    Hahha I laughed!! I love lame jokes and puns almost as much as I love classically funny ones.

    Boy is it summer, it's been in the 30's (Celsius) all week, although this summer has been super crazy compared to normal heaps of thunderstorms and stuff which I won't complain about - only except for how muggy everything gets. The school year pretty much just started here so I don't have to see or hear anymore annoying kids running round town during the day now!

    I'm great! Nothing too exciting to report I don't think, what about you??
    February 16th, 2015 at 12:06pm
  • That and the fact that the things we do have are mutating. I read an article about some insect... I think bed bugs and how they're mutating into a different species of bed bug. It was concerning and horrible. ahaha. I happened to watch a video about Australia and like you guys have so much wildlife going on. Bats and sharks and just creatures. I don't know. My wildlife is extremely docile.

    That's why they're called "Sweat"-ers. Okay, that was really unfunny... I might've still laughed though.

    I always forget it's your summer. So it's like summer break...? Which is weird because it's my winter break. ahhh. That hurts my head.

    So since I've been super neglectful and am horrible with responding, it's been a while. How are you? Anything new and super exciting in your life I need to know about? Come across any strange, mutated bed bugs lately?
    February 13th, 2015 at 06:12am
  • @ LivE.LiFe.RanDoM
    I hadn't but then I googled it and wished I hadn't!
    It's just so terrifying and then it makes me think like what animals or insects or whatever have we not found in so where such as the very heart of the amazon or something you know... Like we still have so much unexplored territory!

    Oh we have them and wear them Christmas Eve at night time when they don't make you sweat your face off! Haha

    Boxing Day is the day after christmas kind of like your Black Friday. So bizarre haha considering it's our summer it's the end of the school year so we get like 6 or more week off. My work completely closes from about December 19th to Jan 5th which is pretty stock standard for most businesses unless it's a good place or supermarket it what have you
    January 1st, 2015 at 09:06am
  • Did you see the footage of the new fish they found in Mariana Trench? It's so crazy there are so many species we don't know about. More terrifying deep sea critters. I mean you can't even say there isn't a fish that exists and does that. But yeah, I'm with you. Make believe or not.

    Ugly Christmas sweaters are my favorite. I asked for one a couple years ago and literally everyone I know bought me one. I have enough to cloth an ugly Christmas sweater army. Nope, what exactly is boxing day? Is that when you put all the gifts you don't like and rewrap them in a box and bring them back to the store? ahaha. Well, most schools have from Christmas to New Years off. Since I'm in college I get a month off. As for work schedules, that depends on the employer.

    December 31st, 2014 at 11:39pm
  • @ LivE.LiFe.RanDoM
    Oh my lord!!!! Deep sea fish are the most terrifying things in the whole world!! Also in primary school some girl once told me there was this fish that lays in the sand and it's hard and if you step on it it could bite your whole foot off. Looking back it's absurd I know, but nope no thank you that pretend make believe fish can stay the hell away from me!!

    I hope you had a wonderful christmas!! It's so strange to me that you can actually wear a christmas sweater without sweating your face off!! Also that you don't have Boxing Day or that everyone in the country isn't on holidays you guys just have christmas and go right back to work and school and stuff right?
    December 27th, 2014 at 12:35am
  • I could understand it. When I hear about how deep the ocean is it kind of freaks me out. So much uncharted territory. Not to mention the angler fish from Finding Nemo may or may not have petrified me.

    I hope you had a good Christmas... even thought it's summer where you are. That's so strange to me.
    December 26th, 2014 at 08:27am
  • @ LivE.LiFe.RanDoM
    Exactly!! It's always so weird to think there are all these other people in the world who lead their whole existence that you don't and never will know. But like they're so similar in that they have the same worries and aspiration and the same things keep them up at night!

    No, I can't surf my nephew is learning and my boyfriend and his brother are pretty good. I'd love to try it but deep ocean freaks me out. Urgh I took out dog to the beach like a week ago and there were jelly fish everywhere!so annoying
    December 21st, 2014 at 12:28am
  • I think that all comes with the territory that there's so many things happening all at the same time that you don't even know about. Like that whole thing about how everyone has an intricate life separate from your own but so much alike. It's so strange.

    That's true. Do surf? I think my goal is to learn if I come to Australia. Subsequently, my second goal would be to avoid sharks and killer jellies.
    December 17th, 2014 at 05:47am
  • @ LivE.LiFe.RanDoM
    I've spent my whole Sunday at the beach, thinking your in snow is so weird!!!

    At least you'll still get some nice days, just remember it all depends on where you go
    November 30th, 2014 at 07:39am
  • My car is covered in snow. I'm super happy to trade places with you if you want.

    I keep having to remind myself that I want to come to Australia during the summer... here, which makes it winter there. I'm not leaving my warm summer for your semi-cold and possibly snowy winter. ahaha. Dreams crushed.

    I guess someone else always has it better, right?
    November 28th, 2014 at 07:48am
  • @ LivE.LiFe.RanDoM
    Haha oh I see what you did there!! It probably sounds like it, but it isn't hahah

    Oh god I'd love snow, although today was cold we've had sunny blue skies and tops about 30 (Celsius) most weekends.
    November 14th, 2014 at 11:41am
  • Australia seems so wild... who knew? ahaha. That's funny... kangaroos down under (water). See what I did there? Okay, it's not actually funny, I know.

    It's warming up? I wish! Want to trade places with me? We had our first snow tonight and it's November. NOVEMBER. I'm going to drown in snow.
    November 14th, 2014 at 06:04am
  • @ LivE.LiFe.RanDoM
    Yeah there are some crazy stories about kangaroos. They're super strong so they can paddle pretty long distances. Not sure if they go under. I don't think so.

    True, we've just got psycho animals everywhere haha.
    Though that being said I wouldn't say I'm ever in immediate danger leaving my house or anything.

    Oh how fun!! It's warming up here which is gross!!
    November 6th, 2014 at 07:11am
  • Kangaroos wil drown dogs!?
    This is news to me. Why don't they show killer kangaroos on Animal Planet? That's so crazy. I'm still stuck on the fact that they don't sink the moment they're in water. Do they go under the water too?

    That's true. But still, we don't have anything where i am that's an immediate danger... maybe like a rabid raccoon... or like wasps. ahaha.

    I'm doing well(: I can't believe i only have a couple weeks left of term! Thank god. i'll be able to write 24/7 during winter break.
    November 6th, 2014 at 04:41am
  • @ LivE.LiFe.RanDoM
    Kangaroos are insane!! They can swim pretty big distances. My parents were up North when they were younger and had their dog at a river type place and the locals warned them not to take her off the leash because the kangaroos would swim out and drown her....

    I've gone camping in the bush heaps of times and never been bitten by a thing. I've only seen a handful of snakes and about two were super dangerous ones. I think you just have to keep your wits about you and be smart- as a kid I was always taught that I was in their home and I think that's the safest way to be.

    I'm great! How are you? How's everything going?
    November 1st, 2014 at 11:34pm
  • I like the choice of wording, "creeps".

    Kangaroos can swim...? I had no idea. I'm going to google this. I have a wicked mental image... don't they kind of have T-Rex arms?

    Bushes sound super dangerous. I read an article about how people always want to go to Australia because of all the wild life yet all of the wild life will kill you. From spiders to snakes and even the furry creatures like kangaroos. How does anyone even survive? ahaha.

    Anyway, it's been a while. How are you?
    November 1st, 2014 at 08:15am
  • @ LivE.LiFe.RanDoM
    There's me and a girl I work with and we both hate bananas and everyone else things we're creeps haha.

    It generally depends on where you live. I live in the second biggest town/ city in my state and our population is well over 200,000 and if you head out less than 10-15 minutes away you'll see some. A lot of the time if there's dense bush around they'll be hanging out near people's houses and stuff, there used to be this huge problem a while back with kangaroos invading golf courses haha. Emus aren't as popular, the last time I saw them in the wild was when we went camping in a state park pretty much nowhere near civilisations. Both just kind of live in the bush, they can both protect themselves extremely well and kangaroos are nasty and can swim so... Hahaha
    October 18th, 2014 at 09:51am
  • That's so crazy. I couldn't imagine a banana ever being that much. You're really are my soul mate though. Every time I say I hate bananas people look at me like i'm crazy.

    So I just saw a video about Australia and there was just random kangaroos on the side of the street. Is that for real? Where do kangaroos even live? Like... do they have boroughs... or in trees? Are they like birds!? Wait... do the emu live in trees?
    October 18th, 2014 at 04:35am